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633 · Aug 2018
The Beauty
Neville Johnson Aug 2018
Is it possible to be too beautiful, she wondered
After the effect she had on men?
Did they love her for who she was
Or her looks which took them aback?

A dilemma real
She was born that way
One with a true heart

Beauty is a flickering candle
An evanescent light
Occasionally a hindrance
But usually it turns out right
Yes, she’s a high paid model
But graduated with honors
Her degree in business
She’s paid fashionably
With covers on Elle and Vogue
Deserved, you’ll agree

She concentrates now on finding her man
To having kids, a must be
Some very fine candidates are pursuing her
She plays wait and see
For one will rise above the rest
She will then commit
To a love so beautiful
Never to quit
632 · Mar 2019
Neville Johnson Mar 2019
Cozy, I want cozy
Cozy all the time
Cozy, warm and cozy
Cozy on my mind
Blankets  are a great help
Hot chocolate and tea
A good movie on the telly
Hugs from my baby with me
Sunday mornings with the NYT
Breakfast in bed
Crispy bacon does please
Lolling about
Welcoming the sun
A warm long bath
Epsom salts are pretty fun
Yes, cozy
Cozy all the time
I live for cozy
Cozy on my mind
Neville Johnson Jul 2017
Here’s the deal
Here’s the truth
Ladies, listen up
Take some advice from this guy
Be prepared, take a chance
Most of us are awful shy

We’re scared of rejection
Maybe just in awe
Can’t believe you’d go for us
I’m laying down the law
From now on it’s Sadie Hawkins Day
Ask that man to dance
Or for a cup of coffee
Because perchance
You might find Mr. Right
To make up for all those Mr. Wrongs
It’s easy, all you do is try
They’ll fall into your arms

So every day, if you meet someone
Who could float your boat
Give him the opportunity
Let him know there’s hope
That he could maybe fall in love
At least have a good time
Practice ‘til you get it right
You’ll be surprised how easy it is
Try with all your might
It will work out fine
614 · Sep 2016
Neville Johnson Sep 2016
Her story is his story
Fusion comes to mind
Two lives lived for the other
Love combined
They fit, two aces
Working at it day by day
Aligned together
Above the daily fray
Nothing they cannot surmount
They've got hopes and dreams
And realistic expectations
It is what it seems
Good times filled with purpose
Worthwhile how their time is spent
Natural and easy, magnificent
His story is her story
Real and filled with heaven's scent
One nods the head in appreciation
That what they have is meant to inspire
To make brighter each day
And to nurture the rest of us
So that we each can say
My story is her story
Her story is mine
Love is what we share in it
And how we are defined.
606 · Jun 2017
Neville Johnson Jun 2017
I know what’s come over me
Yes, I know it’s true
I know what’s come over me
Yes, it is you
You, who changed my life
You, my living dream
You’re really the bomb
You always make the scene
I could go on and on

Life is very simple when sliced to the core
We all just need a love
That is how success you score
There’s really nothing more
It’s love and kindness
That’s what we have
What living is for

So, dear one, we shall carry on
Dance our days away
Entwined in each other’s arms
Always shall we say
How happy we are
How lucky every day
For that is what has come over me
Ever since you came my way
597 · Nov 2016
Alone Together
Neville Johnson Nov 2016
Lovers just want to be alone  
With good reason they say
They need time to kiss and talk
And while the time away
Lovers are lucky
We all want the same
To feel that fine
Living for the other
Cruising through time
Just being with each other
Away from the daily fray
Alone together
Lovers day by day
590 · Dec 2022
Neville Johnson Dec 2022
Our romance was a gust of wind
And so we flew away
Spent time in heaven
Too bad we could not stay
I shall remember it forever
And miss it just as long
Be thankful for what we had
We were and are a song
That only we could sing
More than just a memory
A feeling in our hearts
It hurts too much to grieve
577 · Nov 2016
Neville Johnson Nov 2016
The day of reckoning is almost here
I'm on my way to the Promised Land
I'm sure there will be consequences
That's all right
I need a reckoning with myself, with God, with life

