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I'm a collection of solitudes
A silence derived from the summation of all languages
 Aug 2014 Weariness
Joe Cole
I'm 69 years old and every day for years has been special to me
I see the news every day, more death and destruction
Young men and women of every nation and yes children too
Denied the right to grow old
Victims of the bullet, bomb, rocket, famine
On my head a scar
Between the tip of my left ear and the few brains I have left
Yes, an eighth of an inch more, no head left
Courtesy of an AK 47
Another occasion 9 days in hospital, 5 of them completely blind
Courtesy of an improvised bomb
And yet I'm still here to tell about it
While so many are not
Should I be feeling guilt?
I don't know
But I still ask myself the question after all these years
Why so many have died
And yet I survived
These days I live by the motto

Live for today, tomorrow might never come
 Aug 2014 Weariness
We've become a
civilization of diseases
we build
thinking death won't ever find
us here.

Our minds are scrambled
our bodies are damaged
our food is poisoned
our skies are toxic
our vices
are forces of processes
beyond our

When we are not humbled
by nature's power
we inflict our wounds
upon ourselves in
the names of greed
and self protection
and no one knows
what it really means.

Fearful of the silence
we fill our skies with
endless noise
babbling on in endless
monotones, droning
while traffic stalls
at a hot stand still
idling engines
idling souls
depletion of every last glimpse
of the past.
Jam packed
in the stench
I am lost today
this vitriol
as anxiety, death and desperation
from every corner
screams my name.

That's why I came
to these woods
where the illusion of
peace remains
wild fires burn
just down the lane
as you know
as you say
its always been this way
when bodies hung
at every cross-roads
hunger, power, ignorance
and strength
all ran
the show.

I'm sick with
every disease I

I float upon these tranquil
blue waters
we are reminded of the peace we all
really can know.
 Jul 2014 Weariness
Grace Pickard
I put on Harvest Moon
Neil Young wraps me in his arms
The music makes me swoon
Dulls out the loud alarms

Breathe in

I am in a valley beneath one tree
The earth hugs me with grass
Wind calls to address me
"This all shall pass"

Breathe out

My tears pitter patter like rain drops
Soaking my memories with confusion
Every fact hurls through mid air and stops
This rainstorm had no preclusion

Breathe in

Imagining us far apart in separate whens
Both living- saying adieu
"I want to see you dance again
Because I'm still in love with you"

Breathe out

No matter the shatter, I must keep trying
Give me the power to overcome
I can stop myself from internally dying
And bring back what isn't numb

Breathe in

Listen to my somber melody
Connect with my bitter bones
Appreciate my new identity
Walk with me into the unknown

I'm not the same person you knew
Take me in your arms- would you?
Our song was harvest moon - so I reference it quite a bit
Gracie Pickard  April 20, 2014
 Jul 2014 Weariness
Grace Pickard
It all started here;
Some thirty students-
Minds controlled by their puppeteer,
Walked in clueless

My mind came colorful, progressive-
Only my beliefs sprouted!
The seed had already been expressive
Just- the stem was clouded

The renaissance fertilized the soil
Dry, cracked, barren, deprived;
Destitute of the benevolent oil-
Used to awaken thoughts: revived

But what truly blossomed my bud-
Were the French philosophes,
Who's blue, liberal blood-
Solidified my leftist approach

I have always been the optimist;
Through many deaths and rebirths-
I knew it wasn't the apocalypse,
And instead kept the beauty of earth

Because I filled my life with fascination,
My opinions bloomed:bright and rich.
The rain could not cleanse my veneration,
Not to a diety, but to my democratic itch

My petals are strong to hold bees-
Who cannot fly or make honey
It's my civic duty to fight this disease
That in life- one is subject to money

However, I am not just one of Paine's flowers,
I am an independent with liberal powers.
This is part if my informal final paper for ap euro- I decided to answer each of the five prompts with poems
 May 2014 Weariness
Joe Cole
Yeah these days they use the fancy term
But for us it didnt exist
Yes we killed and were killed
But who really gave a ****
Our therapy,  lets go and have a fight
With those who were fighting on our right
Yes, strong words were used, hard punches thrown
But they are my brothers, we are one
Our rules were simple
Watch a brother die
Then smack another brother in the eye
By birth or *** a brother not
And yet a brother never forgot
Yes, he gave his life for me
Just as I would have given mine for he
We answered when our country called
Take up arms lest we should fall
And for that my friend did die
But never did he hear the battle cry
Un etited: there never will be glory in fighting terrorism but still our brave boys and
girls die
 May 2014 Weariness
Alice x
 May 2014 Weariness
I stumbled into a world
where good vs. evil was routine;
where cards were alive, cats talked,
and a strange man asked me to tea.

I was young and forgetful,
the memory faded away
then one day I fell again
chasing a rabbit with a familiar face.

I was confused
my destiny once again unclear
a peculiar catterpillar
told me what was to appear.

If I shall fall again,
and be given another test
I hope the question is
"how is a raven like a writing desk?"
 May 2014 Weariness
 May 2014 Weariness
I left my soul in a hospital room. I left her swaying to the rhythm of a failing heart, of a flat line, of sloppy “I’m sorry”s, and final goodbyes. I left her. I left my soul in a hurricane. I left her singing with the rhythm of the wind. I left her drowning, swimming, sinking, grasping, clinging. I left her empty with shattered windows, boarded up, and breaking down. I left her. I left my soul somewhere between "I meant it" and "I'm sorry." I was just wondering if you could return her soon.
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