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gabriela Jul 2017
i got something you aren't ready
to hear just yet.
it comes in ash and that's the only way
i know how to present it.
my hands stay covered in midnight
and you sleep through dawn.
you sleep and sleep while
              i lose track of time.
has it been four hours now
or eight?
this lost longing. this familiar ache.
                                      selective amnesia? yeah.
yeah, that sounds about right.
don't call it a "game,"
call it
            "waiting patiently until
the roof caves in. until we become
something not you, not even i
                                 can recognize."
i can't stop thinking about that time a few weeks ago when i said i missed you and you told me that "sometimes i feel the same."
SwordNPen Jul 2017
Its crazy to think that my life before her was worth anything at all but
since her arrival my life has been more vibrant more exciting and more fun
and since shes been gone ive gone into a pit of self loathing and despair she was a beauty beyond any comparison but more importantly she has this rebellious against the fray personality  that is extremely different from these millennials who all live at home and want to be Instagram and Snapchat  models. She craves adventure she loves deeply and she steals the heart of any man who is with her for more than a minute .
AD Snail Jun 2017
I feel the claws digging,
I know that its trying to claw away at the skin;
That locks it all away,
What is it trying to get at, I will never know.

I feel the inside of my chest wanting to ripped apart,
I can feel the aching numbness in the pit of my heart swell.

Something wants to be set free from within my fragile frame.

I wish for this feeling to be no more,
I do not want to cave into the craving,
I cannot destroy my appearance of "Normal, or "Just fine,"
I cannot be "Strange," my mother said.

So smile and laugh even if it hurts to move,
The stitching will soon heal all wounds.
It was your fault anyways, for giving in.

I cannot try to claw away at the feelings deep within me,
It is unnatural to react upon these things,
"You must not be so strange,"
Mama will say.

The unknown feelings will soon turn into aching feeling,
Its likes a scratch that you must never scratch at,
Because people have told you that it will just make it worse.

So these feelings deep within in my chest,
I must ignore, I must be actually how society wishes me to be,
"Perfectly fine."
How doth the illnesses
and the sadness,
plague me so readily
forever lurking
creeping up
and forcibly attaching
to light and happiness,
to hope and well being

I'm lonely without you
and I keep making mistakes
I try to be better for you
though it's no longer my place
still when I fail at something
or struggle another day
I feel like I've let you down
and the tears come swiftly,
heavily with lasting pain

I should have been there
believe me darling
I wish I was man enough
to comfort you through
the fire and brimstone,
the excruciating pain
and maybe we'll never
get to feel the same again
but I can be better!
and so can you

Please let me comfort you
it's all I want to do
and in comforting you
I could comfort myself
my intentions aren't selfish
I swear! I promise baby!
I just want to be with you
and hold you tightly
we can be better
a second time around

Admittedly I wasn't myself
for a very long time
when we were together
and I rejected love because
I was living sadness!
and this pain is breathing
it has a life of its own
I dream of you, you know?
To me you are the epitome of love
f aliefa Jun 2017





i think,
i think i would
i might already did
because if i didn't
i wouldn't

—k. aoife maude
Perri May 2017
An aching soul makes the day go slow
Marte Lindholm May 2017
The heart is aching
when you break it

The heart is beating
faster when I see you

The heart is hurting
a lot when you leave

The heart is screaming
out for help

The heart is crying
when I'm alone

The heart is craving
your sweet, sweet love

The heart is yelling
please come back

The heart is loving
you to the moon and back

The heart is missing
the memories we have

The heart is living
when I am with you

The heart is dying
now that you're gone
Alyssa Lynn May 2017
Storms of feeling,
Storms of people embracing one another,
Storms of laughter and smiles
As lips meet in sweet kisses.
Because sometimes the storms inside me aren't a bad thing.
Sienna Luna Feb 2017
I just ache
to be touched by you
still swimming in heat
moist and quivering silently
beneath soft black cotton
but in those
fear-mongering moments

I can't move.

Like a statue made of marble
I ache to touch you but I end up
sitting there cold and lifeless
next to you on the bed
thinking of a million ways
in which to stroke you gently
but all we can muster together
is a few brushes of the hand
a head resting on a shoulder
a full-bodied tight squeezed hug
an awkward cheek kiss and

it's excruciatingly painful.

So much tension that builds
and builds and builds and builds
never getting anywhere.

I can feel it penting up in you too
through engorged pupils
shaking knocking knees
fidgeting hands
looks that aren't deadpan
but open and raw and swelling.

There are rises and dips
moments of eclipse
where you and I find comfort
in each other's arms
whether they be wrapped or resting
whether they be hovering just hovering

almost touching

we were almost touching.

Seeing your smile in the doorway
as I left

lanky frame in depth

an ache I cannot

warming the cockles of this here mongrel heart

vast into infinity.

What a funny little cuddle jamboree!
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