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I wish you well,
I bid you great things,
I hope that you receive
all the good that life brings!!!

I will see you around,
Hoping very, very soon,
We shall part for right now,
So, Au revoir, and Adieu!!!

It's time that we part,
see the world and explore,
just start our own joureny, and
See what's in store!!

Farewell and so long,
Cos, we will meet again, but
parting is sweet sorrow,
Until the next time my Friend!!!

Be Blessed and be Wonderful,
hoping you're Feeling swell,
I will see you down the road,

Date: 3/5/2025
thyreez-thy Jun 2024
I got the message today, the finality is alarming
How all veils have been removed, as its regarding
Or would be love story, If I could be the One
Who takes you to see the moon and not get boiled by the sun

I shiver, I cry, I hope you didn't take to heart
The anger I spewed and the hope it doesnt break us apart
I came like a volcano, and you a Tsunami
Only now does it dawn for me how you're so far from me

I said thing to instill a reaction
But instead of satisfaction
I get the realization that this extended vacation
will be our dedication to what was and will never be

A girl and a boy manage to become best friend
But boy falls in love and girl follows suite
Unknowing they'd be each others rock, person
Now one stands firm and the other uncertain

Does it end tonight, do angered words repel honeyed apologies?
Can love conquer all and fulfill their destiny?
Do they become ones Soul mates to now polar opposites
Or day even more distant, now used to be's and Pessimists?
A poem on a current situation, a sequel of sorts to whale call, it hurts to type this all.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2022
Sep 15 10:45am
Silver Beach, Peconic  Bay, Shelter Island

it is the day of the twixt and tween,
64°, stolid breeze on a bright sunshiny day,
but no question, we are well ensconced in
**** season, overlooking the shadowy, dry, speckled
blotchy, thirsty grass, and an empty bay, sails put aside

it’s a normal/semi-normal moment,
simultaneously secular and heaven blessed,
the stimuli of the quietude is the outlier,
it’s quantitude is overwhelming, it’s amplitude,
a wave of farewell humbled hushed rumblings of wind and
the drip of dropping leaves that fails to puncture
the total absence of noises, human et. al.

shirt off, chest wet & warmed, a light jacket,
my wrapper from the firm chill,
an undeniable temperate moment,
for this is an interlude day,
a goodbye and hello
shucked/unshucked poem,
the only semi-frisky item on the menu

even the animal kingdom respectful,
recognizing the sorrowful solitude
of this single intruder, so no cawing, honking,
even rabbits quietly chewing, their senses understand
this is a  remorseful write on a beauteous 1/365,
an adieu + au revoir script to
this island

but then the sign!

between Silver Beach and Noyac,
three heads a-bobbing,
white throats and white underbellies upright,
too far away to be heard,
but I swear I hear the purposeful porpoises saying:

“Adieu! Adieu!
until we see you and yours
once more,
for many more,
till then,
we await our mutual sheltering together,
in our shared waters”


our summer palace,
where the sum of each newborn morn,
begins a life extending day, offsetting the aging of cells,
and softee smiles of children are botox injections,
directed to the soul’s lining,
an antigen antidote
to the toll time’s antibodies extract,
time units recorded and kept hid in the
the surround sound
of a special silence,
the sounds of rays twinkling
upon the waves,
reminders to everyone
that we are merely
betwixt and between
a plentiful heaven today
and a
plentiful heaven tomorrow
Diljeev Dec 2020
There you were
by my side watching me
wave my last goodbye,
pains my heart I won't get to
watch you wave yours.
To not see you draped
in your own charm,
as tears rolled down
your right eye as you wave
your last goodbye,
sadly it all ends,
with him getting
the best seat in the house,
holding your hand,
brushing his thumb on it
to console you,
as you cry in the light of
your last goodbye,
what I won't give god
to be him for this one night,
just to be there one last time
by your side watching.

- Diljeev
Whisper out your heart my beloved!!
For I shall bear it with laugh,
If what thou tongue voice is hatred,
And laugh I shall gladly,
If Cupid has decided it to be blessed.

Whisper out your melodies my beloved!!
Tainted with reminiscence of tragedies,
But still it ought to be laughed,
To close thy scars damped with tears.
Fie the smiles harbouring cries.

Whisper out our stories my beloved,
And I intent to hear with interest,
For my love is no jest.
But if I art thou jester,
Then jest I shall till thee groan with laughter.

Whisper out something my beloved,
Devoid emotion your face portrays.
Why do you feel so cold?!
Wake up love and do tell,
Will you not whisper me farewell?
All thats left was a farewell.
Jennifer Herbert Jul 2020
Have you ever noticed
The green leaves in the summer
Ever thought about the moment they would turn
A different color
When the yellows and oranges begin to bleed through
Or do you only notice their beauty
Before they whisper "Adieu"
Mark Toney Mar 2020
my muse and I - riding on the coattails of infinity

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
12/26/2018 - Poetry form: Monoku - A type of poem which is made up of a single horizontal line consisting of seventeen syllables or less. Traditionally considered as a haiku writing, Monoku appeared as an independent style of poetry in the 1970s. The first letter should not be capitalized. - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Mirza Lazim Mar 2020
Miss the heaven of your soul
In memories far away
Will you ever evanesce?!
Will I always feel my way?!

Not having bidden adieu
Left me in purgatory
Ah, I fell in love with you
Like the Pyrrhic victory

Warriors never give in
And their values carry on
I will drive dolours away
Till your voice is clarion

As dreams are effulgent,
Living is no more bitter
Your laughter is echoing
Through the endless Ether

I have the panacea
A true poet never fails
We gain little solaces
Owing to hard travails
Mark Toney Mar 2020
Me my true love did decry

She on whom I did rely

Now I see her walk on by

A bitter adieu—
Bid her adieu

© 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
2/5/2020 - Poetry form: Echo Verse - © 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
Glus Feb 2020
Another day has passed,
another dream collapsed,
another spell is cast,
but this desert, it seems so vast.
A life spent in the search of meaning,
might turn out to be an empty book,
whose pages aren't worth turning.
From beginning until the end,
in all my searching, I could find,
that every desire I cooked up in my mind,
and every wish that filled my eyes with fire,
were just a string of bad decisions,
that has painted my inescapable past,
and every emotion that I've come across,
ran away from me so incredibly fast,
and the only one that turned up in the end,
is this overbearing stillness, that has occupied my mind.

But now.

The time has come,
for me to overcome,
this struggle, that is life,
and put an end to my internal strife.
From beginning until the end,
I've realized all my searching was just to find,
the perfect last words,
to justify, me bidding adieu to this world.
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