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When you feel the pain
Through every bone, every vein
You decide not to hide
And instead, you walk with pride
Is it worth it?

When you climb a mountain
So certain
You will fly
But you don’t, and people cry
Is it worth it?

When you see it in their eyes
Beyond the doors, behind the lies
And you finally choose
To stop staring at your shoes
Is it worth it?

When you've been on the other side
It can be hard to decide
Consequences may fill one with remorse
But it’s up to you, of course
So tell me now, is it worth it?
My faith has been weak,
I have fallen on my knees
so many times.
But how honest was I?

I felt hate and shame,
till they both felt the same.
I've been so wrong,
for way too long.

Why did I look away,
or run at the sound of your name?
Why was I so afraid,
just to be saved?

After being so blind,
and falling out of line,
I finally see,
it's you that I need.

After all that you've sacrificed,
you gave your entire life,
just for sinners like me.
What took me so long to see?

My lord, I give you my life.
After all of this struggle and strife.
I realize I can't survive,
without you on my side.

You are the king of all kings,
You are everything.
Even after I have sinned,
I know I am now forgiven.
Within the past few year, I have not been who I needed to be. I've been lying to myself, letting myself believe I was living right. But tonight I watched a movie called "The Passion Of The Christ" and it brought me to realize my mistakes. Not only did I cry through the whole movies, I prayed through most of it also. To think that Jesus gave his life for me and I still have the nerve to make small, pointless excuses for my sins made me see how wrong I've been. From this day on, I'm going to try and live my life right. I am letting go of the hate I use to hold inside of my heart and I am starting over new. My faith is restored.
Woven throughout the passage of time
a life image of every soul
each setting out on its journey
and striving to reach the goal.

Often falling along the way
each choice a test of fate
and wrong decisions that will be made
results we don’t anticipate.

A bitter word here, a kind word there
differences that we settle
choices for peace or violence
oft put us on our mettle.

Encounters on the way we make
can cause us so much ill
but choices that we make for good
will linger with us still.

And so we make our journey
each move is new and fresh
the aim to be true to one’s self
from that day we leave the crèche.

Perhaps we choose a mate ere long
to help and guide us through
the best ones are the ones we love
they help to keep us true.

We have our faith, a private thing
it helps us as we travel
and when we stumble and we fall
we sometimes will unravel.

It’s then we test in our belief
and sometimes we’re found wanting
but guidance from within the faith
can make our tasks less daunting.

And so we pick our way again
our faith perhaps restored
and certainty that lives well spent
are blessed and never bored.

If we work hard and we believe
and keeping faith try not to stray
a time will come at journey’s end
when we will see the better day.

©Joe Wilson – Keeping faith 2014
Mould me
Shape me
You can't
Take me!
I'm in Him
You can't
Break me!
What goes down  must come up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is spilt just leaves the cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bump me! Bounce me! Hit me!!! Trounce me
Just you
Try and
Keep me
Down. I
Won't fight.
I won't
In Christ
I'm strong
In Christ
I'm blessed
In Christ
My weakness
My best!!!

Between the two stood the one
At the place of the skull upon a hill
And the shadow it cast down over man
Across the earth lingers still

Blood stained and spike pierced beams
Held the teacher till he died
Looking up some only laughed
Others bowed their head and cried

On the tree this precious son
Who some by choice never knew
Prayed"Father please forgive them,
For they know not what they do"

Messiah sacrificed on those rugged beams
In three days to rise again
The way the life the truth
An atonement for our sin

When the meaning of the tree is told
My ears attend and receive
I can scarce conceive the cost
And it's meaning to you and me

Behind my eyes I hold these thoughts
Concerning the tree to which Jesus went
The lonely tree of Golgothas Hill
Where hung the saviour from heaven sent

Our sins destroyed life now given
By the blood of one who was only good
He hung in my place where I should have hung
Upon a cross made of wood
There is no God, it's all a joke.
Just the thought of it, makes me choke.
They believe there God, will save them now.
From the evil, in this world some how.

I **** the Christians, one by one.
When they hear my name, they turn and run.
I fly by night, from town to town.
Setting the flame, to burn it down.

But one afternoon, in the sky I see.
A very bright light, that is blinding me.
Saul, I know who you are, and what you have done.
I am your Lord Jesus, it is to me you must run.

Forgive me O' Lord, for now I believe.
Your love and your grace, I am ready to receive.
I've committed many sins, I know it is true.
But believe me O' Lord, when I say I am through.
- From I Have Seen
stated it
and declared
that you would
never give up on me
And I believe that you will
soon fulfill that promise to me
I have fought and a have fell in the
darkness of a hurting heart, I admit that
there were times, when I doubted your presence
I ask for the forgiveness that I really do not deserve
I ask for the redemption that I have not earned at all
I have tried to make amend for the things that I can not
control, and for the decisions that I once took out of impulse
I ask for a word that will give hope, and I try to see how this can
make you love me just a little more than how you loved me yesterday!
But the thing is, I can not do, something as crazy as that, for you
Have loved me the same in every day, the same as every day
You have given me the times and patience and the liberty
To fight for my life, I cant help but to drop some tears
at remembering all those times when I was hiding,
you came to me and took me out of a pattern
And changed me into a lady and a true
witness of your love. I was not  able
to see it before but now I have
my chance, I love you, like
I have never loved any-
one else, I love you
because you have
loved me first
and you have
been here
all this
 Aug 2014 The Poetic Architect
I am a grenade in his arms
burning, fire destructive
still He holds me

I am a lost stream of strange desires
of sin and sorrow and addiction
still, He is with me

I am a beast that no-one wants to love
a home built in caves of shadows and darkness
still He sees me

His love is an avalanche,
His forgiveness meant death,
His power is God.

Who is like you Jesus?
I have been born to this affluent world
Rich with diversity and nature’s delight
So many wonders mesmerize me
Benevolence is the essence of this abode
The microcosm reflecting the magnanimity
Immediately I was accepted as a tenant
Being fed from the abundance of cultivation
Fertile soils yielding bountiful harvest
Feeding me to make me stronger
I walk upon this earth with pride and joy
To see mankind and animal kingdom thrive
The camaraderie between and nature and us
It still does not say, “You owe me”
We are indebted to this planet for the largesse
Yet, not rich enough to pay back the debt
I am just a tenant, wonder if I can repay
Only way I can do that is by nurturing love within
And not to destroy this space at will
Only I can love the earth with my heart
And help, in my way to nurture its purity
Many more to come after me can be a tenant here
Let this be a reminder, we are not here to plunder
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