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I’m a hard nut to crack
But she’s got my back
Sometimes she blows hot and cold
Giving me a double whammy
We go soul to soul
Heart to heart
But in no rush
For I’m no escape artist
It’s never over and done with
But mostly smooth sailing

As to us, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Beats me
But our adventure is certainly through the roof
Third time’s a charm we always say if we struck out twice
Often on a wild goose chase
Well, now the cat is out of the bag
Let’s get to the meat and potatoes
Time to circle the wagons
We shall cross that bridge when we get to it
Then get the ball rolling
Off and running
Take the bull by the horns
Even if it’s raining cats and dogs
And we might be under the weather

If pigs could fly
We’d put the cart before the horse
Why? Because the grass is greener on the other side
We lead our horse to water, but drinking is another story
We travel as the crow flies
Even if I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed
We know that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
That time flies when you’re having fun
It’s all music to our ears
After all, it’s not over until the fat lady sings
The elephant in the room is that sometimes
We are ill at ease
Causing me to bite my tongue
But with time on our hands
We are partners in crime
Operating smooth as silk
It’s a given that every cloud has a silver lining
It’s an open secret
Yet a vicious circle
Whether we are naughty or nice
But you cannot sugar coat
Playing with fire
Even with fast friends

In black and white
Boilerplate language
We salute our friends across the pond
Even if they are late to the game
We don’t let them strike out
But let them try Hail Mary passes
Especially on the on the campaign trail
We appear cold as ice
As we roll the dice
To get to the end scott free

I sound like a broken record
Like some busybody
Who supposedly know the ins and outs              
Then, oddly, the plot thickens
Are we persona non grata?
Sinking like a stone?
Over a barrel?
I can’t put my finger on it
So, time for a deep dive
We go through the motions
The ups and downs
Talking out of both sides of my mouth
Full of white lies
Innocent excuses
Fighting off the evil twin
In the guise of a tom boy
But the attitude of a devil’s advocate
We move with two shakes of a lamb’s tail
Lest we are down for the count
We’re all on a slippery *****
It’s just a matter of time
But we’ll get the show on the road
Even if it’s neither here nor there
Lest we walk the plank
Still it sometimes is catch and release
As we teeter on the razor’s edge, the cutting edge
All while towing the line
Indeed walking the line
Until X marks the spot
Then it’s the cat’s meow

Sometimes life is watching paint dry
Are we playing the wrong game?
As if the lights are on, but nobody’s home
But I’m sharp as a tack
Or a fish out of water
Going from the frying pan into the fire
A big fish in a small pond
Of course where there’s smoke there’s fire
Yet I feel free is a bird
A diamond in the rough
The bees’ knees
Even if I can’t see the forest for the trees
I am swimming upstream
Sometimes that’s how the cookie crumbles
Other times, it’s just what the doctor ordered
Causing me to fall on my sword

Financially, we are always robbing Peter to pay Paul
Did I lose my marbles? I ask myself
But we seem to be happy as pigs in a blanket
Notwithstanding too much monkey business’
I believe I’m a sly fox
Not running out of steam
Rather it’s pedal to the metal
I ain’t pushing up daisies
But staying stone-cold sober
But don’t hold your breath
I won't get out of Dodge
Or eat some crow
Not as long as I think outside the box
And stay in my own lane
Others may be green with envy
But that’s neither here nor there
Not enough to get bent out of shape
Or be dead in the water
Me and the Missus are partners in crime  
Who are always saved by the bell
These times are through the roof
Still you mustn’t judge a book by the cover
Yes, hindsight is 20/20
But that’s a cop-out
If you have a dog in the fight
So the goal it to hit the spot
Be on the mark
Take it one day at a time
If you only know that the truth hurts
Then you’ll be be jumping for joy
We’ll meet you halfway

My way or the highway is not for me
Nor grasping at straws
Or firing blanks
Or blowing smoke
Life is not a walk in the park
There’s some heavy lifting
Requiring tooth and nail work
Then you’ll hit that home run
And no, the end does not justify the means