Absolution would be welcome
To myself I say
I want so much to be better
And in every way

I have so much to be grateful for
I must win this race
Against the bad in me
I want a state of grace

Jerusalem here I come
I need your open arms
I am finally here
Ready to disarm me from selfishness
My venality
With hope and determination
Help me succeed
571 · Dec 2022
It All Turned Out OK
Neville Johnson Dec 2022
It all turned out ok
Here we are
The plans we made
Have all come true
I owe it all
I know it all
Is due to you
Oh, Cindy
It’s been quite a time
Rolling down the road of life
With lovin’ on our minds
We just keep keeping on
Smiling all the while
Optimistic is our characteristic
Sometimes flying blind
Oh, Cindy, isn’t it great
It all turned out OK?
560 · May 2017
I Just Live in Her World
Neville Johnson May 2017
Beautiful, fierce, sassy, goofy, cool, and sweet
Breezy toughness, that's my girl complete
She captured me, I just live in her world
My antidote, it's a whirl
Keeping up with her until we curl up
Her head on my shoulder when the day is done
"What a day we've had," we usually say
"Yes, my dear, now wasn't it fun?"
I'm along for the ride, right by her side
Through snow, turmoil and choppy seas
We can be subtle where there is trouble
We know where to stand when the cold wind blows
She my island of sanity when I need to go deep
When fear tries to get in my way
My inamorata, you know she's gotta
Protect me in every way
My best friend and pal
A true double wow
Indescribably neat
555 · Aug 2017
The Umpire
Neville Johnson Aug 2017
He took nothing from nobody--- never
As tough an umpire as they come
Big, boisterous, arrogant
Walking with a strut
"Whatever call you make is only the right call.
Never complain, never apologize," he used to say.
Ken Kaiser may be gone, but his memory will always be in play.
In the off season, his family would tell him to calm down and stop telling them what to do
If you can believe it, before umpiring he was The Hatchet, a professional wrestler, and never won a match.
He was proud that as an umpire he never lost control of a game.
The field was intimidated by him.
Rightly so.
551 · May 2019
Neville Johnson May 2019
I'm going to create a drink and name it after you
The Wildcat I shall call it
It will tantalize and pack a punch
The ingredients shall be mysterious
The recipe known only by me

Only you and I shall drink this concoction
Doing so in rooms alone
Under down comforters
Even when the night is young
We’ll drink to us
I’m thinking of toasts as we speak
535 · Feb 2021
Leave Her Be
Neville Johnson Feb 2021
All alone with her memories
She tries to write a poem
It will be about life and love
And disappointment
The months disappeared into years
But the pain and joy go on
Forging her resolve to resolve
The loss, the hunger, the gladness, the sadness
The blouse she wears was given by him
Pulled from her closet on special days
There she is: sitting on that big rock
Staring into the Bay
It’s best not to approach her now
There’s really nothing to say
525 · Jan 2022
Real Thing
Neville Johnson Jan 2022
It’s the real thing
I fell in love with her differences
But we like the same thing
Like walks in the park
Hearing birds that sing

This is a love that will never grow old
Want to know why?
Fate collided with destiny
Creating this fire inside
523 · Dec 2016
Wild Bird
Neville Johnson Dec 2016
My wild bird has flown away
Gone to that island in the sun
On her way and carried with her
My heart, my only one

We lived a dream
Ethereal, we realized
How perfect love can be
What we encountered
Under cloudless skies

There beneath the palm trees
We achieved peace and understanding
Sweet and sensuous sighs found at last
Consigned to be in the past perfect tense

For dreams must end
Birds must fly
Carried on cool winds
My wild bird cruises high

