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Dec 2014 · 4.9k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
The ****** of the east and west,
At Your recovery we all rest,
Lord is merciful but the people are not.
Clocks tick and the days goes by,
I'm afraid that you will never be forgotten.
The west will dangle you
Before the eyes of thousands.
For all the thousand things they want
Your agendas are quite right I'm afraid,
Perhaps they thought metal was the answer.
They were afraid as well.
Showed, praised and written about,
Cherished and awarded.
Our dear malala.
I can't help think,
Perhaps you're a puppet
And west the clever puppeteers.
Brave as you are,
I know for sure now that
You don't stand a chance.
Life might be short but it seems like an eternity.
For change is what you want,
You don't reside with the enemy,
You don't accept their awards.
When a government can't assure us change,
What chance do you stand with your words,
For you are just a girl with a bullet hole.
And half this country is drowned in illiteracy.
Brace yourself sweetheart,
Cause you are just another girl,
Where millions others are fighting a real fight,
All you do is befriend the woeful west.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 648
The Darkness
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Don't you wonder what's in the dark ?
Don't you find yourself awake,
At night thinking about it?
Believe me it's forbidden.
Stay away and be ignorant.
It's a bliss.
For darkness isn't for you,
I'm not sure if the light is either.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Come to the wrong side of reality.
You'll find it enchanting.
You might set the world on fire,
Nobody will see you coming.
You might get lost,
Lose your ways in its sin.
For darkness is expanded
With no security.
Woe to those who say different.
Look around you and join hands
Make friends and shield your back.
Everyone's here to win.
They don't trust me on this.
Move on like the waves do,
And find another to riddle
Keep playing and fiddle em in pleasure.
To woe with people and their matters.
Be a tyrant of your own thoughts.
Look the other way,
Seep away it'll be worth your while,
Trust me on that.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 601
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Curse are the living,
For death is easy.
Gushing wrath of olden winds,
Stab with potential.
Go ahead raise our dead.
Ease them from their story grave.
Pray they crawl out on all limbs.
Ask you your blood,
Don't you dare refuse.
Ask you your truth,
Don't your dare lie.
Coz they already know.
They've swirled around and they've been Here before.
Walked on death leaves,
Death revokes death.
They know they've been here before
Ask you your life,
Don't you dare tell.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 449
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Beauty is my everlasting imperfection,
Imperfection is my omnipresent reflection,
My dear shadow, my belonging.
My Lord given gift,
Fueled by faith and paitence,
And omnipresence is ubiquitous.
I know and I believe,
Omnipresence is perfection.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 447
My Part
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
My part.
My world, My life, my words,
You don't own any rights to my movie.
So back off. Better still just disappear.
Better still live and let life.
My mistakes, my regret, my decisions.
Look out for me all you like.
But don't block me out from mine.
Warn me all you want,
Be concerned, be cautious.
Desultory waste it will be. Still.
Let me be.
After all we learn from our mistakes,
Or do we not?
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
And if you say that they are the rulers,
then what are we?
Dedicated fools behind a blind notion.
Puppeted by clever puppeteers.
There are better things to come than those which we leave behind.
I might agree
But my mind is already made.
This world is planned ruins,
And we are the veins.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 412
Light fades
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
I've seen the sun
it's bright and hurts my eyes .
Its all hail and mighty ,
But that has nothing to do with me.
I've seen the dark,
I rather say I'm thrilled.
Its all smooth and mysterious ,
Oh the effect it has on me.
Its dangerous n torturous
I dare say I don't care.
It twirls me around in its arm
I dare say I've never felt so alive
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 13.8k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
What if the dark side isn't dark
but white pure light,
beautiful, innocent.
A perfect disguise.
Devil in white.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Shadows keep creeping up,
Always Next to me at night.
They catch me off guard,
They'll swallow me whole tonight
But isn't that queer.
Very sinister indeed.
Always in full gear,
You keep me wondering who you are,
Running curiosity through to my peril.
But I've fallen in love
With million twinkling stars.
And I'm no longer afraid of the dark
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 4.1k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Smiling is a forbidden pleasure .
Let our eyes do the talking.
Pious intentions your might be,
Don't be so sure of mine.
Same love, same intensity
But whole another dimension.
It might startle you.
It might impress you.
Perhaps it would scare your,
Remember this I do forever,
I don't taste and leave
I stay and devote.
Love me alone or hit the empty road.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 356
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
If I go missing, will you search for me?
Will you rake the world ?
Tear it upside down in my pursuit?
If I were drowned in an ocean
Would you pour out the blues?
Would you swim in indigo depths looking for me ?
Oh friend of mine.
If I were lost in merry oblivion
Would you snap me out of it?
Or let me be ?
For I was smiling when I lost everything
My dearest
If I were lost in the never land
Would you come after me?
We'd soar the skies
We'd never grow old.
© RazanRinaldi
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
RazanSidErani Dec 2014
Look out the window.
Through the thick black glass,
I hope you look out properly.

Almost sincerely?

Turn away from the mirror and look out the window.

Listen to that noise ?

It's your conscious knocking.
The glass never breaks though,
You've ignored it for so long.
It fed off your insolence,
It ceased to be beaten down with love and humility,
And It ceased to be weak to them.

It fumed up sooty smoke,
like your temper and ignorance,
Clogging your view to reality.
It turned hiked just like your ego hype.
It made you blind and self centered,

Everything you promised you'd never be.

Only you could get rid of it.

Honestly, almost sincerely, will you?

Will you break it down and listen to the universe screaming.

Redemption, compassion, love and hope?
Forgiveness, repentance, patience and faith?

It'll scream you awake!
Strike you down from all your glory.
For everyone to see.
On your knees it'll make you repent.
It'll make you swallow your pride
and make you plow your heart out.
It'll pound on you till all that's left
On the ground is blood and ****** bones.
But in the end it'll make you whole again.
it'll purge you from explicits.
At the end, The Reckoning comes for all.
© RazanRinaldi

— The End —