Have you observed that where there’s smoke there’s fire?
When that happens, hit the road
You don’t want to be a defendant in a kangaroo court
With all that jazz
It’ll rain on your parade
Not my or your cup of tea
Don’t get stuck between a rock and a hard place
Have the wind in your sails
Stay away from too much monkey business
Pure and simple
Or you’ll wind up with a raw deal

Apple didn’t fall far from the tree as to me and my Pa
I can face the music
Even if it’s out of the blue
No more beating myself up
I’m going straight as the crow flies
Gonna play it by ear
Living on the edge
Talk everyone off the ledge
Never be thrown for a loop
Jul 15 · 22
Taylor and Travis
I’m so happy they’re so happy
Life is good today
They’ve got an international love
So do we
I wouldn’t have it any other way
They got the paparazzi
We got her and me
Selfies are just fine for us
All we need to be
In love
Is love
Ain’t that the way for her and me?

Woe begotten, love forgotten
That’s what it appeared to be
Then she arrived and I survived
My darling EMT
Who gave me kisses,
Oh the blisses
With conviviality
We’re now a couple
No one can get between her and me
Jul 6 · 28
My History
The first time I fell in love
I was so very young
Eight I think I was
Old enough
To know that she was someone special
What a girl!
I used to dream about her
Then she moved somewhere in the world

I lost her, even wept
Oh so long ago
But then came Julie
In the 10th grade
Oh, I loved her so
She was brilliant
Sunny too
I had my first kiss with her
But the next year we were through

Let me tell you about Paula
We were at university
Oh what we learned together
Of which I should not speak
Those were good times
Golden yesterdays
She became an actress
The movies took her away

Next is Sandra, so much sass with class
We worked together closely
I can’t remember who made the first pass
Let’s just say we were intimate
I wanted her to stay
But she went off to Paris, France
Fashion held her in sway

Patricia, my dear Tricia
Is the one who captured me
Irresistible, just plain marvelous
She fulfills my needs
With smothering kisses
A smile so ever bright
She became my missus
We’re together every night
Jun 15 · 65
These Cliffs
Where broken hearts go
Are to these desolate cliffs
The waves crash in
Missing the bliss
The hugs that endeared
They endure in special memories
Oh, the many good times
Now it’s the sad times
The bad times
The what do I do now times?
The starting anew times
The why me times?
On sunny days when the wind did blow
We’d drink wine and make plans
Taking it slow
Today the wind chills
Causing shivers in the drizzle
I walk alone
Full of sadness
The cliffs are desolate
So am I
Jun 7 · 82
Montmarte Stairs
The stairs of Montmartre
Are there to reckon with me
Calling me back
Then chasing me away
It’s no good to visit
Only ghosts are there
I walk briskly down the stairs
Each step, another one as I try to leave the past
I doubt she comes back here
To the place where we parted
Or should I say where she ditched me?
I force a smile to the others nearby
But my nonchalance is not sincere
My sunglasses hide a tear
Still I come back
But I really don’t like it here
Jun 5 · 46
Time, time, time
The years pass by
Decades even
Some memories fade
Others remain ever clear
Some hurt
Others bring sorrow
Sometimes smiles
But those days are gone
Consigned to the past
Just plain over
This is life
You just have to accept the reality
Hard to do so
So be it
As time marches on
May 26 · 35
Lonely in a Large City
Lonely in a large city
I’m not the only one
There’s probably a million of us
Trying to have fun
While finding the one
I’m not over and done
Just exasperated
I don’t want to be
So lonely
So solo I do roam
Hoping I will meet eventually
The one who too is searching
Searching for me

It’s a giant puzzle
A maze, this quest
I’m in a forest,
Searching for the path
Working without a compass
Looking for my lass

There are lonely people in every city
They congregate in bars, churches, and parks
But they never meet
Their hearts are open
Their lives incomplete
Internet dating works for some
Or it happens by chance
So random is love
But it’s there
It will happen one day
But you gotta believe
And maybe pray
May 22 · 73
She Came to Stay
Tall and languid
Elegant and cool
A dream to view
With each each encounter he knew
She was the one
His future

It took all the ingenuity
Of this clever lad
Such patience required
He nearly went mad
For Denise was elusive
Seems the whole world wanted her
Poor Alex was worried
For he was sure
Sure that he loved her
And oh, her allure