The love is not gone
Just her presence
The feelings shall always remain
I'll just have to carry on
They say tomorrow will be a day of rain
Neville Johnson Mar 2017
This is the city where I come from
And my folks and before them some
Who left good old Ireland
Yes this is the city where I come from
They came to make their way
They came to see a day
Where they could earn decent pay
To make a new life to be able to say
I am here to stay
I got a yesterday
I got a past
A tomorrow
And for sure a today
Because of the brave ones
Who found this place
Who breathed and lived their dream
The one I now embrace
I thank them with all my heart
Yes it's been a very human race
They came to make their way
They came to stay
Today is St. Patrick's Day. I'm mostly Irish. We are all immigrants. These are the lyrics to a song I am now performing as Trevor McShane. McShane is the name of my forefathers, who changed it (Mc is son, Shane is John in Gaelic) in about 1850 because of prejudice against the Irish.
478 · Jul 2018
Lawyers for the Good
Neville Johnson Jul 2018
Lawyers aren’t all bad
Some do a lot of good
Advocates for the public
Fighting for your rights
With justice the crucible
Fraught with difficulty
Conflict is the norm
Determination and cleverness required
I admire these colleagues of mine
Their spirit energizes and inspires me
They make a difference
A big one, in the lives of many
All for our common benefit
God bless them
472 · Jun 2021
Perfect Company
Neville Johnson Jun 2021
There will never be another you
Nor another us
What we have is so perfect
Excellent A-plus
Perfect company
At a ball or on the town
Or hanging in the desert
With no one else around
There will never be another love
Like the one that’s ours
Nothing could takes its place
How it has flowered
Each day is nirvana
Just to see your face
To surely, simply love you
Always been the case
447 · Jul 2021
Neville Johnson Jul 2021
Savvy and sultry
Jeanine is such a beauty
Paul — lean and lanky
Both of them free
And single
Let’s see what happens
When happenstance arrives
Paul likes her personality
They meet at a job in the nice part of town
He’s the handyman
She plants flowers
They chat so pleasantly
Share some lemonade
They both think
“It’s been such a long time
Since I went on a date”
It was time to give it a chance
Yes, they could relate
So Jeanine asked the house owner
For his number
Immediately called
They’re down by the lake right now
Each enthralled
441 · Aug 2022
Romcom in Real Life
Neville Johnson Aug 2022
It was like high school
The three friends who anxiously watched
The dates as they went down
Did they like each other?
Was there any awkwardness?
How about a first kiss?
Savannah set them up
Jenna and Anna conspired
Watching the developments
As if they were voting returns
Yes, Libby and Sayan matched
Cheered on by their fans
The proposal was a topper
For he handed her a Dunkin’ Donuts bag
At the end of the New York Marathon
In which he ran (fit dude!)
And hurriedly got down on one knee
When she became suspicious
As to why Jenna was hiding in the bushes with a camera
This is is a romcom in real life
435 · Sep 2022
Almost There
Neville Johnson Sep 2022
This story wanted to be a poem
But it didn’t make it all the way
It’s content to be just that
Who’s to say it can’t stand on its own?
432 · Oct 2017
Neville Johnson Oct 2017
Mustangs they are, wild horses who need gentling
Like Firestorm, where it took two hours to get him to walk three feet
         to a post
Dusty Levi’s, chaps and a whole lot of patience is what it takes coax
         these babies into bonding with the wranglers, who are penned
         up too
You see, they’re short-termed, non-violent offenders at this
          minimum security prison in the high desert south of Reno
Which is why they can all relate
Learn to be good citizens and not try to buck the system
Together in the bruising, blazing heat
Building trust, creating camaraderie
Getting to the point you can touch, pet, ride them
Working towards adoption day when the general public
Will trot them off to their new lives
The trainers and the mustangs having learned new skills
The world becoming a better place
Men and their mustangs achieving peace
431 · Jan 2018
Loving You
Neville Johnson Jan 2018
Loving you isn’t a choice  
It’s more than words can say
Loving you is who I am
Today and every day
Loving you, loving you

