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Lyn-Purcell Oct 2017
Upon every body of man and woman alike

are scars. While we are walking memories,

the scars are marks of various journeys

that life inflicts. While we trudge and trudge

and trudge and trudge, our true selves

scream to be heard. To be free of the demons

born in the wombs of the mind and heart.

Life inflict scars. Scars sing with stories.

And stories are all that live on in the end

for we never truly die, as our legends

Every scar on us is a reminder that we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for
ZT Oct 2017
The roaring of the sky has stopped
The flames of war have died
Enemies are gone
Soldiers have been lost
But the people remembers

Fragments of war are never beautiful
Memories of war are painful
Things lost to war are always sorrowful
But they must all be remembered
For the sake of the people who could never return
For the sake of the people who has lost the home to go back to
For the sake of a country who lost their citizen, be it friend or foe
for the sake of the mother who weeps for her family
Her children have different views and one must die for one to live

The roaring of the sky has stopped
The flames of war have died
Enemies are gone
Soldiers have been lost
But the people remembers
Angela Rose Oct 2017
I am a huntress.
I sink my teeth into what is mine until I draw blood
My prey never comes easy

I am a huntress.
I lurk and linger around until I find what I crave
My prey is left scarred with teeth marks

I am a huntress.
I do not fear the darkness, in fact I strive in it
My prey will not see me coming

I am a huntress.
I protect what is mine and I will attack any predatory threat
My prey is mine and mine only

I am a huntress.
I hunt down hearts near and far and I keep them entrapped within me
My prey does not know how good he has it
Mister J Oct 2017
What is this wretched feeling?
That eats all my happiness away
What is this weary feeling?
That secretly tears me away
What is this heavy feeling?
My chest being crushed by the weight
What is this dreadful feeling?
No matter what I do it doesn't dissipate

No matter how much I cry out
Nobody wants to listen
No matter how loud I scream
Nobody can hear my pleas
I feel like no one cares about me
Would you please help me?

Sometimes I just want to disappear
And take an adventure to a life without sadness
Would dying lead me to
A pain-free afterlife?
If Death greets me and brings calm
To my grieving, bleeding heart
I guess I won't hesitate
I just need to get out of here

Imagine that?
You still live in the flesh but
Your soul is way beyond rotten
And yet you can't do anything
But whisper it in silence
My heart pumps blood
But it never really is beating
My days go by without me struggling
Thinking about what to do with my life

I am depressed
It's no joke
I feel bad about me everytime
I see them getting somewhere
in this life but I'm still stuck
In the middle of

Can I really turn this around on my own?
I don't know what I should do?
I still want to live but everyday
I'm dying inside

I'm just depressed
I may also be insane
I don't know if I'm manic
Or just really anxious
So will anyone just sit down
And listen to me?

Listen to me?
Help me please?
Empathize with my suffering?
Hear me out?
Will you just stop?
And will you just
Listen to me?




I need help..

Will you help me?
From the perspective of a person suffering from depression
anj Oct 2017
If you would get to see my mind
You would see how hard I try
How hard I try to put different masks on everyday
Just to feel alright.

You would get to hear how i'm battling myself
How I plan my own death every night
And how hard it is for me to forget that there are people
People who love, and care for me.

You would get to feel, feel what I've been feeling
The sadness inside me, i'm slowly getting used to it
The battles inside me are endless
And you, you would die inside my mind

My mind is so deep, deep as the ocean
So many endless battles, between me and society
These oceans you can't swim
Because you care less
And even the people close to me
Can't notice these oceans inside me
So I wrote this poem randomly because I've been battling depression ever since I was a kid. The thought of me not being understood by the people that are close to me and the people that I love really breaks me the most. Also, I've tried so hard to make those people happy in many ways but the only thing they give back to me is more heartbreaking.  till now, I still suffer from it and this is a battle that the only winning solution is to feel the people who are suffering from this state to. Depression isn't just a word, it's more than that. I WILL not quit this battle. I will fight and I know I can.
Haruharu Oct 2017
Still I cry