They laugh about it now
She was the one who almost got away
But he followed his dream
He got his way
He followed his heart
She is the one who came to stay
May 12 · 68
Today is Mothers Day
But she’s up in heaven
Still, she’s with us
As we reminisce about the times of bliss
And our lovely lively family
So many happy days of joy
A mother like no other
Lives on in my heart
In lessons learned
Via treasured memories
Of her wisdom and love
Hold your mother close today
For someday she will go away
Apr 28 · 53
Such tenderness
You like to take it slow
Me too
You know the way
You’re in control
Taking me to the nether regions
Body mind and spirit
Oh my gosh and whoa
Each every time we touch
You devour me
I’m such a lucky such and such
I can hardly believe
That I’ve entered nirvana
Oh, it’s the place to be
You’re the prettiest flower on this planet
The sun to me
Apr 17 · 69
Chance Meeting
The widower eats dinner alone
At the restaurant in Alves France
Pamela, a divorcee, sits at the table next to Arnim
She is unsteady as she begins to leave
So he asked her to sit with him
Thus begins their sojourn to love
Serendipity —- for they connect
The aging professor from Germany
Meets another retired professor (film studies} from Brooklyn
Now involved in human rights
They talk, connect
And so it begins
“I never thought this would happen again,” they both said
And now they are married
Apr 13 · 48
I Will Love Again
But I will love again
She left me
I was blind
She didn’t love me
There was another
Too late I discovered
After I was all in
But that wasn’t enough
So I lost
The cost, a broken heart
But I will love again
I have to, I must, I will, I can
The sun is shining
The sky is blue
That dream may be over
Yes, there will be someone new
I will love again
But for now, I just want to cry
Apr 8 · 57
Never Say Never
Never say never, not with me
I never give up as you can see
I’ll wait forever if that must be
I must do so, and patiently

I know what I want
So I want you to know
Love lasts forever
There’s no stop and go

With determination
I hope and pray
For your understanding
That someday you’ll stay
In our happy home
Where we share the address
And the whole world knows
Of our happiness and harmony
Where we’re never alone
Apr 4 · 47
Starter Poem
This is a starter poem
Above is the beginning line
Others shall follow
Once it gets its legs
As it forages for the next rhyme
Taking baby steps
Word by word
Hunting for that special bon mot
Just around the next phrase
Barreling toward my brain
Trying to relate
But only going so deep
Into the emotion underneath
Nights of passion, days of wonder
Life is a dream
Love is better than that
There’s no in between
So we have become
A miracle that has come to be
Each day better than before
She’s still with me
Good fortune and a good life
So naturally
I’m in love and I love it
Let’s hear it for love
Let’s hear it for us
Mar 24 · 151
That Beach
On the beach is where we met
On that beach is where we first kissed
We soon became aware
That love was in that air
It’s where we frolicked
Where we dared
On those summer days
To see if we would go on
We surely did
Hence this song
For you became my fiancée
When I dropped to one knee
And you did say
I’ll take that ring
And wear it every day
Which led to a wedding
It was on that beach
Officiated by a lifeguard
Oh so very sweet
Here we are years since then
Watching our kids
Play in the sand
And you dear one
Just gave me a kiss
It’s so much fun when we reminisce
Mar 22 · 61
A Million Thanks
A million thank yous
And so many more
We’ve come a long way
There’s no end in store
It’s just the two of us
Always and everywhere
One long adventure
Our future secure
This love is comfy, cozy
As strong as it is true
My life came together
The day that I met you
Mar 2 · 75
Our Song
I don’t like to hear our song
I turn it off
Since we’re not together
It’s not our song anymore
It’s somebody else’s song
It’s there to make another couple happy
I used to love that tune
It reminds me of a special time
Now, long ago
Funny, how a happy song
Can later be so sad
I used to know the words by heart
Now I just feel bad
It will always be a great song
Just not for this lad
Mar 2 · 58
Crazy and Real
Everybody thought we were crazy
Maybe we were
We took off like a rocket
For places afar
Always keeping the center
Her and me
We’re crazy in love
Yeah, crazy and real