This is our time
Today, tomorrow
And eternity
Love and happiness our tools
The love of you and me

The best thing about it all
Is how I enjoy your good company
I don’t wish for anything more
We’re just cool on every scene

Loving you, loving you
Each and every day
Loving you, loving you
Always in all ways
Loving you, loving you
You save me every day
With your sweet talk and wisdom
It’s always been that way
426 · Feb 2017
The Standup Comic
Neville Johnson Feb 2017
I'm a stand-up comic, no joke
Please sit down, give me some hope
This laugh meister has it tough out there
Doing my tight five, flying without fear
But you, yes you, maybe could save him
Give him the courage to carry on
Look, I've got a college education
I'm fun, at least when I'm not brooding about why some joke failed
I know, it's just a bit, but it puts me in jail
Which is why I need you at least to talk to me
I need to sit down
I won't try to make you laugh
I need a friend, you see
Neville Johnson Jan 2017
I am the ghost of relationships past
You can see I'm very busy, so many don't last
I haunt the hearts of the also-rans
I don't do it cause I can
No, it's with compassion
I understand the sorrow
That it won't go away
I offer solace, enough to say
Have hope and appreciation
Some understanding
For I too feel their hurt
You probably don't know
But we ghosts are built that way

Take the couple I just met
Penny is from heaven
Ted is the best
A good man at the core
But he strayed from the nest
They split-up
Both are now bereft

This is how I just worked that one
I whispered to them
That maybe she should forgive
And he should never forget
How wonderful life used to be
Perhaps it would be best
To talk again, to walk again along that garden path
Love can work on the rebound
But you've got to take that chance

I'm happy to report these fresh results
They've agreed to relate
Establishing romantic relations once again
They're going on date, on which I shall accompany them
To ensure that things go well
Then it's home to Mrs. Ghost
Whom I first met at the Heartbreak Hotel
424 · Jan 2017
Figuratively Speaking
Neville Johnson Jan 2017
I used to be an integer
Now I'm a fraction of what I used to be
My problems multiplied exponentially
To sum it up, I'm looking for value
A good addition, someone to love me
Who won't divide us from the other
It's my theory of relativity
So let's have a slice of pi
A walk down lover’s lane
We'd be perfect numbers
Without need to explain
Why we fit together
Oh so equally
The perfect equation
I hope you're into me
420 · Jul 2017
Sweet Nothings
Neville Johnson Jul 2017
Impossible, implausible
She kissed me
Directly, on the lips, spontaneously
Consistent with my feelings
Surely, this was it
I told her that night
That when it came to forever
Yes, we just might

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Me?, now I do
She and me were meant to be
I got the proof
A random walk into happenstance
Steps that changed my life
A sunny disposition
From this soon to be my wife

Irresistible, kissable, sizzling and bright
Those eyes, that face, those lips
She did fly my kite
I thought I might fall over
In fact, I almost did
Touch me with a feather
Watch me blow my lid
Oh she hit the spot
I fell in love right then and there
Never will it stop
Sometimes life is fair

It's been a frenzy of nuzzling
Perfect and correct
Exactly what you want in life
We're neck in neck with sweet nothings
In perfect harmony
Especially when I kiss her back
When she kisses me
Neville Johnson Oct 2016
It went on and on
Oh so many years
We were best friends through thick and thin
With romance in arrears
When I was ready
She of course was not
Then I married someone else
She also tied the knot
I was even there for that one
It hurt a lot
I believe you call it sadness

Love sometimes feints the heart
Sometimes you gotta wait
You do the best you can
Try not to make a mistake
But I did and so did she
So we became two not so gay “divorce-eas”
Still talking to each other
Still with a lot to say
Like how about a date?
One turned into two
And then another
Until I could no longer wait
Came the day on blended knee
I asked her to be my mate
"Oh my God, it's been you along,"
That's what she said to me
Followed by, "I have always loved you,"
Which I took as yes to my deeply felt query
We are now married
Since March 25, to be exact
Our romance is permanently intact
This is based on a true story I learned about.
412 · Dec 2023
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
It’s her touch, or sometimes just a murmur in the night
That lets me know she loves me
That everything will be all right
It’s when she looks at me sideways when driving
And then she smiles, silently letting me know
That everything will be all right
That our love will grow
It’s her constant kindness to everyone she meets
She exudes just plain goodness
Makes my life complete

