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Jun 2023 · 1.1k
Emotional Impermanence
Roberta Day Jun 2023
Allowing the dust to settle
And the hovering mist to part
You can't live inside of my mind,
There's more space for you in my heart

I keep myself busy to stay aflame
While the world slowly turns
I'm sprinting through days that blur
And suffering through the burns

Toggling between elation and insecurity
Emotions aren't permanent, only temporary
Experience has taught me everyone goes eventually

Resilient to adversity shrouding me
In its tethering web of prickly hairs
Mourning the nascence of elation
And all of the splendor it bewares
A cocktail of hormones straight to the dome
Nostalgia hitting in waves

Dragging me back in time to those hopeless romantic days
Anxious attachment style here.
Jun 2023 · 963
Haikuesday June 6, 2023
Roberta Day Jun 2023
Remain Open with
Your Self, Your Heart, Your Mind, and
Happiness you'll find
I'm back.
Jun 2023 · 282
Sound the Siren
Roberta Day Jun 2023
The rhythm has finally changed

You never expect it so soon

Suddenly neither one cares

When one has an open wound

From where it came matters not

What steps will you take to heal?

Disappearing in the imaginary abyss won't help

unless coming back with something real

The winged sap wades alone

equipped with a razor sharp edge

only when she flies does it dull,

softening to become fully fledged

Singing to herself across the break

as she coasts closer to the peak

Time passes by another week

Another long time and still no sounds

And in that silence, she drowns
Wrote this so many years ago but it never felt *finished.* I think it's ready to be shared.
Jun 2023 · 253
Sleeping With Ghosts
Roberta Day Jun 2023
I feel this is going nowhere