Up and away into the wild blue yonder
We sail
The wind at our backs
Our colors flying
Feb 20 · 82
After Being Away
Descending down to the tarmac
To reality
The good, the bad and the ugly
Having been away was good
I think
Isn’t it always wise to travel?
To see dear friends?
Meet new people?
This old soul needs to keep going
Grabbing the next rung
As the clamor and pressures of life
Rise up to greet me
Fortunately it’s a three day weekend
Look, I’m still showing up
Isn’t that worth something?
Love has made a fool of me
But then I’m a fool for love
A doggone crazy loon
Lost in that fog
Because I believe in fairy tales
Some do come true
She walked out of a blizzard
Right into my life
She is so beautiful
I can really tell
The way she holds herself
“Come and sit a spell,” I said
Indeed she did
Life only happens once
I’m not a kid
I thought we could be next to each other
No matter what occurs
I just have that vibe
I could be hers
She could be mine
Love has made a fool of me
And I’ve got the time
Feb 11 · 83
Supermarket Sweep
I was out by my lonesome
Happy being sad
That’s what I told myself
Poor little lad
Set adrift by my one and only
How dare she do that to me?
So I went sailing by myself
In the sea of this city
Chance meetings are rarely that
Not if you believe in destiny
I’m shy like everyone else
But I’ve learned to be
A bit forward
And she was looking at me
Tall, and such a doll
And she was looking at me
We were at the drinks counter
At the supermarket
There place where the chic
Go to eat; everyone looking pretty sharp
I asked what was in her order
That’s how it began
We had lunch on the outdoor porch
I hit a grand slam
Guess who’s got a date tonight?
No more shall I grieve
I have met my future
Here name is Alexia
She’s going out with me!
Feb 9 · 140
Bright Side
No more pain and sorrow
That’s it for me
I’ll just look for happiness
From the desert to the sea
I won’t be looking back
I know the cure
Each day is a new day
I will be sure
To look upon the bright side
There’s so much going on
Who knows what awaits me?
I’m gonna bang that gong
I’m happy to be anywhere
I’m happy to be alive
My inner sense is telling me
I’m surely going to thrive
Feb 7 · 172
The Newspaper Vendor
The sad face of the newspaper vendor tells it  all
The world is a mess
We all take the fall
His somber visage
That thin, grim smile
He barely says hello
All the while I scan the headlines
Crises galore
What’s more is the sad notion
We must brace for more
Darkness and pain
That’s reality
Woe for the world
Woe for you and me
But I’m not giving up yet
Feb 1 · 69
Golden Memories
Our time I shall ever remember
So good it was
Lost in each other’s hearts
We were so young
With dreams and wishes
To carry us as we rolled along
Those were days of wonder and awe
We sure had our fun
Those golden memories
Of precious days gone
Our living history
Somehow we go on
Jan 25 · 69
Hearts in Her Eyes
With hearts in her eyes
With love in her heart
She thinks to herself
It’s a good way to start
She has just met someone
She thinks she knows
He could be the one
She’ll see how it goes
It happened by chance
First, a brief glance
Then a bit of small talk
Which led to a walk in the park
Followed by coffee
The day was spent with each other
With little time to recover
As this is the very next day
It’s true, you know when you know
And she clearly does
Yep, Jim is the one
Her special someone
Such a good one
That’s why she has hearts in her eyes
Jan 23 · 167
A Silent Cry
I went there to be alone
I went there to cry
Cry I did until I could cry no more
She is the reason why

When a romance is over
When there’s no getting over
Only sadness survives
Oh, I was alone, all right
From then on, and most every night
It wouldn’t be the first time I cried

The tears are gone
Somehow I carry on
It’s been a long goodbye
I still miss her so
But when she said no
Then began what is now
A silent cry

Goodbye can be so sad
Jan 15 · 72
Life Is Amazing
The mystery I shall never solve
Is how this came to be
I can’t believe she is in my arms
That I am so lucky
I don’t know what I did
Or why it happened
I just know I’m in love
And in free fall into her arms
Endlessly, perfectly

