You could be the sun or, the sky that holds the moon. You could be that late bloomer in June. You can grow old in a fountain of youth. You could outwit the world and steal it's fruit or, you could be influence.
Our minds have struck an absence of freedom. You can't find you, because your a shell of the idols you believe in. Ideas are blossoms of thoughts and they grasped your opinion to harvest a season. Vampieric, society ******* leeches. Impeachment is weak, when it doesn't take a genius to see how they handle a slain princess in the streets. The Media's in the pyramid scheme of things, owned by fear mongoring kings. Who steal from the poor. Countries of religion they've torn. Aboriginal decimated, made alcoholics and forced. To grow in an artificial environment. Black face worn. Disney scores off making virgins ******. Our hard money pours, into fighting Israeli wars. Maybe this world needs to be torched.