And I’m just here for your ego

To know I’m still a fish on the hook

For when you’re ready to eat

You make no efforts of security

Or curiosity, and preached about depth when

You’re standing in the shallow end

I should know your plagiarized speeches

And your fake woke phrases

The grand risings happening are the realizations in my head

That you use your mouth for talking but not giving head

The energy faded as soon as you had your cake

That post-sugar high come down

Spoiling your appetite for something sustainable, savory, and fresh

The only thing you’re craving

Is the sweet taste of flesh
Another one bites the dust.
Oct 2022 · 378
Haikuesday October 25, 2022
Roberta Day Oct 2022
Developing plans,
Analyzing projections
In more ways than one
Oct 2022 · 442
Haikuesday October 18, 2022
Roberta Day Oct 2022
I seek to transmute
my essence into loving
yourself and others.
This never posted for some reason.
Aug 2022 · 750
Haikuesday August 30, 2022
Roberta Day Aug 2022
Sharpening the mind
by living on the edge of
this stainless steel world.
For Klaus.
Aug 2022 · 825
Mutual Connection
Roberta Day Aug 2022
Savor it
Entwined limbs
circulating warmth
Lips sealed together
A misty evening,
thanks to the weather
Minds connected
Harmonious scents
from private places
Serenity among faces
Calloused hands
rubbing forever
A feeling I want
to last
Jun 2021 · 723
Haikuesday June 29, 2021
Roberta Day Jun 2021
Wading in waters
So suffocatingly deep
Help me, I'm drowning
Been a long time since my last haikuesday. I thought about this one last week but was late to post.
Apr 2021 · 660
master of manipulation
Roberta Day Apr 2021
You maniacal clown
Disguise your desires
with a ****-serving brow
and a ****-eating grin
Thicken your tongue
with salivary persuasions
tingling with malintent
Shredding my mouth
so it hurts to speak
Infiltrate my neurons
until they’re rewired
and I have no more desires
I'm jumping in late but better late than never.
Dec 2020 · 161
Roberta Day Dec 2020
Still, in the fourth quarter
Disabled, a depressed hoarder
Permeation meets ideation
Tectonic joints sliding away
Collapsing Ebony Atlas
In ruin and decay
Water and rock erode away
Foundation, damaged
Weakened support
Overwhelm and pressure
Leading to the break
Dreaming about the long sleep
Paralyzed while awake
Nov 2020 · 248
Roberta Day Nov 2020
I want to stay up late and write about everything I hate
Everything stemming from a lack of humanity
Why am I living through this time of insanity
Is it to make me stronger, capable of anything great?
It is more pain and struggle to endure
More thoughts to flood my waking mind
and stifle my gasping breath
What a time to be alive
when close contact is killer
and true vulnerability is exposure
When connection is weak and the circuits are short
Isolation is preferred to stave that depression wave
that everyone rides at some breaking point or another
The swell is huge and I have had my fill
Swimming to the bank to cash my earnings in clothes
Drinking alkaline for balance over all of the swill
Doomsday prepping for anything goes
Leaning on what’s left of my will
Quarantine life kinda blows.
Apr 2020 · 175
Haikuesday March 31, 2020
Roberta Day Apr 2020
Soft as a fledgling
caressing my face
Nature's whimsy
Inspired by the transcendent winds I felt yesterday.
Jul 2019 · 503
Haikuesday July 2, 2019
Roberta Day Jul 2019
As the sun swelters,
I wear the sky with clouds
to keep me light and breezy.
Inspired by a blue dress with specks of blue and white flowers on this hot summer day.
Jun 2019 · 331
The shadow of a grand time
Roberta Day Jun 2019
I wonder if people wonder
about me, and if I’m worth
remembering, when I’m projecting
my voice yet can barely hear
my piece over the weight of
the feast. Looking like a snack
won’t sate these beasts. It’s hard
to know your place–when you are
where you’re supposed to be, yet
feel like you don’t belong anywhere.
When the instant reaction to express
your heart lies locked in the spark of
executive dysfunction, and the moment
has wafted away like the lingering smell
stale of yesterday; inner-critique quelling
my own lips from yelling to command
a room’s attention. Not to mention my
vanity lies in personality, skill, intrigue
lack of chatter implies a vestige of depth
for one to sink beneath the surface
yet I wade in opaque waters, watching
reflections to learn just what it is
that ignites hearts that burn
Scorpio moon self in full effect **edit: Libra moon is what I possess*
Jan 2019 · 531
Haikuesday January 1, 2019
Roberta Day Jan 2019
I plan to unlock
untapped potential to reach
heights I've not yet known.
Roberta Day Dec 2018
I will not attack
my lack of activity.
I am still alive.
Nov 2018 · 224
My friend Shame
Roberta Day Nov 2018
Have you met my friend Shame?
He’s not really my friend, he’s kind of a **** actually
Yet I keep him around
He’s not the best company,
he really brings me down.
I don’t ask for his opinions, he just barks them at me
telling me you’re stupid, you ****
you’re not good at anything
you don’t care about anything, really
you’ll never be where you want to be
He hovers like the annoying office-space pusher
and drones on, and on, and on
about how it doesn’t matter if you feel good
because you’re never gonna be good
and how everything you do is inadequate
(compared to whom, I have no idea)
and everything you say is incorrect
(on what scale, I can’t imagine)
and how you will never be able to accept
what you think you deserve
because you don’t deserve anything
(how dysfunctional to say)
And while this nihilist is that and more,
I continue to bade in his company
Buying into his lines a little deeper each time
He has quite the convincing nature,
for he just keeps going on and on
He says I don’t deserve anything
I definitely don’t deserve this
Oct 2018 · 526
Haikuesday October 23, 2018
Roberta Day Oct 2018
Fall feelings are here...
orange outsides and green plants.
I've been here a while.
Oct 2018 · 1.3k
Haikuesday October 2, 2018
Roberta Day Oct 2018
the greatest motivator,
I've been slacking again.
Aug 2018 · 1.2k
Haikuesday August 28, 2018
Roberta Day Aug 2018
Inspired by light
and a likeness between us;
No shade needed here.
Trying to get back into the swing of this.
Aug 2018 · 275
Roberta Day Aug 2018
Framed beauty through a screen
  with added accessories
Painted movement so pristine
  garnishing the best of me
Looking deep into a darkness
siphoning a will long lost
Emerging from the crevice created
by breaking boundaries at a cost
Morphing my form to fit my soul
Desperately wanting to fill its hole
Aug 2018 · 264
Roberta Day Aug 2018
Orange captures
Green soothes
Blue mellows
Red moves

Yellow calms
White blinds
Brown warms
Black binds
Jan 2018 · 255
Roberta Day Jan 2018
Smoky hues are what I see