Life is amazing
Even more so is love
Jan 15 · 61
It only makes me sad
Loves I have lost
Their echoes return
And linger with frequency
When I have down time
It really is downtime
What good is it to reminisce?
I used to be the moonlight king
Kissing was a specialty of mine
Those days are gone
Am I at the end of the line?
Consider the embers of sorrow
Ever there, reminding me
Chasing me even
I can’t reason with them
They just taunt me
Ergo I weep alone
Jagged, frustrated weeping
For there is no going back
The past collides with my psyche
As I attempt, wearily, self-help
There has got to be a way out of here
Jan 6 · 73
Naming Names
Hope Less says to Merri Way that Frank Ly has been on her mind ever since Dana Point hooked up with Tim Id. Bea Serious, overhearing this, scoffs noting that Hy Perbole has been dissuaded from this notion.
          Enter Cliff Hanger, Adam Ant and Murray Hill who were hiding from Colin Oscocopy and Ty Lenol also following the same rumor, but they are shushed by Roman A. Clef who says he knows the real story.
          This occurs at the church social organized by Dawn Patrol. Bill Collector and Donny Brook watch from the periphery. Then comes the shouting: April Fools, Chuck Wagon, Moe Mentum and Ruth Less get into politics: it is a no-win situation. Fortunately, Benedict Ion, with the cunning Bob Cat is able to calm the situation.
          Di Alysis, new to town, chats up Peg Leg and Al Gorhythym, laughing about the antics of ***** Nilly and 2 Dollar Bill but Luke Warm is iffy about what he views.
         Rock Bottom, that sad sack, tries his luck with Miss Matched, getting nowhere and is unhappy to see Ray O’Sunshine barge into the conversation as he orders Mart Ini to join in with Lazy Susan.
         Uh oh, here comes ****** Mary with Mel N. Choley who has the nerve to tell Pete Moss he smells.
         Terri Yaki sits with Will Power who, dieting, will not eat. They sit at the same table as Rich N Glamorous, Patty Melt and Miss Quoted.
         Here’s where it gets weird --- Ben E Fit cannot get away from Polly Amorous who pursues him relentlessly while he tries to put moves on the audacious Bo Dacious.
         Hugh Tensils and the aptly named Nick Named joyously interact with Deb It and Dad Nabit, narrowly escaping a falling chandelier which is prevented from harming anyone by Nick O’Time, who is always in the right place at the right time.
         Ty ****, known for being parsimonious hangs with Corporal Punishment, an unwelcome party crasher
          Ray Gun seeks out Phil Anderer to ask about the latest concoction of his pal Al Chemy, learning that he been experimenting with Joy Ride, Long John and Phil Istine.
          Justice Delayed and Justice Denied sit at separate tables refusing to interact with each other.
Jan 6 · 76
Perfect Stranger
The perfect stranger she thinks
With just one good look at him
He finds her tantalizing
A match it is with a spark
With a fire that starts

He buys her a drink
That gets her talking
Gives him time to think
She’s about as perfect as perfect gets
She’s already entranced
There is heaven in his scent
It’s mutual attraction that lasts into the night
They can’t stop talking to each other
It’s seems so very right

One thing leads to another
They share a perfect kiss
Love has got got them covered
This is really it
At this moment they are planning
How their lives will intertwine
Togetherness it will be
Until the end of time
Dec 2023 · 200
Ours Alone to Share
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
We share sweet memories of the good times
When we were young
And free
Full of brio and confidence
Daring and delighted to be alive
Memories of love and laughter
Of our belief in each other
Of being close and trusting and hopeful
But we broke up leaving these memories
Such treasures that bring warmth and joy
They are ours alone to share forever
Dec 2023 · 88
In Need of Schooling
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
It’s a crazy gamble
But you should teach me to love
A diligent student I shall be
Give me a chance, you’ll see

I’m easy to teach
Bound to please
Reliable, relatable
It’s undeniable that we should be
Engaged in a common goal
Of unity
Take a chance
Take a chance on me
Let us live in love
Dec 2023 · 101
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
I’m safe with you
Completely secure
You are my home
Wherever you are
I am in love with you
I’m not letting go
Your affectionate soldier
As you well know

You are ever with me
In my thoughts and heart
Ever forever and that’s just the start
My life began the day I met you
I have faith, I believe in you
Dec 2023 · 315
The One
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
Oh my goodness
So much goodness
Surrounding me