Our love is nonpareil
It’s with us everywhere
Through times of sorrow
Of hardship and pain
For indeed we have dared to climb that mountain
It’s the journey not the end
It’s her touch or sometimes just a murmur
That lets me know I’m her friend
398 · Aug 2017
Bar Talk and Bartok
Neville Johnson Aug 2017
Bar talk and Bartok in the air set the scene
Astronaut haircut made his move into the next red leather banquette
Missy Jean sat demurely as Mr. On-the-make explained
He was very new in town, just off the plane
He'd been a pilot, assigned to Afghanistan
Now here he was in NYC, trying to fit in
He would appreciate some conversation after all he'd seen
It was good to be back in the States, he said
Some of his compadres, they ended up dead
But that was being morose, so he toasted to life
To making the most of it anywhere, including this bar near Washington Square
He was glad to be there, in the moment, alive
He was was clearly sincere, sans any jive
Clean-cut, neatly dressed, Missy J sighed
For here was a man with a story to tell
And she had the time and interest in what he had to sell
Which was friendship, which could lead to more
Life and love are so random, what was in store?
She was was from Virginia, not long out of school
Working in fashion, in a job that was cool
In search of a future, a new and good day
An auspicious start, it was time to play
394 · Jul 2017
Today Is the Day
Neville Johnson Jul 2017
Today is the day
All over again
A day we remember
When my best friend
Told the world that truth
A new couple was formed
Cin and Nev were joined arm in arm
This day is more than our anniversary
It's another joyous day of her and me
Like so many others sure to occur
As we stand by each other
Steadfast and strong
We are so happy
That says it all
Me and the Baby Doll
We both stand tall
393 · Sep 2017
Somebody Somewhere
Neville Johnson Sep 2017
Such a long time I waited for someone to love
Somebody somewhere, I was thinking of
I knew she was out there my somebody somewhere
But the world’s a big place and life is not fair
Neither is love, not when you want it to be
You can’t control romance, it’s wait and see
To see if your someone is the somebody
You should be with, you must let it be

We’re not meant to be alone
Everybody knows
Somewhere can mean anywhere
In the end, who knows
What and how and why you will finally meet
The love of your life, so you can be complete

I waited such a long time
I hoped I would meet her
Finally she arrived, now I can assure
You that it will work out, just as it did for me
My somebody is now somewhere
Lying next to me.
391 · Jul 2017
Hanging Out and Hanging On
Neville Johnson Jul 2017
I'm lazing with my baby
Rolling down life's road
She let's me do my thing
There's no overload
I'm allowed to snooze
Kick back and seize the day
With cool reads by Elmore Leonard
I get to say "Aw shucks"
Hang by the pool
Watch some good TV
There's a lotta yucks
Hanging out and hanging on
It's a cool, cool breeze
Self-contained on our yacht
In the pod for we two peas

If you ask me what I'm doing
I'd say nothing much
Don't need shiny shoes
I can wear the scuffs
I'm without inhibition
Inhabiting my world
That means kisses from my baby doll
Best sangria be assured

So catch some rays and tap your feet
Jack Johnson sings away
All about the life we lead
Beach music all the way
390 · Mar 2019
My Parents’ True Story
Neville Johnson Mar 2019
She wanted to be young and in warm weather
Me too
So California here we came
Sure we were gonna stay
What’s not to like?
All we needed to do was meet
Then came the night
A double date it was
Only she was with him
Barbara was her name
By the time it was over
I got her number
From then on she had mine
Inseparable we became
Forever entwined
On our third date I told her
I would marry her
She gave me an ingratiating smile
We were both sure
And here we are today
True indeed.
386 · Jul 2019
Neville Johnson Jul 2019

