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Matty D Feb 2013
Welcome to the land of golden trout

Where black bears roam and hawks still shout

In the eastern Sierras, hills of the west

Tales of the Adventurers and their first test.

Forming an alliance in Santa Cruz

They left together, unwilling to lose.

Packing up and heading down the trail

They knew as a team they would never fail.

Without a moment’s hesitation nor shred of doubt

The crew took their Tools of Tenacity out

And in less than three months flat

The Adventurers finished, exclaiming “that’s that!”

But who composes this mysterious crew?

Wait just one moment, I promise I’ll tell you.

First, there’s Nico the Noble, the leader so fearless

Who also frightens many when he’s not beardless;

Followed by Ben the Benevolent with his hearty laugh

And never without his Capitals hat;

Kahn the Courageous has his wild antics

Telling stories with Buckeye semantics;

Jamie the Just and her vegan ways

Had to eat lentils for most of her days;

See Jen the Jubilant with camera-in-hand

Shaving logs for as long as she can;

The team’s newest member, Maggie the Merciful,

Has now experienced the wilderness in full;

Tim the Wise lacks alliteration, unlike the others

But has chased many cows, some scraping their udders;

And at last there’s me, the Notable Narrator,

So our crew’s legacy can live forever.

In our quest the crew has changed slightly.

Those unable to handle the tasks lightly

Had left- like Mary, Bobby, and Stary the Skeptical

All well-admired, and mostly respectable.

Now let’s shift our story to the work completed

In the struggling meadow, its health near-depleted.

Using fallen trees that have long-since passed

We found a clearing with their numbers quite vast.

Cutting the deceased into sixteen-foot longs

And lugging them over thickets and bogs

Our team stacked them perpendicular

To the stream, or creek, in particular

And in a magician’s “ta-da!” moment

Water rose up to our new component,

Flowing over the freshly-made dam

Then briefly meeting with dirt and sand

At the bottom. Multiplied by thirty

And that was work: rigorous and *****.

But why were the Adventurers sent there,

To build check-dams and do repairs?

It was, in part, human consumption

That led to the meadow’s near-destruction:

America’s insatiable need for beef

Will not, for a long time, see any relief,

So Industry has pushed forward, sending cows to the fields

Grazing and growing to become our future meals.

But little did Industry know how devastating

Hundreds of cattle leave an ecosystem suffocating.

Trampling grass and dispersing banks underhoof

The bovine are easily guilty, there’s so much proof.

Stupid, noxious, and obnoxious creatures

Recognized by these, easily their best features.

Incessantly screaming day and night

They are more like demons by every right.

Yet the Forest Service lets ranchers send

Hundreds of cattle, seemingly without end.

And while the Golden Trout crew fixed things,

It’s not enough to ease the strain the cows will bring.

So what can we do, if anything at all

If we go veggie will Industry stall?

Can the end of beef save the earth

Is society only worried when we gain in girth?

That’s not for me to say right now

It’s up to you to answer the “how?”

But I digress, I must end the story

Of the Adventurers and their summer glories.

In the end they saved the meadow, saved the day

Held the bovine rampage at bay,

Raised water levels, erosion erased,

Then was the time to leave that place.

So the Adventurers hopped in their van,

Eight warriors mean, lean, and tan,

And took off down the mountainside

To Santa Cruz and the oceanside.

Each followed one’s own path

But only after taking many baths.

The Golden Trout legacy will live forever,

Only made possible by the best crew ever.
(c) MDC
Erin Lewis  Apr 2013
Stary Night
Erin Lewis Apr 2013
The wind whispers through the trees
Softly singing, trying to comfort me
But no song could sing me to sleep
On a night when the stars are so bright
That they look like the lights that were in your eyes

Before everything went wrong
Once upon a time the breeze sang our song
In the moonlight we would dance along
If I fell, I was always caught in your arms
We dared the world to tell us we had to be alone

Never make a dare you can't take if it's done
Your songs will turn to empty sound
Your love will decide to turn around

Your stary nights will turn
To whispering winds and darkening skies
Leila Valencia May 2016
Liberating the pixie wings
Swirling ribbons brushing the sky
Running in the ocean's breathe, you the wild horse no man could ever tame

You, The gypsy wanderer trailing the night
huddled in tiny cargo ships pioneering the sky - living on a tin can - in sheer ardor - to be outside from shackles below

The widen gap and the cracked stary sky
Your hands lodged through trying to find;
The teachings of the higher powers
Wisdom, philosophy's power, truth....
And you do, you stand upon a flower bed of knowledge - sharing to the world beyond
Sagittarius sun sign
Noah Clark  Dec 2017
Stary sky
Noah Clark Dec 2017
Beautiful night, a beautiful sight.
I lay down my head to what delight?
But a star gazing down on me, only I am unable to see.
What star must this be, able to see me.
The north, the south, the east and west all pointed at my chest.
My heart beats as I fall asleep, to the stary sky with a gazing eye.
Karijinbba Jun 2020

Poem lyrics dedicated to Karkjinbba
in memory of pjc-rkrdd interstellar
Traveler on another mission.
'm jealous of the rain
That falls upon your skin
It's closer than my hands have been
I'm jealous of the rain
worshipping in ground as you may walk on splattering all down

I'm Jealous of the waves at sea that rock your boat with her not me
spilling out on you our old wine reserved for us to spill on each others unintended wounds

I'm jealous of the wind
That ripples through
your clothes;
the exotic perfume aromas
you bought for me alone
but now she wears.
along with my diamond heart ring.

