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Paylei Rose Mar 2019
Anxiety is like this open box
You are in the center
Sometimes this box is clear and light
These are your good days
This dark might go cloudy
This is when you fog over
Your memory goes hazy and you don't know where you are
When the box goes colorful, it stays hazy
This is called dissociation
Overwhelming of your senses, makes you feel insane
This all starts to go away until the darkness creeps in
The box is slowly getting darker
As you start to panic
This is called an anxiety attack
Stuck in your own head
as you start to shake and scream
The box comes completely black as the depression
It only stays for a little while
But it's still scary, nonetheless
Then the day is finally over, the box starts to go white
As you drift off the sleep to start the cycle
All over again
Hunter Sep 2018
I like to be in my room with the lights off
I like the way darkness feels as it wraps it’s cold hand around me
I like how quiet the lack of light can appear to be
And how loud it is when you learn to listen

I like when there are no street lights on outside my window
When I’m not the only one covered in the blackness of the night
It is so hard to feel alone when everyone is the same
Stuck in the timeless embrace of shadows


Again and again the sun will rise
And it will cover the earth as if it had never left
Leaving the opposite to feel what i had felt
Warming my face with the daily schedule

When the sun is up I have to do everything
When the sun is down I get to do anything
The biggest difference imaginable by just two words
Could be the reason anyone ever truly lives
The dimming of the light,
Hidden things no longer
To me a source of fright,
Dim light made me stronger.

Receding in shadows,
Where the scene used to be
Of personal gallows,
In place once to hang me.

This darkness I welcome,
Adjusted to my eyes
While other who would come,
Too blind to realize.

In the blackness I’ve been,
I love comfortably
Lit by my fire within,
But no one can touch me.
Instagram @insightshurt
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Nope Aug 2018
I still love you

I won’t ever stop
You’re amazing
Wish we never finished
Called it quits
You were my mop
Supposedly “cleaned” me up
But really just diluted the mess
I appreciate it
Now it accumulates

I’m going crazy

I won’t ever be loved the same
miki Jul 2018
if you were to look inside yourself
what do you think you would see?
a puppy chasing cars
or a happy family?
or would you see a beast
devouring your insides,
ripping you to shreds,
cutting you with knives?
would you see all blackness
just simply nothing at all?
or a monster called depression
who’s building you a wall
to block you off from reality
so you will just be gone
from this devilish toxic home,
where you just don’t belong.
Eslam Dabank Jun 2018
Failure of love, fired at my soul
Bullets of lonliness hit my bones
In the heart Left ashes of emotions,
Cut the thin paper I had of joyness
With your lyrically-killing scissors.
Was your intention me leaving?

Is that a smile I haven't seen before?
Is that a kiss you don't didn't ask for?
Is there a new love you believe in?
Is he a sun, you seek for its core?
Your coldness is never fed. Not enough.
Always wants more.

Pain of missing is all I recieved
The ghosts you made now are my lead
Look at my eyes, can what you did see?
They're vacant, empty.
There's no glow in them
You had finished my story. Not happily.

With the reflection of the lamp,
on my tears,
You can see,
the only glow you left for me.

20-11-20-00 is your number.
But don't worry, I won't ever call
Into the unknown I won't again fall
You have crashed me into pieces
Gathering them now, is impossible.
I wonder if you know my number too.

From my mum's womb I was born
And in your actions tomb was drown.
This is my first freezing july
Without you it is, I won't lie.
Uta Jun 2018
She gave him with her cold elvish crystal hands,

a bottle of starlight,

that will protect him from the evil outside and it's poisoning blackness,

for it will show him that there will always be light in his life.

He gave her with his warm, ***** and damaged humanly hands,

a pearl from a shell, from its wavey sea,

of which men have traveled upon for many years.

It will remind her of what a man can give when having a clean and kind soul.

Till this day she has the pearl,

and it makes her smile,

every time when she sees it,

as if,

a human and an elf were meant to be,

a mortal with an immortal.
Comment and tell me what you think!

(the first short part was from Lord of The Rings when Galadriel gives Frodo a  small crystal bottle of liquid which contains the light of Eärendil's star in the water of Galadriel's fountain. Other is all made up ofc.)
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