Remembering everything

Preventing myself from moving on

No matter how far I've come,
how much time has passed

It's still there, like a fresh wound

Every day is a battle against the past

I'm a prisoner of our memories
Arabella B Oct 2017
There once was a small girl
She always had a smile on her face
No matter what happened nothing seemed to phase her
Then one day that smile faltered
She had a monster in her brain
No one knew that something was wrong
Then one day it turned to hell
People noticed her weight loss
People noticed her flighty look during lunch
No one knew she was going through pain
All because  of one day
They forced her to eat
They forced her sit
They didn’t realize all this was a monster’s doing

People’s life stories are not what they seem
People like you and me each hold something hidden
Deep inside our heart
This world is becoming more self centered
Girls must be skinny
Guys must be Manly
The world forces us to be a certain way
Heartbreak is common
Calories must be counted
A smile must be across everyone’s face

Fast forward that Little girls life
She’s a 7th grader now
School is fine
She likes her classes and her teachers are great
But there is a voice in her head saying she will never be good
People telling her that wasn’t true
Her best friend turning on her
Her brain confused
What did she do?
How can she fix this
Then terrible news comes upon her ears
Her best friend’s mother and step father are gone
Two people who she loved so much
Two people who had a special place in her heart are now gone
Now she must deal with Grief at 13 years old
Life felt empty felt meaningless for that girl

People’s life stories are not what they seem
People like you and me each hold something hidden
Deep inside our heart
This world is becoming more self centered
Girls must be skinny
Guys must be Manly
The world forces us to be a certain way
Heartbreak is common
Calories must be counted
A smile must be across everyone’s face

A few years later she’s now a freshman
Life has become weird without them in her life
She now has a new best friend one that treats her right
Yet there is this feeling that she can’t shake
Why must the world hate
She hears the rumors the things they say
Her brain agreeing with them
She know she’ll never be perfect
Soon she begins to feel hate towards her
She can do nothing right
Her sun is now dark
Covered by clouds
She thought that she might never feel the light again
That monster was now back but in a different form

People’s life stories are not what they seem
People like you and me each hold something hidden
Deep inside our heart
This world is becoming more self centered
Girls must be skinny
Guys must be Manly
The world forces us to be a certain way
Heartbreak is common
Calories must be counted
A smile must be across everyone’s face

As the Years go on That little girl learns how to deal
That monster never letting her escape
Whispering sweet nothings into her ear
To keep her in his Grasp
She keeps silent to protect those around her
Stress is always with in her
It’s surprising she hasn’t been hospitalized yet
The Strongest of Hearts are always the Most Broken
The Saddest of people always cheer others up
But No one ever notices that she falls in love with this monster
Her life would be meaningless without him
Just like Romeo and Juliet this is a Tragedy from the Beginning
Lost in her world no one can shake her awake
Soon she will disappear into the Darkness with her new found Lover
The only person to know the real her

People’s life stories are not what they seem
People like you and me each hold something hidden
Deep inside our heart
This world is becoming more self centered
Girls must be skinny
Guys must be Manly
The world forces us to be a certain way
Heartbreak is common
Calories must be counted
A smile must be across everyone’s face

Now this little girl is almost all grown up
Almost 17 starting to drive
She’s been on an uphill battle
But she won’t fail
That monster still lives with in her
Not letting her escape
But She knows how to control him
But sometimes he becomes powerful again
And takes over her mind
It’s a rocky path from here on out
But she won’t lose to someone who is so shallow
That he doesn’t have the guts to come out
Cause That Little girl is me
I have the wounds from all my battles
And I’m trying to win this battle
In a war I never asked to join
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
Waking up hostile
keeps my mind
reasonable clear
A reason for existence
When there is nothing left
of all that I once held dear

Righteous indignation
constant as a plague
Brutal vicious sense
of vengeance that
is overwhelming
over me

Arising to do battle
Awakening in force
Confronting all that tells me
to forget it and just go on

I do walk on
Mile after mile
Listening to the thoughts
coursing through my mind

Surely I know
I am then
tasked and able
to recover what
then was mine
And once again
will be my own

Surely I walk on.


Robert Lee Sep 2017
The rush begins
I open my eyes
A glint of sunlight
The baby cries

Soon a man
How time flies
In big school now
With blazar and ties

The drum beats faster
Like the heart of a storm
No time to run
We all shall morn

If life is small
And death is large
Then why do we waste it
At the bugles charge
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