You can do it, anyone can write a love poem. First, decide you want to do it, then get something to write on, pencil or computer, and begin. Do it anytime, anywhere, whenever you have a few minutes to contemplate. View the ability to do so as a treat, for it will be fun to navigate emotion via words, akin perhaps to working a crossword puzzle as you fish for just that word or turn of phrase that gives meaning. It is challenging and exciting to find that rhyme that works.  It helps to have a strong vocabulary, but just knowing the language is all you really need. Some of the greatest poems ever created are utterly simple in the language used.
Metaphors and similes are always welcome additions to poems and utilize onomatopoeia, alliteration and assonance whenever possible. Using these tools delights the eyes and ears.
Put your mind at ease and enjoy and appreciate having the time and ability to create and think about life’s most precious gift. Start with a phrase or thought that has come to mind upon which you’d like to expand. (I have a collection of these I call upon when I’m looking for inspiration.) Focus on the what, why and how of love and its meaning to you. You can write about your feelings for someone you know or with whom you are in a relationship. Or, perhaps, you will be writing in a fictional context drawing from your own experience or from hopes and dreams. Is there someone you miss, or to whom you wish to be closer?  It helps to have someone to think about, but it’s not necessary.
There is no formula for a love poem, it can be free verse, a sonnet, or one of a myriad of rhyme schemes. When I write, I just start writing and words and rhymes just flow. It’s somewhat like riding a bicycle. It’s not that hard to learn, you can go faster and faster in any direction you want. The more you write, the easier it becomes stylistically,  
There are many kinds of romantic love:  those of longing for or missing someone special, and the contented, satisfying type when it’s really going well, among other variations. You’ll never be at a loss for inspiration. I get ideas from the newspaper, comments in conversation, and much of the time, out of thin air. So many times I’ll write a first line, not knowing where the poem will go, and lines come, one after the another, as if on a scavenger hunt. Then, voila, I have a perfectly formed little verse that is just right, at least to my eyes.
Writing has a salutary, therapeutic effect. Grappling with words and emotions in the context of love is invigorating contemplation which can assist in resolving thorny, important issues facing the poet. The problem may not be solved, but perhaps it may be defined. This is your opportunity to get back at a someone who hurt you in a failed romance. You’ll feel better after doing so and no one will ever have to know you really feel or how you were so hurt. When you do share your poems with others and loved ones, you’ll be gratified at the reaction and the recipient will be thrilled to have been the object of such affection.
Write for yourself, satisfy yourself first.  Poems are personal and can remain private forever, so don’t worry about being embarrassed about what you write. Get it down.  You don’t have to show it to anybody. However, once created, maybe you will want to. Love is about sharing, devotion, friendship. Writing poetry has gotten me through much sadness, given me goals, and been endlessly pleasing to my psyche over the years.
Be spare in your writing, don’t use any unnecessary words. There is elegance in simplicity.  It is in the editing that the poem truly comes alive. Doing a good polish is to eat the icing on the cake.
Once you start writing poetry, you will never stop. It’s addicting and just a great way to use time wisely. You will amaze yourself with what comes out of your mind and heart. It’s a process, writing, and will exercise your mind and bring much pleasure.  
Start today.
Some of you may find this helpful.
386 · Sep 2016
Neville Johnson Sep 2016
Rachel and Adrian met at a barbecue
Kate and Jake at summer camp
Marlin and Samuel have been together since second grade
All of this unplanned
True love arrives and once there
Turns into forever

Garrick went to the home of a childhood friend
Meghan was there
Seven years later they married
Amy and Wayne met through mutual friends
You just never know where and when it will happen
Somehow it always does

