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Secret-Author Jan 2017
I will walk with you, to the end of this earth that does not welcome you.
I will shine a light in every dark corner where you see hurt and pain.
I am yours to sit with for as long as you have to.
Until you can feel whole again.
Secret-Author Jan 2017
The first time I said his name, he asked me how I knew him.
I was thrown. I knew him and I knew Kim.
What we've been through -
Your family and I;
I often lay awake at night and toss and turn and sigh.
I felt like taking his head in my hands and saying
"Your brother - he was mine."
But I didn't.

He lives in the house next to my parents.
And knew me until I left. Bereft.
Then he sees me now -
and acts as if he doesn't know me.
Like he hasn't held my hand or cried,
Well that's what's really thrown me.
The tree in your garden. It's planted for him.
With me at the window, watching tiny you and Kim.

We used to sit in that garden, late into the night.
Until everyone was gone, left with nothing but starlight.
Oh, what we've been through -
Your family and I;
To this day I lay in bed and sometimes have a cry.
So I was thrown, to the bone, and feeling so small...
When I realised that in your mind,
- I didn't exist at all.
Spoken Word Poetry
Secret-Author Jan 2017
I waited for you to come outside,
Like I had waited for you in bed.
My hand went numb from reaching,
As you sat and got drunk, instead.
Secret-Author Dec 2016
I don't know who I am anymore.
Not only that, but I can no longer see the light.
So I wandered the Earth until I reached the shore,
And swam straight into the night.

It was cold at first, but now I'm numb.
It seems I swam the whole night through.
And amidst the abyss and the crashing waves,
I realised I was swimming, to you.

But now my limbs are finished.
And my weary eyes are closing fast.
And as I sink slowly downwards,
I realise I was chasing the past.
  Dec 2016 Secret-Author
Andrew Switzer
The body's still breathing, but I'm not quite alive,
A soul in standby, simply trying to survive.
Secret-Author Nov 2016
Should you add
another cloud
to rain above my head,
I'll bring the light
to make it shine
and create a rainbow,

And should the day
turn into night
before we've had our time,
I'll sing for the stars
and the moon above
to see the black sky
Secret-Author Nov 2016
I delete almost every word I write
As though I can eradicate the feeling.
But I can't. It doesn't work.
Nothing changes. And nothing feels right.

I don't know what it's like to be you
But for me,
I am sitting in this room,
With all the people I love,
And I want to cry myself to sleep in the middle of the day.

They don't notice that I'm here
But the second I go to leave they cry out.
I'm the elf on the shelf,
Or the cookies you leave out for Santa.
You know he won't eat them, I mean,
**** - he's not even real.
But you can't not have them there.
That would be wrong.
I am your favourite piece of furniture.

Discard me, and get it over and done with.
It's more humane than making me sit here and watch you live your life.
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