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Julie Grenness May 2020
Who guides you each day?
Would you to angels pray?
Our guides on the sides,
All ethereals, they hide,
An open mind we must keep,
Blessings from above, love so deep.
Feedback welcome.
Jude Quinn May 2020
Don't cry
We are angels waiting to fly.
Our wings will grow one day.
Alicia Prakash May 2020
I looked down as I flew
Across the midnight sky
My winged being, a silhouette
As I longingly cast my gaze
To heavenly paradise.

I looked down as I flew
Looked into the waters of the styx
The face that stared back at me
Was one I did not reminisce.

I was once God’s favourite
With wisdom far greater than the depths of the oceans
A prince of beauty among the angels
A harbinger to the end of evil.

Alas! Ambition struck my untainted heart
Greed overtook my common sense
I wanted to play God
But Brother Michael’s sword had its revenge.

He cast me out of my own home
Which was more
Than I could withstand.
Now charged with
Collecting the souls of the ******
With a whip in hand
I was left me to lick my wounds in hell
Surrounded by rotten minds
And rotten hearts.
Regina May 2020
Shadows of night angels
in the mist of spent mind,
awaken from half sleep,
granular eyes-
the lonely chiming
of one a.m.,
writing of
the journey,
an unwanted gift,
and, like a cadence,
fragmented thoughts
march on-
into an overcast dawn.
nishtha patni May 2020
An angel directly sent by god
the one who brings us in the world
raise us to be the best of her.

Heart made of gold and body of steel
who if even scolds sounds like a lullaby
her smile makes our day and tears ruin it.

Her care and cures makes you feel the best
no matter what comes in our way
she's always be there to guide us.

Wise and versatile enough to handle
home and work both at same time,
and still never complains about a thing.

No matter how much we annoy her
she'll always crave for our love,
and for her a little goes a long way

She stands proud in our win and
help us stand again in when we fall,
always making us stronger and bold.

whether it's small or big joy
her happiness always remains equal
and nobody will do that except her.

she gives up whole her world
just to make ours beautiful,
i think that's why they are called angels.
Ghostt May 2020
The pain never seems to go away
But i know you're still with me everyday
A part of me left when you died
for months i cried
Although sometimes i feel your spirit with me
And every-time I see that monarch butterfly
I know that you are near by
You may have left too soon
But I know your are here, up by the moon
thanks you for always keeping an eye
While you’re way up there in the sky ❤️
Tha 's e seallad air beulaibh orm
Thàinig sin o na h-ainglean
Tha cuibhlichean na h-ùine air stad dhuinn
Mar a ràinig sinn an am seo ann an ùine
Oir mar as fhaisg a tha mi ort
Mar as fhaisg a tha mi air neambh


There is a view in front of me
That came from the angels
The wheels of time have stopped for us
As we approach this moment in time
Because the closer I am to you,
the closer I am to heaven.
Thank you to my muse for the inspiration.
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