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Jeremy Betts Jan 25
I literally can't explain
How I'm still here;
Every single attempt
Year after year
Went bottoms up
On a fresh bottle of Unisom®
Two bottles of the same blue
At the same time
THREE bottles
But this time
Of the extra strength variety
A 96 count in each
One swipe of a blade
Straight across
Horizon inspiration
Two more swipes
From left to right
Both left and right respectively
At an angle this time
Eyes closed before a five story attempt to fly
Minus wings
What have I learned?
Only that the next one
Don't worry,
I'll get it right eventually
Trust me
You'll all see
I'll be
The hero in my story
Slaying the beast,
Escaping this purgatory
Ending this tragedy
The only way I know how
I don't know how
Pageantry turned reality
This final bow is just that
A final bow
Please don't remember me

Is this to much? Does it make you uncomfortable? Sorry not sorry. I'm only relaying my reality
Jeremy Betts Jan 16
Attempting new
Creative endeavors
Reluctant at first,
Old habits fear change
Steadily pushing to prove
To myself
Can grow

~ Acrostic ~
A poetic written composition where the first letter of each line spells out a word, phrase, or message.
The word Acrostic comes from the Greek word akrostichís, which is a combination of acro- (end or extremity) and stich (a line of poetry)
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
I love you deeply, profoundly
Yet you are unable to love me back
Sweetheart, it is a fact
That’s torturing me.

Many unanswered calls and texts
Many unsuccessful attempts
I found myself drowning in sadness
Where the sun shines much less.

It is painful to be purposely ignored
I’m in deep anxiety; I am bored
This unrefined, unrequited love
Is decorticating me. Holy Spirit above!

I love you dearly, tenderly
But you ignored my letters
My heart is being devoured by tigers
My queen is not present in my life.

Copyright © December, 2004, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2024
Landed on my own footsteps, I must I've been waking
in circles – with my gaze lowered. I crafted another poem,
weaving it with the chords of a guitar hidden beneath
my tongue, and shared a golden joke for the silver lining
of my soul.

My eyes, like polished bronze, seek a third reason to embrace
love, — fully aware of how swiftly I would chase after it, if
it dared to stay just out of reach. Oh, his path remains an
endless circle.
Maitsholo Feb 2021
It treated me with extreme cruelty
I tried to run away from it
but I kept coming back for it
because Death wasn't ready to welcome me

I was not supposed to die like that...
It was all the failed suicide attempts

That's why I'm still here...
It made me realise that life still have a lot to show me and there's still more for me to live for
The Dybbuk Mar 2020
Oftentimes, you realize, that the shaking of an intangible void, desperate, clinging before it too is lost on an otherworldly transform of otherwise incomprehensible, nightmarish, or null thoughts, buried between the conceptions of self-deliverance and a bone-knuckled release into an endlessly exploding oblivion, or the intangible touch of a thousand tiger's treasuries.
Jaxey Jan 2019
You were that person
In my story
That everyone else
Saw as the villain
The **** in the garden
Full of roses
But I saw you as a hero
Because what nobody else realized
Was that the weeds
You had planted
Were just your
Broken attempts
Of making something
You were my hero that was everybody elses villain
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