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  Sep 2019 georgia sophie
we aren't all
still waters and roses,
we each have
our darkness to embrace
our deepest desires,
demons in the shadows
i wonder if yours
has crimson hair
and saucer eyes,
if they hit you
with burning kisses
while you sleep,
just like mine
have eyes of ocean blue
and writers hands
that feel like home.
- i still see heaven in your eyes.
georgia sophie Oct 2018
open to you
it's hurting me
where to next
who to trust
vulnerability killed me
georgia sophie Oct 2018
this life is not what it seems
we are nothing but flesh and blood
poets and writers and storytellers
liars and cheats and frauds
pick and choose your destiny
redefine your purpose
you are more than you know
georgia sophie Oct 2018
everything can change in a fleeting moment
lives lost in seconds
in this moment you are alive
take it not for granted
georgia sophie Oct 2018
i miss those times when i didn't have to care
i had no worries
walking around with my head held high
fearless and brave
i could look any in the eye
and smile with the strength i had inside
now i break at the slightest word
a delicate being
so scared
and hurt
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