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Father’s advice to son
(Sorry Mr. Hemingway)

Never trust a lawyer
Or a money lender too
Read fine print in every contract
Never buy it used but only new
Don’t sign up for the army
Only marry one good wife
Never write on Facebook
It will come back and ruin your life
Always despise the latest war
Only seek out  sweet girls with a smile.
Never buy or rent a *****
Never trust a gambler
He will steal your very last cent
Your landlord will evict you
Cos you can’t the rent.
So lead a good and wholesome life
And outlive all and every friend
See them all in the great beyond
When you’re prosperous old life will end.
Based on Ernest Hemingway poem
Advice to a son
At the start of the day, I met a boy
I didn't know why, but I suddenly felt joy
He looked at me in the eye and warmly said hello
Not knowing that in the end, I would have to let him go

That afternoon, we agreed to stop by a cafe
Happily chatting nonstop, while time was slipping away
With the mellifluous music in the background, we filled the shop with our laughs
Then an epiphany occurred, I realized that I have to keep this memory by taking a few photographs

At nightfall, we exchanged numbers and decided to part ways
As he went to the opposite direction by walking backwards with his hands swaying as a sign of goodbye, I gazed
At that moment as I deeply stared into his eyes, I felt happiness- it was ineffable and little did I know, it was just ephemeral too
Because then I knew, my love is never going to come into his view
( i posted this on poetfreak too so yeah)
Remember me
Not for my failure,
but for my successes
Remember me
Not for my bad days,
but the good ones
Think of me
When you find yourself alone
Remember that
Those days will pass
Never forget
Who you are
When you lose yourself
You lose everything
I do not fear to be alone for i have been alone all my life before i met you, and i will be alone all my life after you.

But oh what a great feeling companionship is, thank you for that.
 Mar 2016 Stefan Michener
The most confused
From only one person
The biggest confusion
One human has give me

Each night
I lay awake
Wondering why
Things happened this way

Reminiscing of our nights
That turned to days
Which we spent together
From laying quietly & still
To whispering our deepest feels
Cuddling closer
Making animal noises
Quick pecks on the cheek
You going for more

Those were the best moments lived
I knew it wouldnt last
Soon it would come to an end
Like all great things do to me

You never said good bye
I didn't know why
It destroyed me to know
It was always a joke
Least that's what filled my head
When you didn't say why

Depression hit
More than I've known
Binging on drugs soon begun
Locked in a room
Not even coming out for food
What was the point
If I didn't have you

1 month pass
You message me hello
Speaking to me
Like you did nothing wrong
2 days later
You're here at my door
It's so good to see you
But I'm hurting inside
Trying not to cry
When you ask me what's wrong
Take care I say turning away
Step inside before you the tears falls

Curled into a ball
Crying as I've done
So many nights before

You've left me confused
Only you
The most confused
I've ever been
How could one human
Cause so much confusion

Each night I fall asleep
But only to wondering why
It all went this way
Wondering why
It ended like this  

Praying for the thoughts to end
As the tears shed
One last breath
Till I'm in the dreamworld
Your hands are just the right texture,
The softness bids all my fears to subside.

Your lips are just too perfect,
A different taste according to your lipstick,
But still the same sensation that makes my eyes slowly close shut.

Your eyes give away your feelings,
And your, "I want you" eyes are simply the best.

Your hugs are magical,
They make my insides feel soft and mushy,
They make me feel warm and loved.

You're absolutely perfect for me -
Why don't you want to see that?
Why'd you rather be insecure even though I remind you everyday that you're the pretty one in our relationship?
-just being honest
I didn't think danger had a face,
I saw you and I saw red beauty,
Plump, ripe lips,
My strawberry kiss,
You taste just like chaos feels.

You sold yourself sweet,
Red beauty,
In every book left unread,
The only thought in my head.
I could never find a warm lover,
In eyes, cold as these tombstones
Which we now embrace.

Sunsets asphyxiate skylines,
Tear lines, fate lines,
I think God wanted to see his favourite fall

Tantalizing fruit, stains like wine
On the mouth,
There is red beauty in a kiss,
And angels aren't so kind,
But neither are you.
I finished reading Tess of the D'urbervilles recently and it inspired me to write this. The title also comes from a quote from the book "My eyes were dazed by you for a little, and that was all".

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