She’s the one
My only one
She believes in me, in us
For eternity

So it is
So it goes
On and on and on
She and me in perpetuity
Gone, we’re just gone
Into the essence of triumphant love
A romance for all time
Goodness gracious sakes alive
So lucky she is mine
Dec 2023 · 397
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
It’s her touch, or sometimes just a murmur in the night
That lets me know she loves me
That everything will be all right
It’s when she looks at me sideways when driving
And then she smiles, silently letting me know
That everything will be all right
That our love will grow
It’s her constant kindness to everyone she meets
She exudes just plain goodness
Makes my life complete

Our love is nonpareil
It’s with us everywhere
Through times of sorrow
Of hardship and pain
For indeed we have dared to climb that mountain
It’s the journey not the end
It’s her touch or sometimes just a murmur
That lets me know I’m her friend
Dec 2023 · 110
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
The name is Kringle
But so few know
When I'm working I use my other name
Where I almost glow in the dark
Such joy I spread
But I've never let it go to my head
I work year round except the the first two weeks of the New Year
I'm exhausted from the deliveries
Amazon, have no fear
But I'll keep it up, been doing it so long
Christmas would not be Christmas without me rolling along
I need to clear something up, that false story
I never kissed any mommy; got Mrs. Santa to satisfy me
To surprise me with presents on Christmas Day
After the reindeer are settled
We have schnapps and then we play.
Nov 2023 · 88
Neville Johnson Nov 2023
There’s an epidemic of loneliness,
All across the land
Sad, sad people are everywhere
Time to lend a hand
Make a new friend today
We all need each other
There’s just one way
It’s starts with good company
Listening to what the other says
If you’re lonely, you’re not the only one
It’s not gonna last forever
But you gotta try
We all must do our part
It starts with you and I
Make a friend today
Send lonely on its way
Nov 2023 · 97
Neville Johnson Nov 2023
Let me give you an update
I’m over her
No need to think about her
I’m awfully sure
For our past is over and done
Tomorrow’s another day
Right Scarlet?
We’re moving on

I don’t write her name anymore
No yellow pads where I stay
I’m a cosmopolitan man about town
Who used to know this one fine lady

But I am over her
Sad to say, I never had a chance
OK sometimes I think about her
But that doesn’t mean romance

I’m in the kingdom of broken hearts
It’s no place you want to be
If you’re worried about being lonely
Please come and visit me
Nov 2023 · 106
Neville Johnson Nov 2023
Today I’m very senti
Angry and resigned
At all the things that went wrong
Now just lost to time
Memories that were never made
Relationships gone wrong
How my heart aches
To sing this so sad song
Still, if it weren’t for the good times
I would not have these thoughts
But that’s the way it is
The way it has to be
At the end of the day
The one to blame is me
Yes, I’m very senti
So tender is this heart
With a past that ever haunts me
I’m unable to outsmart
Nov 2023 · 108
The Lazy Poet
Neville Johnson Nov 2023
I’m such a lazy poet
If I can’t make an easy rhyme
Is that a crime?
If my metaphors and similes are not up to par
Does anyone really care?
And what about my topics?
Suppose they are mundane
Will that get me into trouble?
It’s such a crying shame
Words are only words
Thoughts that take shape
Grist for all us poets
No poem is a mistake
Oct 2023 · 220
City with Secrets
Neville Johnson Oct 2023
This is a city with secrets
Surely it knows I'm in love
With one if it's residents
Who is playing hard to get
I can't get enough of her
I want her yes I do
It's just a matter of time
And time can be so cruel

I wander its cobblestones
Thinking what to do
Step by step I plan my moves
I try to play it cool
But this city knows I'm in love
And that I'm no fool
For she's the one
The only one
As I wander through
Its nooks and crannies
Under a jaunty sky of blue

I know I'd be good for her
She's perfection to me
We could live so happily
In this city of secrets
I have got to win her
I know she'll understand
She is my future
I am her man
Oct 2023 · 77
Complicated Me
Neville Johnson Oct 2023
I can’t forgive or forget
Oh, the big word is regret
And who is to blame?
Me, the master of deception
Or you, who brought the rain?
Sadness, regret, blame, time
They were all involved
And here I am
Shaking my fist at the past
How do I explain?
What could’ve been?
Will never, never will be
Yes, blame can be assigned
Maybe it’s starts with me