I'm Jealous of the way she combes her hair each night
looking in our ancient
mirrored vanity desk

While you looking at her
moon light to guide
may you look at me
my stary constellation
sky high glide  

I am jealous of the tennis rocket
you swing to her meant
to swing back to me
it's closer than your shadow
left behind to comfort me.

Oh, I'm jealous of the air you breathe in the same room, with her alone  dancing to songs
and tunes meant for us two alone
on your master lovely bedroom;
moving dancing rdd/bba style!

Still I wish you the best
all this world could give
Love of my life.

I wouldn't sacrifice my love and life for you again though;
instead, I would, earn your love,
right back forgive me sweet love divine elite great among great,
peace be with you

As I told you when you left
In every lifetime for another girl,
you leave me
all I wanted was an airline ticket
to fly to you in Carol Lumbard's skin

Dear runner mine
poverty was my foe I couldn't chase.
but I always thought you'd come back,
or even pick me up
on your limousine
for a joyful ecstacy filled ride!

Telling me all you found without me was heartbreak and misery!
Because darling that's all I found
without you.
It's hard for me to say,
I'm jealous of the way
You're h a p p y without meeee.

I'm jealous of the nights
That I don't spend with you
watching the billion stars from our bedroom bed with your patpapa
Aquarius and my Aries telescope.
I'm wondering
who you lay next to!
Oh, I'm jealous of those sacred nights.
I'm jealous of the love
your love that was all mine
gone for someone else to share.

I'm jealous of the love
cause I wished you too
the very best
all this world could give.
For Karijinbba
By: Kear and Natalie Hemby.
Copy Rights.
I have nothing to do with jealou malice or
Jealousy is a very distractive emotion
And if I had to be jealous of another woman
Something was really wrong with our relationship.
I was hurt still i wish you well instead but not jealous I let you go
your happiness was above and beyond my own for I loved you the.most in the whole wide world for I forgave you the most
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
krytyka na żyda to ta sama na krytyke polaka, skoro krytyk na żyda to też krytyk na polaka - skoro żyd bez ziemi to też polak pod włóknem niemca czy russa czy też bezwdzięcznego austrjaka! odsiecz wiednia!, from minute to an hour:
radio-kacap - lost the c somewhere,
had to innovate -
                                              ra - d - yo -
                      радя -
(я to possess it, a punctuation
                                       mark on the letter to stop
the omicron from rotating a fullness)
                               КАЧП - or simply ç (s) -
              ketchup apparently,
                       the slaughter of Zagreb -
                                        Croat piled on Croat
          for a Mexican roll via Tahiti -
                                 kark capa - kark kacapa
(stary kozioł to zwany *cap

         bronz spermy i zapach tzn. cap'a -
   capie ten ogier Poznania w szambie południa
                            na gry czołem z bliska
                  w tenis z innym capem) -
            stary ogier na tle mgły
                   i kozioł kopiący kszięrzyc w orbite
       i w równie starannej rubryki: sto razy jeszcze raz
                                        to samo, bo to dla wieku
   dwa dwa: die tventy secoond centaur /
         die nächster tausendfüßler, year on - year in.
Zombie  Nov 2015
The Stary Night
Zombie Nov 2015
I screamed no one heard it
I cried and the tears drained out through my cheeks but no one wiped it
I was quite but no one felt like asking why?
I was hurt but it didn't bother anyone
I stared outside the window the stars twinkled I guess they understood everything so , I gave a mighty grin in return :)
Moonlight Bliss May 2016
even if you're miles away,
my heart belongs to you,
in every single way.

always letting me feel astray,
im always here for you,
don't you dare push me away.

every minute of every day,
my thoughts lingers to you,
i wonder if you think the same way.

at a stary night sky I lay,
staring at the moon as if it was you,
now i can't seem to look away.
Blossom Mar 2018
Midnight, he holds me
Upon my waist as I sleep-
A moon induced love
Sleep is a lovely thing
Batool  Sep 2015
Batool Sep 2015
Lets take a walk
by the sea shore
under the midnight sky
listening to the waves
as they tell
those untold stories
that drowned
without saying a word
just drinking in
the beauty of stary night
and feeling the cool wind
against the body...
Living the night to the fullest !!

— The End —