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Star BG Jun 2017
Through the visible
the beautiful sunrise
quenches eyes.
Gentle rustling leaves
threaded by wind dance.
And birds in flight glide
as I
celebrate my sacred journey.

Moving through the visible,
I’m guided by heart.

Through the veil invisible
guides gather to aid in grace.
Angels are ready to aid continuously
and with love
Ancestors and beings divine
drift gracefully
as I
my life’s pilgrimage.

Connecting with invisible,
I’m guided by grand company.

The company of self and beings
who both harbor love.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by an old friend when she said phase visible to invisible
natalie Jun 2017
you've gone away,
to a kingdom unseen,
blessed be.

i hope you feel at peace,
and even though i miss you,
you will feel better where you are now.

you are not exposed to the cruel world,
you will be exposed to doves and angels.
rest in peace buddy. 6/18/17
Maria Monte Jun 2017
Oh, how sweet it would be
When Lucifer beholds thee
His string of words, ablazing a fire.
To read it with passion is what I desire.  

Oh, how sweet it would be
When the reaper comes upon me.
When his words ring in me,
They strike fear, greed, and joy.

Oh, how savory it would be
When Lucifer and the Reaper
Were to sing a melody of their own.
Anger, sorrow, disappointment, and pride.

My, oh, my..
What I sinner I am
For I wish to hear the poems of
The crooked, of the scarred, and ******

My, oh, my..
What I sinner I am,
For I would tear off
The wings of an angel to hear
A wonderful song of sorrow.

My, oh, my..
What I sinner I am
For I would **** a child
To have coffee with the darkness.

Father, oh, Father..
Forgive me for my sins,
But I don't think I'm welcome here.

~ M.M
Angels do not weep, nor do they scream for they are loved. They know not of pain.

But Lucifer and The Reaper, oh the bunch, they are wonderfully broken.

P.S This is all imagination, as far as I know, I wouldn't **** a child to make a poem out of it.
His symphony,
blossomed the wrecked hearts
and compelled the angels
to descend from heavens

He then smiled
to the godly creations in awe,
bowed and left

for he had his own demons
to exercise and control
every single night

an angel was the last thing
he wanted
Richard Grahn Jun 2017
Inside your temple
The Angels resound
With sounds from the Heavens
Drifting around
Tried a variety of 2nd stanzas here but in the end, nothing came close to what I was looking for. I'll just let this stand on its own. Ah, brevity.
blue mercury May 2017
i wanted an angel.

peach flavoured love that dripped down my chin, lips covered in sugar.

i wanted passion.

to ascend unlonely through the cotton candy sky with all of its lovely whispers.

i wanted a muse.

someone to kiss and tell the world about as i bit my sugar dusted lip, and dreamed of their sunfilled mouth, and i wanted constant contact and all of the tell me you love me moments.

my fragile lungs would hardly be able to breathe in air as pure as the air that they'd breathe.

i wanted an angel to love until i became one. I needed love so badly that it would choke me with cold hands, frigid but still warm somehow.

i wanted guidance. to soar away from here.
Marietta Ginete May 2017
Those who have lost their battles,
They'll be fine from now on.
They're up high in their castles,
For their life down here is gone.

Just keep flying up, Angels.
You'll be right where you belong.
Thank you for everything, Angels.
The trip won't be that long.
we've lost so many angels the past few months and I'm so sorry if one of your angels were one of them.
Cné May 2017
Clouds don't lie.  They tell the truth
wherever they may go.
Their shadows give relief
to creatures down below.

They change their forms and colors
the chameleons of the air.
Majestically, they soar above
to play with angels there.

They weep to nourish growing crops
and bring the snow and hail.
A crown of lightning lights their heads
before the coming gale.

Clouds can ride the jet stream
like a wrangler on his steed,
Then float serenely on the breeze
and other cloudlings breed.

They soak up sunset, changing hue,
vermilion, saffron, gold...
Then soar to higher atmospheres
to frolic in the cold.

Free to roam the open sky,
they mock the earth-bound horde
And blithely glide upon the wind,
no passengers aboard.

Oh, how I'd like to take a ride
upon a breaking dawn.
But clouds don't lie, and so deny,
a chance of getting on.

Unpretentious are the clouds.  
They care not for our awe.
They graze upon their crystals
and are quite above the law.

The mysteries the clouds have kept
since Mother Earth began...
Are kept behind the truth they tell,
as part of heaven's plan.
Inspired by Star BG a window view
Em MacKenzie May 2017
The blizzards of snow, falling straight to the ground,
circle in the wind and block out the sound,
burning my skin and freezing my soul,
yes the winter has taken it's toll.

The dead trees that shed their leaves, I only see a reflection of me,
but no one thinks to dress me up with light.
While the nights are going strong, the drunkards belt out their yuletide songs,
the added up years have turned the phrases trite.

And all those lost souls were tracing angels of the snow,
Using chalk though the white blended in too well.
Seeing the indent and questioning how far it did go,
If this unknowing snow angel had made it's way to Hell.
Benji James May 2017
They say bring him back
Where's he gone?
Where's he been?
She said.
"Whats this,
what's this, State you're in,
Can you, Can you answer this?"

They say he's gone crazy, baby,
from all the heart ache.
Blurry, Blustery, Bright eyes open wide,
this darkness that grows inside,
is closing in for the ****.
Fallen angels won't fly tonight,
Broken, Beaten and Bruised.
Fallen angels won't fly tonight
My souls tearing up on the inside.

Finally learning how to stand
on my own two feet.
No ones perfect,
there is a life to live,
take chances, love, hope, give,
You want me?
Come find me.
You need me?
Don't keep on crying, I'm not hiding
Faced my fears,
Though the road is rough and hard.
I still keep on fighting, keep on fighting

Keep On Fighting,  
until the end,
live life with no regret.
Keep On Fighting,
until The end,
Though the road is rough, and hard.
Just keep on fighting.

This angel has fallen from the sky,
Innocence was lost, never found.
Down, Down, Down, He fell,
crashing into the ground.
He used to stand tall and proud,
But his wings were taken,
Its blasphemy, to envy thee,
But I fear my wings won't return to me.

Could he fly, Could he fly again?
Pretend you could go back to then,
Change, Rearrange everything that's happened.
Would you go back,
Would you change your life?
Keep on fighting, instead of fearing,
what you have done, take the pain,
face the consequence,
or live with regret in your banishment.

Am I, Am I to blame?
That this fallen angels,
Never gunna fly again.

©2017 Written By Benji James
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