Then there's Emma and Benjamin,
She went on 116 dates, almost a lost cause she thought
It was only his third date off the internet, but they took
These are announcements in the newspaper on this very day
How the married couples met
To the world they are now united
This is about the get
They went all the way

Meet Nora and Samuel, who both worked at a sandwich shop
They took off in a car to see the states, platonic at the start
A first kiss led to many more, now they are of one heart
It was a dinner party for Kelly and David
Nathalie and Max met at Georgetown U
So the only question remaining
Is when it will happen to you?
Love romance relationships marriage weddings
382 · Aug 2017
The Journey
Neville Johnson Aug 2017
We're all on the journey  
We all have an end
Life's an adventure
To be shared with lovers and friends
You work hard to enjoy your vacation

I'm the perfect example of a man with a dream
Who kept on going in the face of great need
Just kept my head down, pushed myself along
Turned that dirge into a happy song

I love my wife,
I know what I've got, one happy life
Bills that are paid, dinner at 8
In a word, it's all going great.
380 · Sep 2016
The Eternal Hipster
Neville Johnson Sep 2016
The eternal hipster surveys the scene
Puts on his bright, usual smile
Saunters in, knows he is seen
Small talk is his forte
He's skilled at witty repartee
There's a nice looker in that blue dress
He walks her way
He's been a loner way too long
He knows he's gotta stay
In the game, in the world, in life
Or else he'll fade into the twilight
Into the murals, forever lost in play

Scarred, scared and worried
He's been at this too long
He liked it better when he was with the ex
But that's an old sad song
He misses his lover
Why does love have to die?
She's gone which is why he's here
Giving it the college try

The blue dress is worn by Amy
He says, "Rick's the name.
Do you live here in Malibu,
Or on the fruited plain?"
She laughs demurely, then looks away
Explains that she's a widow and a local
It's her night to brave the great indoors
It's her date with fate

Indeed it is, the time is now, the evening is still young
There's a restaurant named Geoffrey's,
Would she care to come along?
She would, and she does, so off they go
The aging hipster with the bright smile
This could be a go
Thank God he left the house tonight
He didn't mope around
This has the possibility
Of something very rare and sound
378 · Apr 2021
When Two Poems Become One
Neville Johnson Apr 2021
When two souls become one
It’s the foundation
The golden ticket
For the journey that is love
Steady and surely
With warmth and purity
The answer to why we live
The cure for all ills
Love in all its permutations
Provides salvation
With the combination of two in love
That’s what happens when two souls become one
It happens every minute, every day
Throughout the world
When two souls become one
It’s a lifetime of affection
A lifetime of connection
377 · Sep 2017
Juror Number 7
Neville Johnson Sep 2017
Juror number 7 was looking awful good
She like my cross examination of that big galoot
In closing argument I spoke directly to her
She voted for me, I won for sure
Afterwards we met up to celebrate the victory
I had whisky, she tea
I left with her number, she was it for me
After the start of this new matter came discovery
I learned everything about her, documented my interest
Doing so with flowers and consistent empathy
I did my best convincing, hoping she would see
That she should return a favorable verdict
For little old me

She did, we said "I do"
Now we're as happy as two can be
She's also the judge and comprises the jury.
368 · Nov 2022
Cinnamon and Clove
Neville Johnson Nov 2022
The aroma of cinnamon and clove wafted from her cup
That and the smell of perfume let me know I was in the right place
This was the room where it all began
I’d seen her come in before which is why I was there
I intended to run into her
I tried not to stare
For she is a beauty beyond compare
And I am a connoisseur
351 · May 2018
The Last Cowboys
Neville Johnson May 2018
It’s an eight second partnership
The bronc, an angry participant
And me, I’m just trying to keep my legs in the stirrups
My hands on the reins
My wits about me
In one piece
Welcome to my world
It’s a family affair
Me and my sons, Troy and Dusty
Traveling day and night just to fight
For a living, one unforgiving
But exciting as the day is long
And to keep that ranch in Utah going
200 head of cattle and worries about enough rain
Are in our thoughts as we live the literal ups and downs of rodeo
We’re in the saddle for good
For life
Living our destiny
As we should
As we want to
As we have
350 · Aug 2017
Hugalong Capacity
Neville Johnson Aug 2017
She had hugalong capacity
We'd just go on and on
Two lovers entwined
Enmeshed, just gone
Eternal kisses
Dusk to dawn
Lovers like no others
We became one

