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 Aug 2015 sheralyn
Mitch Nihilist
It seems like just yesterday we
were twisting our bodies beneath
the symphony of the moonlight,
singing songs of everlasting
love with no sight of ending.
From the beginning I knew
there would be some halt
of companionship as a result
of a stagnant feeling that I was enough
for how perfect you are.
Theres nothing left of my pride
only the need to subside
from every burden i cause.
Every day I woke up and
rolled over to you
laying there with serenity  
thoughts collapses to emotion
knowing you thought you
were losing me, when
the state of my health
screamed out to me
assuring me I was losing myself.
So an awaited day finally came
where I let you go only to know
that you couldn’t live without me.
Seeing your distress left me
more of a mess than what I was before,
the only hope left within was the feeling
that you’d finally cope with me leaving
and find another soul that wouldn’t
constantly leave a hole
in your heart every time my insecurities
would start.
Mistake after mistake fuelled by
instances I knew i couldn’t take.
As you left after I did,
I knew I couldn’t rid
myself from the way I felt
but the reassurance that
you’d be looked at one day
by eyes that held no despise for
their self.
I now bask in the toxins
in order to mediate my conscience
to be sane,
accompanied by pills the rip the morals
from my brain.
Cigarette's packs are emptying faster than
the bottle, pills to make me happy I swallow
and pills that numb, pull me closer to the edge
as I use my thumb to pop the lid, to push my
consumption of poison to dredge every sense of life
from this already lifeless body.
Step out of your once loved mindset towards
my dredged excuse for a being
and open your expectations to those that
exceed what you once held for me,
there’s a room full of people right for you;
quit pounding on the door,
I’m not on the other side.
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Surely you would notice
If your heart was crushed,
Piece by piece.
So why can't you see
Mine had been missing
For a long while?
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Sedoo Ashivor
Every woman is beautiful

If only she thinks she is.
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Damian Murphy
I would rather be
for all the right reasons
than popular
for all the wrong ones.
Kurt Cobain "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not"
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Self Doubt
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Have you ever seen yourself
Have you ever actually realised how beautiful you really are
Of course you haven't
You've only seen captures
Relfections and fragments
Of who you really are

Maybe thats why you find it so hard to believe that to me
You are gorgeous no matter what you see
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Francie Lynch
Follow your North Star
'Til you drop in your tracks;
Your story's ahead,
Don't turn and look back.

Your dreams, when awake,
Are dreams that you follow;
The ones in your sleep
Are misleading and hollow.

Aspire for greatness,
You'll make some mistakes;
But the distance you travel
Will make your ground quake.

If you reach for the stars,
And pull back too soon,
You won't have regrets
When you land on your moon.
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Angela G
Yellow petals open wide,
Listen to my plea.
Here I stand, a dandelion.
They say I'm just a ****.

Maybe that's what I am.
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
sanch kay
and somewhere in-between
i'm okay and it's fine
i lost myself.
slipping through the cracks.
 Jul 2015 sheralyn
Violet Blue
You showed me what it was to love myself
To feel good in my own skin
How to care about another person more than anything I ever have before
You showed me how it feels to hold your hand
You showed me I could get butterflies just from cuddling you at night as you played with my hair til I fell asleep
You showed me how much one person could care about me and my safety
You showed me how much you cared about how safe I was more than you needed sleep
But everything's changed now
It feels like
I'm left feeling hurt
In tears and I don't know what to do
Do I let you go
Or try a little harder
cause now we hardly talk
and you have no idea how much that hurts
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