Smoggy vapors hindering me

Suffocating my esophagus

Closing the gap for air

I take advantage of breathing fine

Until the taste of that sooty despair

Post-coughing fit drip

Trickles down smooth muscle

Dispersing harmful combatants

Respiratory defenses on high

Propelling toxic slime

Attacking vulnerable minds
It's been a while. Title inspired by the villain in Ferngully.
Sep 2017 · 393
Roberta Day Sep 2017
The words don’t come
Like they used to
Swimming in fears to
Get those ears unclogged
From years of silencing the self
What new Hell is this?
Purging emotion as if it’s
...All that’s left
How did I make it through before?
I do regret wishing I was happy
I still feel empty inside,
And this was the desired result
Or maybe when the moon turns I’m meant
To be reminded of my humanity
And take the world on, resting on my back
To continue to be strong
To remember the importance of feeling
So that I do not lose myself to create
An apathetic state of emergency
Then what good will emerge from me?
Apr 2017 · 842
Roberta Day Apr 2017
I emptied my chest;

An old casket encasing

a dying blood pump.
Apr 2017 · 399
The New Norm
Roberta Day Apr 2017
End one task, start another
No time to bask, reptile mother
Swallow fast, you may not rest
Finish your plate to be the best
Sliding from one screen to the next
Running tabs of information
Saved, but not learned
Promises given, but not earned
Words fall short with no action
A disengenuous, disassociated faction
Of new lifers, new beginners who
Believe there are no surprises left
When there was a reason for everything,
Now only excuses matter and suffice
Where truth prevailed, honesty is now brutality
The only way to make someone see
What is wrong with them, never Me
Blame-game doubles as adults
Accountability shaded by one’s faults
Voices carry over one another
To avoid actually listening
The narcissist’s kingdom we’ve come to
A palace of selfish, self-centered thieves
Focused on serving themselves
Regardless of who is bereaved
Feb 2017 · 445
Haikuesday February 7, 2017
Roberta Day Feb 2017
My momentum flows
like a river downstream and
doesn't stop for dams.
Roberta Day Dec 2016
Success is only
determined by how far you
are willing to go.
Haven't participated in haikuesday in months. Here's a late one.
Dec 2016 · 785
Fungal Christmas
Roberta Day Dec 2016
Pounding heads and churning guts lie
next to me on an old quilt under fleece
Still stuffy air enters heavy lungs and leaves
Coming over the hill behind the sea
was an overwhelming sight to see
Endless gray intersecting with sky
reflecting backward and forwards
where perspective meets the eye
Rotted plankwood will lead to demise
executed by jagged shore rock and waves
carrying one away to the ephemeral light
bobbing below the surface that fades
Out with the old days to make room for new,
recounting last year’s glaze
Remembering like it was yesterday
how sick you’d gotten so soon
A tender heart I’ll always have,
and an old, nurturing soul, too
Awakened by life with fresh eyes,
stimulating a walk to take with you
Started this last year at Christmas time, wrote the last eight lines two nights ago.
Roberta Day Sep 2016
A definitive
with me is I'm uncertain,
and that's for certain
Aug 2016 · 753
Roberta Day Aug 2016
Stuccoed silence
Insects of the night
sing their songs
“Take two”–Kava will calm
your nervous system
Full rinse cycle to repeat
Reset once dampened, dry
when you can breathe
Don’t ponder the we
but stay tuned for me
Belt that energy from your throat
Something got your goat?
I’m only intense when you’re gone
My intent is to keep you drawn
but you’re long gone in my mind
Some words I can’t find
in the right moment
I’ve gathered you know it
A few times you’ve shown it
Each time you’ve blown it
Yet I still can’t disown it
Stars twinkle and planes glide
in the sky–I know you’ve looked
checked The Book
Not sure who’s the bait and hook
Missing you like a bad pop song
“Take two”–Kava to calm
my nervous system
Full cycle rinse to repeat
Buttered with scotch and bittersweet
Aug 2016 · 392
Haikuesday August 30, 2016
Roberta Day Aug 2016
If only my voice
carried over to deaf ears...
This is my struggle.
Jun 2016 · 411
Haikuesday June 14, 2016
Roberta Day Jun 2016
Making better use
of my time; staying busy
staves the negative
Jun 2016 · 647
Roberta Day Jun 2016
Inspired enough to write a touch
about what’s been going on
To review, let’s hop back to when
I redacted my word, regarding the only one
who prompts me to bite my tongue
when I say something absurd
which is rarely, more like I never show
that unsavory side of me, though
I know I really should
Because he has little shame when
attempting to diffuse pain so he
dished it the easiest way he could
But my philosophy is some things
just aren’t meant to be,
but I am the only one who declares,
though it’s never that easy;
If you believe, things can happen
so I never lost hope on that one
and we tied that knot by our tongues,
crossed our pinkies and our legs
and fell for the diamonds
in the rough of rotten eggs
Finding happiness with each other while
finding happiness within ourselves
is what I’ve always wanted
but without the wedding bells
A stretch of land measures between our hands
and is the ultimate wall of separation
But life is paving the way for some kind of break
from all these trials and tribulations
I believe we’re on the right path so as
long as we don’t stray, the future will be
a full and satisfying plate
In the span of a year, we've come so far.
May 2016 · 648
Haikuesday May 17, 2015
Roberta Day May 2016
Relationships are
codependent; Partnerships
are coefficient.
May 2016 · 441
Haikuesday May 10, 2016
Roberta Day May 2016
Catching up on sleep
is a myth that nobody
can really achieve
Roberta Day Mar 2016
Have you heard about your hands,
how they’re the devil’s play things?
When entwined with my fingers
we cradle til numb, fine friction from
a twiddling thumb; graceful extremities
fondling every surface covering,
generating and extracting energies