The pleasure was ours
So refined
I'm pleased to say this is still my everyday
I took her to be my wife
We're doing just fine, better than all right
Yeah, we got a life
348 · Dec 2021
More Juju in the Mojo
Neville Johnson Dec 2021
"More juju in the mojo,"
The little lady said
We were heading into Memphis
Speedometer on red
A whistle stop adventure
Going coast to coast
Lost inside America
So that we could boast that we had done it
Just up and gone away
We saved up our marbles
Time for what the hey

We camped by many rivers
Heard the wild goose call
Took the other route
Got the back story
Made it up as we went along
Day by day we made our way
Each one a stanza in our song

The journey is not over yet
We're still on the run
She wants to see the South, she says
With more juju in the mojo
No need to look back
342 · Nov 2016
Everything Is Gonna Be Fine
Neville Johnson Nov 2016
Hey, old friend, how've you been?
Can you believe the news?
Politics is amazing
How we choose our leaders
Sorting through the rhetoric and slime
You just shake your head in amazement and derision
Then head off to bed
Everything will be fine

We think we've seen it all before
But no, not like this
But, what the hell, we will weather this storm
Smile and shake a fist
Let's all work together
Make this a better day
Have this common goal
For come what may
We'll always be friends

Like now, as life goes on
As together we race through time
We can still smile, not lose our resolve
Everything is gonna be fine
338 · Jun 2019
I Reckon
Neville Johnson Jun 2019
She asked me about the word “reckon”
“Did I ever use it?”
Not at that time
She was curious about its usage
I did not know why
Until much later
When I realized with a sigh
She had another lover
Been going on for some time
An Australian he was
I reckon he used “reckon”
In his daily conversation
I reckon it’s a word they must use down there
I’ve had to reckon with “reckon”
It’s still not in my vocabular
In fact, when I encounter it
Into the distance I stare
I reckon it brings back
Memories of my old girl
I reckoned then she loved me
Til she headed for the hills
I reckon it will take some time
Until “reckon” disappears
After my day of reckoning
Which fails to give me cheer
336 · Nov 2017
Neville Johnson Nov 2017
Tender, oh so tender
How you are to me
Tender, so tender
So good, so dear, so sweet

Happy we go lucky
Solid, how we stay
Together and forever
Through dark and sunny days

These are times of peace and glory
Thankfulness and praise
Of understanding
Forgiveness and grace
And through it all are you and me
Two for the road of life
Feathers in a breeze
334 · Aug 2017
The Departure and Arrival
Neville Johnson Aug 2017
I'm dropping Julia off
I tell myself I'm OK
She's off to college
My little is not so anymore
It's time for her to go on

I say, "I love you sweet baby,"
We both shed a tear
I rebel at the the thought
She will now disappear

The teddy bear and dolls are gone
And carrying her on my shoulder
This is life, I understand
Children must get older
329 · Dec 2023
The One
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
Oh my goodness
So much goodness
Surrounding me

She’s the one
My only one
She believes in me, in us
For eternity

So it is
So it goes
On and on and on
She and me in perpetuity
Gone, we’re just gone
Into the essence of triumphant love
A romance for all time
Goodness gracious sakes alive
So lucky she is mine
325 · Jul 2022
Free Agent
Neville Johnson Jul 2022
She does life on her terms
She figured it out
So independent
Moving about
Seeing the world
Friends everywhere
She’s got it together
Though no lover to share
She doesn’t worry
She does fine alone
It will all work out
As she does roam
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