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Fay Jul 2020
I wonder if when I was created,
I was meant to suffer.
That the invisible thread sewed into my back to carry my wings were to ache,
To stretch and tug on my shoulder blades.
Feeling as if to pry from their sockets.
I think my halo was woven tightly to my head to remind me that I had an expectation to uphold,
A head to hold high.
Sometimes that halo feels like it will rip my scalp off.
My feet bruise easily,
They are always tender and sore.
Every step I take the coal burns through the pads of my heels,
Flames lick up my legs slowly.
Relishing in the pain is the only thing I know.
As for my lips,
When I kiss you I’m sorry my teeth crash against yours.
Slicing on your gums, making you bleed.
When my hands trace down your body,
They are biting.
Burning to the touch,
I apologize.
If only I were an angel as delicate as the others,
To be a savior but I am only the beginning of your ruin.
Marco Jun 2020
my church is a lake
the great big rippling dark green its hall
and the tree on the other side
(the big one with the slit in its trunk,
for the sun (God) to shine through)
is its altar
and I can hear Him speak as
the wind that rustles the leaves

a thousand brilliant-green leaves
shaking in His gentle breath
the branches studded with angels
His children that dance as spots of sunlight
on the leaves, on the water, on my head
and Emilio in the freckles on my shoulders

the lake is my church
I float in the water and pray
to God with my arms wide open, I pray
for you
to drift into my embrace
so I will never let you go;
I will never let you go.
Bruno Gomes Jun 2020
If the men is the biggest creation of god
For sure there is other men in other planets
If the creation of men it's bigger than the creation of the universe
maybe it's unfair to compare, since the universe there is no beginning,
so many mystery around us, so many questions, it's hard to believe some avatars achieve that goal, it's hard to believe that men is the biggest creation of god.

What about the angels, archangel, seraphims? They wasn't created by god? they always exists? Are they like the Universe, with no beginning ? why some souls have the privilege like that being an angel? or it's not a privilege and the angels was men before and they have such a high level of evolution after many incarnation process who make they become angels?
In the final goal, everybody will become angel? and them what, to be grateful to god? Become a god? and what? When everybody have all the process of incarnation finished and the cycle broken, everybody living in the highest level of consciousness, to do what? to help who? just to be grateful? is god needy to attention ?
Serendipity Jun 2020
The sky is stained
with wine,
as lazy clouds
move hungover
towards the sun.
Unpolished Ink Jun 2020
Could falling angels

cast from heaven one by one

create as much pain as we have done?
Sometimes mankind needs a ****** good look in the mirror
To the one who stood by your side!
when life took u on a roller coaster ride!
In all times , high and low!
when life gave you a sudden blow!
she held your hand and gave you light!
when you cried for help in the darkest night!
she pushed you to have faith and give it a start!
she is there always, when a beat was skipped by your heart!
to the one who asked u to catch the train in the life's station!
to the one who made you believe that you are a beautiful creation!
indeed God sends some angels in disguise!
who only makes a sea of happiness from the tears of your eyes!
have faith, when you go down..!
don't be a puppet of the negative clown!
to the friend who said this all!!
who told you, you will stand tall!!
....friends like these are fairies and blessing..!
... who sticks by you and clears all your messing..!
A N Keerthana Rao
Gigi Jun 2020
I am putting boundaries between you and I
For I have lived my whole life tiptoeing under your Eye
Terrified the wrong choice would be my demise
Or following my heart could be the Devil in disguise
Whispering like Your Angels while robbing me blind
I'd stick to the written scribe
Wasting my yes's on no's, life passing me by
I never chose astray nervous our ties would be untied
Devoted yet not ready to be with You and die...
But I see now that every no was a lie
For the yes in my heart had been the right answer the whole time
Your essence forms this poem as it flows from my mind
And my anxious imperfection You witnessed all along by my side

I wish I had known we were One from the start
For I would have dropped the fear and finally chose from my heart
Fallen angels, beaten wings
Smiles faint
Thrown from high
Clouds closed, hearts droop
Life's race
Does cast stars
From lofty mountains
A loss here,
a tear there
A year here
Now nowhere
Shiny stars
Now bitten dust
Fallen angels
Have beaten wings.
Fallen angels can anyone find a common theme
Mitch Prax Jun 2020
This year,
we found angels
and demons,
heroes and cons,
standing upon and
deep beneath
this world.
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