Yet, here I am
The other one gone
It’s ancient history
I need to move on
I have to
I will
Good ole complicated me
Oct 2023 · 82
Two Seasons
Neville Johnson Oct 2023
There were two seasons
I sensed it the day we met
Before her and after her

Before her I walked alone
Before her I was sad
Jealous I was at the couples I saw
On the street, holding hands

Before her, I was serious
Then I rarely smiled
Life was an obstacle
A mountain to climb

Then the rainy season stopped
Finally the sun came out
I looked up and thought
It's time for change
That wind I caught

After her began the time she walked into my life
I refer to it as happenstance as the birds did sing
I mustered up my confidence, gathered my thoughts
Went over to the pretty girl and proceeded to get lost
Into her charms, so many I can't count

After her, after her, how my life has changed
After her, I no longer mind the rain
For I am with her, an umbrella we share
Made of love and kindness
Never the worse for wear

There are two seasons
Before and after her
Before I was lonely
Then came a love so pure
Oct 2023 · 71
Waves Crashing
Neville Johnson Oct 2023
Waves crashing
What do you want?
The end of the beginning?
Must it haunt
The love affair that never started?
The failure at that restaurant
You gave everything you had
No need to be ashamed
Chalk it up to fate
You’re home on the range
Just another dude with a lasso
Yet you’re waiting to be captured
Good life ain’t no hassle
There’s such joy in living
We see it every day
The waves keep crashing
Nothing gets in their way
Oct 2023 · 141
I Will Love Again
Neville Johnson Oct 2023
I will love again
I must and I will
For now I have a broken heart
Such a bitter chill
But I will love again
I know that I can
Got to get a move on
Got to have a plan

Goodbye to your picture
No more shall I go
To places where your memory lives
No, no, no, no, no
I'll be up, and at em
You won't defeat good times to come
Get between whom I shall meet
To take your place
Wherever she shall be
I will love again
Someone waits for me

It happens to all of us
That much I know
I'll live in the present
Just take it slow
We are over, which is sad
There's a whole life to create
I will love again
Next time, make no mistake
Sep 2023 · 237
Bronco Comes to Town
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
Bronco is adrift in the city
But walks a straight line
Some slicker said he liked his costume
Bronco doesn’t mind
He got it that no one wears spurs in Durango
That’s just fine
He’s moving along with the times

He’s in town to find a wife
They met on the Internet
Emily teaches the second grade
Hasn’t met her dude yet
She grew up on a farm
Where there isn’t much shade
Attractive she is, prim and petite
They are each out to find that someone to meet

Arriving is Bronco with no swagger there
He takes his hat off, brushes his hair
Rings the doorbell, he could swear
He’s never seen anyone prettier before
She invites him in, he sits in the easy chair
The dinner she’s made is succulent and sweet
Magic is in the air, “Ain’t life a treat,”
Bronco says to himself and almost clicks his heels
He’ll be back next week, will soon seal the deal
Sep 2023 · 100
The Race
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
Getting old means looking forward and looking back
It’s just the way it is
We must face the facts
Remembering what was good
Yes, those were the days
There are more to come
Bring them on, we’ll be unfazed

Notwithstanding sorrow
Which exists for us all
We remain optimists
To be in the thrall
Of our common human endeavor
As time races us and we race time
To an end we cannot define
Sep 2023 · 81
I Go Where She Goes
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
I go where she goes
That's where I need to be
By her side all the time
Yeah, that's me
Why? Because I love her
She's better than the best
We have fun, we always do
So lest you be concerned
We're on fire all the time
It's burn baby burn

I go where she goes
It's just her and me
Traveling though the stratosphere
Yes and easily
Two wanderers
Lost in ecstasy

I go where she goes
For sure and always
Incandescent is our love
So beautiful these days
Sep 2023 · 81
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
There's a sale on me
First time on the block
You can have me forever
If that is what you want

All you have to do is love me
As I will do for you
You can be my one and only
Exclusivity assured

I've been down and lonely
I had one who went away
This broken heart is on the mend
Hence there is this sale

But you must treat me gently
As we frolic in the sun
Make it last forever
Be my only one
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