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Aug 2019 · 166
Lizzy K Aug 2019
i have been kicked so far down
all i ache for is approval
im watching from the outside now
i am not a human being in this house
im an object we cannot choose to place
ive accepted im at the low
so now i just keep going in hope
little irrelevant poem
Feb 2019 · 189
Year ago
Lizzy K Feb 2019
Today I read my life from a year ago
this blew my mind
i went from being utterly miserable
to the happiest I have ever been  
I just want to tell year ago me
stop feeling like a dead end
Sep 2018 · 256
Lizzy K Sep 2018
the most frustrating thing is going to a therapist
you may wonder why
well you try have someone name your pain wrong
I just need pills
because that will fix the chemicals
but it will not fix that worthless piece of flesh you are

but what do I know its their job right
**** I am just mad
May 2018 · 378
Lizzy K May 2018
I am growing more and more numb towards consequence
maybe if I get in trouble id feel something
Are the people around me just getting sick or bored of me
Or am I just becoming more and more anti social
To be up front I think both
I want to fall in love
because in the movies that is the cure
to all of this personal disaster
the big kiss saves the girl from death
she becomes happy forever
that is why its called hapily ever after huh
but this numb feeling makes me feel like the princess that just died before the prince could even come.
Apr 2018 · 189
Lizzy K Apr 2018
I feel as if I am on a Ferris wheel
constantly up and down
wishing I could get off but all the things
I do put me right back where I am
Mar 2018 · 211
Remembering moments
Lizzy K Mar 2018
As I was  growing up I would have these moments
the eyes of the hurricane if you will
when after coming home crying about how the mean girls called me ugly
my dad would play music and drive
and i just remember that peace  
and the withdrawal from this peace
is like being stabbed in the chest
Mar 2018 · 190
Lizzy K Mar 2018
I am silly because I constantly try to control my feelings
I force smiles and laughs
as I listen to sad music so I can
"push out the sadness"
when really you cannot control this circle
I want to cry at party's and social gatherings
and laugh at myself with one single person
Or maybe no one will relate to this short poem and
I am just insane
Mar 2018 · 489
march 12th
Lizzy K Mar 2018
I punched a wall today
to feel something beside the grey
tired of the constant mask you have to put on for approval
because that face behind the mask is Not fine
I am insane due to the erosion of my emotions
now my fist is black and blue but hey my hand does not wear the mask my face does
no therapist can fix me
Jan 2018 · 227
Lizzy K Jan 2018
You don't understand
the joy it would bring
to just hear you, from you
I miss you
and that makes me weak
but I cant save myself anymore
Jan 2018 · 195
Happy birthday
Lizzy K Jan 2018
The way I explain this day is the nose sting you get before tears
the rush to your face
so hey happy birthday ..
It is your last and no one will admit it
no one will make any noise related to this
I cant
think about putting  you in the ground after this day just don't go
because I need you
let me be selfish
Dec 2017 · 216
just tired
Lizzy K Dec 2017
I say I'm tired or I'm just tired
more then hundreds of times a day
but I could sleep for thousands of hours and still feel this way
Dec 2017 · 245
Lizzy K Dec 2017
I dear self am stuck in time
day to day feel like a reverse button was pushed
that everyday I exist but do not live
the outside perspective
and the same day routine are drowning
all my hope and happieness
myself slowly becoming irrelevant
Nov 2017 · 495
TO: blank
Lizzy K Nov 2017
That feeling when you aren't really sad
but you just feel really empty.
when they ask "how are you doing"
but really mean are you over it
when you have heard the line
''just doing it for attention''
When you just don't feel good enough
no matter how hard you try
me too .
Nov 2017 · 383
Lizzy K Nov 2017
''Are you ready for the future''
are you ready for things to change
for loss and gain
Because I am not,
but even being ready for the future doesn't make it not come
Nov 2017 · 323
Lizzy K Nov 2017
I say I forgot you, moved on
Then why is it that when I'm even in a room
with you
All I see is you
where you are
who with
yea but I forgot you
right ?
Nov 2017 · 365
Lizzy K Nov 2017
I started out as Glass
Not a bottle
or a window
Just glass
shattered everywhere
But that is just what I am
Nov 2017 · 318
Lizzy K Nov 2017
I wanted to write
exactly what I felt
but somehow the paper stayed empty
and I couldn't have
described it any better
lately it feels like I am overwhelmed with no feelings
Nov 2017 · 386
Lizzy K Nov 2017
maybe each life is just an echo
of the ones that came before,
bouncing off the things they learnt
to land on something more.
maybe it's never ending
and our sound just travels on,
with distance it gets quiet
but is never truly gone.
maybe we will find peace in our silence
when our time comes still,
And know our voice can't go forever
but the truth it carries will
Nov 2017 · 13.5k
Lizzy K Nov 2017
asked me if I
knew you
             A million
memories flashed
through my mind
but I just smiled and said I used to
BY wiz khalifa
Nov 2017 · 335
see shut
Lizzy K Nov 2017
I am trying to write a poem
something to explain
what I have failed to recognize or discover
To use that poem as a instruction
A reason
But I write a different poem
With the feelings of a stranger
with closed eyes to myself
No explanation
NO discovery
NO directions
and not one putrid reason
so I ask
who is writing this poem
who is pouring words on the keyboard like water out of a faucet
but not even touching the water
It is the stranger
The person when I am closing my eyes
but still looking
I will shut my eyes and it looks like a black curtain falls
but the act is behind the curtain
Nov 2017 · 463
"1-10 rate the pain"
Lizzy K Nov 2017
"rate your pain 1-10"
1.the constant ache
2.the numbness
3.the tears
4.the cuts sleep appetite words
8.speaking words that are not yours
9.walking in a strangers shoes
10.Opening that mouth of the stranger and smiling and saying I am fine  
I hear this at the doctors
wishing to be swallowed up into the floor with just a single blink
wishing I could tell them
But it is not me in the room its the stranger
Oct 2017 · 265
Lizzy K Oct 2017
She walks inside a room
this room has Creamy white wallpaper
the edges peeling and paper fading
she smells floor wax and pine wood floors cascading throughout the room
she realizes no one has stepped on the floors
no one has smelled the pine wood or wax
no one has seen the beautiful white paper wall
she takes in the crisp room
then takes one step
the heel of her black heel clicks
with a woody hollowness
now it has been taken in
and can begin
Oct 2017 · 244
Lizzy K Oct 2017
I want to be
Because being sad
Is down
Nobody will be truly happy
Because the depression of gravity
Knows why the gravity is
But no one
Knows if it will ever be what it was
Oct 2017 · 917
Lizzy K Oct 2017
Scarlet washes the water of translucency of feeling
Scarlet makes the numb feel
Scarlet infers you have the control
Scarlet may be a accident or the purpose
Scarlet can be a red haring of life
Scarlet can also be a start of a new reliability
But dare you not scarlet is inside along with other feelings
Oct 2017 · 281
Lizzy K Oct 2017
I walk down halls
seeing all the people
all the individuals who never once dare
notice me
I go home
and see many objects
and realize I feel like just another one of them

— The End —