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 Jul 2014 Saranghae
Luna Lynn
Today I said my final goodbye
and did I mention how beautiful you were?
it was if you slept right through it all
not even realizing you're not here with us
I hugged your dad too tightly and said Katie taught me about God
I didn't know what else to say
but I said how I most remembered you
and I like remembering you that way
Your family has a strong link of faith
now I see how that's what you became
And though I lost my composure on the sidewalk on such a vibrant sunny day
I know there was no struggle
I know there was no pain

You hair was fire a gold; not just red (it was always my favorite part about you, not sure if it was something I ever said)
laid upon either side of your shoulders in a soft curl and draped around your face
Your nails were painted red and green
and you wore a red blouse with a beige scarf (wrapped loosely upon your neck with grace)
Stunningly beautiful you were
the most perfect I had ever seen
even in death, your radiance shone bright beyond the seams

Although my tears come and go,
and the sadness come what may
I know you had to go
and I know we had to stay
but we will meet again my friend
I will see you again one day
Rest in the arms of God my Katie. I love you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
I need
         Hands to hold,
                 Arms to hug,
                       Words to comfort,
                                  Smiles to lead,
                                              Tears to cherish,
                                                        ­Ears to hear,
                                                           ­   A heart to care.
What about
                                                           ­                             **You...

Faux Naif: falsely simple or naive; feigning artlessness
 Jul 2014 Saranghae
Don't do that, babe,
don't tell me I'm not trying.

I swam through 12 oceans and drowned
in every single one of them but
each time the water swept into my lungs
and the fish started swimming
in my bloodstream.

I spat it all up and went on swimming
'cause I know I can't face another day
without you in my mind.

There will be no life rafts
and I will definitely not pop in the middle of the ocean
like murdered bodies in crime scenes.

I am a ****** sinking ship.

I promise you
I will make it to shore alive, though.
Note: This is a revised poem off a work of someone else from Tumblr. All rights reserved for that person, not me.
My note: Nothing would be the same if you didn't exist. I miss you but you would be better off without me, honey. I'm a thinker, not a talker.
 Jul 2014 Saranghae
D Connolly
You said
The most brilliant thing
You said it was
Like a heart surgery
But he was only a
Surgeon in training
And had neglected to
Mention beforehand
That it was only
Exploratory cardiac surgery;
And it was just for his
Simmering curiosity
(He couldn't have carried
Out a simple angioplasty?)

That he cut the aorta
That's what you said
And his curiosity subsided;
And he left as you bled.
Someone I know used a brilliant metaphor the other day.
 Jul 2014 Saranghae
Kay La
The idea of living without you terrifies me so much
that I have to do it.
I want to tell you but the words sit in my stomach
like bombs.

I don't want to lose who I love,
just to get a temporary satisfaction,
but after a while my pain went numb.
We'd fight and your words became knives that
  no longer cut.
I no longer felt the need to baby your feelings,
didn't care what was up.

Yet a familiar love has kept me around.
Because our love is like walking down the same alley,
getting mugged 8 times in a row,
hoping there will be something different
about today.

And today,
thoughts of you are like a pinch
in a numb place under my heart.
And I'm not sure if I should stay.
 Jul 2014 Saranghae
Mr Xelle
 Jul 2014 Saranghae
Mr Xelle
I notice you did you notice me?
I saw you did you see me?

Maybe it was the crowd that's probably why you couldn't see's ok

I notice you did you notice me?
 Jun 2014 Saranghae
 Jun 2014 Saranghae
Let me trade in my smile for fangs
And my feminine fingers for paws.

Let me trade in my manicured nails for claws
And my curly locks for silver fur.

Let me trade my heart shaped mouth for a long snout
And the freckles on my nose for whiskers.

Let me trade my curves for a round, bushy tail
And my clumsiness for strength and agility.

Let me trade my tears for whimpers and barks
And my voice for howls in the night.

Let me trade my dinner reservations for hunting down a moose
And my poor senses for keen ears and a nose.

Let me trade my soul for a different one
And become a friend to the moon.

Let me live my life as a wolf
And all that it encompasses.

Let me symbolize the dawn and the dusk
And let me symbolize the converging of light and darkness.

Because that is wolf,
And that is what I see, when I look in the mirror.
 Jun 2014 Saranghae
 Jun 2014 Saranghae
A young she wolf is born
Scorched fur of molten lava and heated coal
Flames consume her path
She leaves a soot trail
Ember eyes shine the spark of life
The animal instinct to hunt
And so she will hunt
Through the hell that surrounds her
The hell she creates
A paradise of flames
“The Fire in this Wolf lives”
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