With a hover they raise the dead
cells on my flesh and walk the sacred
space of nerve-endings with a trace
and trails of my racing heart
They’re smooth and soothe wounds
that can’t be spoke, knocking at
my teeth to wrestle my tongue
seducing me from the inside

Your hands are the tools
of your trade, skilled to persuade
and bade time--for it doesn’t exist
Unable to resist your palms upon me,
pockets of warmth radiating heat,
I relish in the sin of wanton skin
waiting to play with fire again
Roberta Day Mar 2016
In order to heal,
apply pressure to pain with
volition and strength.
It's been a while.
Mar 2016 · 714
Haikuesday March 1, 2016
Roberta Day Mar 2016
Beware happiness;
It can be draining if you
delve in it too deep.
Feb 2016 · 833
Haikuesday February 9, 2015
Roberta Day Feb 2016
shouldn't expire at the
cost of an alarm.
Jan 2016 · 410
Haikuesday January 19, 2016
Roberta Day Jan 2016
The best advice I
could think to give is be good
to yourself today.
Jan 2016 · 548
Haikuesday January 12, 2016
Roberta Day Jan 2016
Morning rituals--
Crap! I overslept, coffee,
and contemplation.
I did it again.
Jan 2016 · 734
Haikuesday January 5, 2016
Roberta Day Jan 2016
I want to be your
personal alarm clock to
start your morning right.
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Twisting through the dark
Stifled by heat, panting for
a cool draft of air.
Dec 2015 · 722
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Despond and frustration
I hate this combination
Can’t shake it off
Can’t leave the house
Can’t pinpoint my needs
Don’t even have **** to help
focus on anything but everything
as one big clusterfuck of irk
No one to convene
Only one in mind
Distractions I heed
with so limited time
Alone with greed
and a mighty need
to punish someone for
what’s wrong with me
Waiting for others will be the death of me.
Dec 2015 · 407
Haikuesday December 8, 2015
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Your absence simmers
a saucy mixture of spice
that's good for your health.
Dec 2015 · 554
Haikuesday December 1, 2015
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Out of the woodwork
they peek until they're spotted
and then they retreat.
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Nothing really to whine about this time
Throwing out your past does wonders for the mind
Almost done dwelling on what doesn’t need to be
Organized stacks of fantasies...clutter free
Premonitions poured from the heart of me
I couldn’t comprehend love til now
Been meaning to burn old written words
and release their content away
The day has come that all of me will allow
the desecration of the unrequited days
dragged too far along in life
because the idea still remained
Stopped loitering on too many side-thoughts
Got caught up with the right train
Been warmer in the cold this time around
These days, I don’t mind rain
Dec 2015 · 734
The splendor of good decor
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Kitchen-hungry red
Ocean-water teal
Blacks bonded together
Stitched and adhered
  to lay flat
on my kitchen floor
Crimson 50′s clock
quietly going tick-tock
during rests of audio activity
Wrestling with dogs
during the turning of cogs
to unwind pent up energy
The day of rest and solitary conquest
puts me in no hurry to leave this nest
For I appreciate and want to bathe in
everything I have...for now.
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