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lib Nov 2017
i write
not what you
want to hear
but what you
need to hear
lib Nov 2017
my quill like a dagger
my paper is skin
with each line
dragging deeper and deeper
hitting nerves
and cutting to the bone
lib Nov 2017
he takes one more gulp
finishing the bottle
whiskey dripping from his lips
he looks at you
you are frozen
as he drunkenly stands up
he sharply wipes his upper lip
and then licks them
your eyes look left
and then right
searching for your younger sister
she is nowhere to be seen
as the home you shared
was now unsafe
you don’t move
as he takes a step toward you
paralyzed under his watch
you start to sweat
he swears under his breath
and you are beyond nervous now
you hear his belt unbuckle
before you see it drop to the floor
your mind tells you to run
but your feet do not move
his eyes squint at you
as he says, “don’t you think it’s past your bedtime?”
and you silently sit still
praying to God that he will turn around
he does not
in fact, he starts moving in your direction
faster now
and you squirm in your seat
afraid of what comes next
you look into his black, soulless eyes
hoping he will see your innocence
he does not
his zipper is now undone
and his grimy fingers
roughly jerking at your skirt
you are afraid
but the numbness sets in
and your eyes become heavy
i’m not sure how i’m going to end this
it feels more like a chapter book than a poem
is that allowed?? haha
lib Nov 2017
you worth more than you think
you are more beautiful than you know
you are stronger than you believe

and you are loved

when will you realize
the love living within my heart

only for you
to the one i love
even though you are unaware of my existence
lib Nov 2017
when i think of last summer
i smell the scent of chlorine filling my lungs
i feel the warm sun coloring my shoulders
i hear the lawn mower running next door
i love these things
because they remind me of you
but i hate these things
because they remind me of you
i can’t choose
what i remember
and what i forget    
i smell the aroma of your cologne
i feel your arm around me
i hear you singing all the songs on the radio
and no matter what i do
i can’t let myself
let go
of what was

maybe i’ll never know
what will be
maybe i’ll find myself
living in the past
i guess
the past is comfortable to me
a poem written for my english class, i hope you enjoy :)
lib Nov 2017
like a
raging fire
burning, glowing
wild flames
steam rising
crackling popping
red, hot
spreading uncontrollably
who knows
what will
survive, escape
amidst the debris
everything lost
anger, tears

and the
fire fighters
come only
to explain
“source, unknown”
lib Nov 2017
i parked my car in your driveway
promising myself i was over you
and waited for a moment
promising myself i was over you
my head rested in my hands
promising myself i was over you
i heard myself open the car door
promising myself i was over you
and shut it
promising myself i was over you
i jogged up your gravel driveway
promising myself i was over you
and almost turned around
promising myself i was over you
i hopped up the porch steps
promising myself i was over you
and knocked three times
promising myself i was over you
i blinked
promising myself i was over you
and you were suddenly there
promising myself i was over you
no words were spoken
promising myself i was over you
your blue eyes like the sea
promising myself i was over you
you smiled
promising myself i was over you
and i realized you didn’t hate me
promising myself i was over you
you asked if i was okay
promising myself i was over you
i lied
promising myself i was over you
“yeah, i’m better than ever”
promising myself i was over you
you said you were glad we could still be friends
promising myself i was over you
i lied again
promising myself i was over you
“me too.”
realizing i wasn’t over you
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