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3.2k · Aug 2015
Broken or Fooled
Kristin Kepner Aug 2015
I would rather have a broken heart
Than a fooled heart.
Don't pull my along to eais the hurt because it will come no matter what.
2.2k · Nov 2015
Kiss Me
Kristin Kepner Nov 2015
There was always so many thoughts in my head and they were always so loud,
what to do next, why you just did that,
oh no what is he thinking, it fever ended.

But the moment you kissed me my thoughts fell silent and still like the water in the river, calm and at eaise I could breathe you in.

You called me beautiful in the fait light of the street pole, and the next day I thought of only how you had kissed me.
Just kiss me again
1.4k · Aug 2015
My Memories
Kristin Kepner Aug 2015
Eager to forge
Quick to forget
Desperate to frame

My memories.
Trying to pick my memories seems impossible, is it?
741 · Aug 2015
What It Might Be Like
Kristin Kepner Aug 2015
My hearts wasn't broken
But it hurts the same,

I miss the tuch
But I've never been held,

Can't stop thinking about
what it might be like,

To be loved

Even for just a moment in time.
698 · Jul 2015
While we sleep
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
Struck by lightning and I wonder if you are dreaming about me while you sleep, crisp white gown draped across your body, grey floors and pale blue walls, the hum of lights, soft flashes of red light, the ripple left by a still stream of drops, and all I can see is your rough unshaven face, and all I can think is do you dream about me while you sleep?

While I sleep you come to me in a dream, nothing but the wind carrying leaves through the park, I open my mouth to call your name, it felt like a wave crashing into my chest, not even a whisper could escape my lips, I stretched out my hand to touch you, you were so close but I couldn't move fast enough for you were gone, while I slept you left me in a dream.

While we sleep do we dream of the life we could have, the places we could roam to our feet grew sore, how many concerts we could have swayed at, how many children we could have named raised and sent to college, all of the nights we could have spent hand in hand by the fire, while we sleep do we dream about our life together?

While the city sleeps does it dream of its people, who will walk through the park, will they be in love, who will sit in the heaven kissing buildings, who will work till dinner, who will fight for their life in the building or someone give life, who counts the days bonded by Justice and steel, while the city sleeps what does it dream about it people?

But while the universe sleeps all I want to know is what will tomorrow dream?
639 · Jul 2015
Thinking of you
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
I toss and turn with a restless mind
Thought spin in my head making it hard to think
I don't want to think, every time I do its about you
Thinking about you makes me sad
I try and think about what you might be thinking
Every time I do it only reminds me  
Reminds me of you ignore me like nothing happened
To you maybe nothing happened

I can't stop the thoughts anymore form circling my brain
I wish I could stop thinking of you
If I stop thinking of you then maybe I could sleep
And in the morning when I wake
Maybe I can think of only me for once
I wish you would just leave my thoughts
630 · Jul 2015
Call It What You Want
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
A cry for someone to help
Help lift the crushing weight
Weight that made it impossible to speak
Speak about how small I felt
Felt like I was a prisoner to you
You only ever held me down
I thought this was love.  But now I know its not. Love has many sides. Be on the right one.
589 · Jan 2016
Kristin Kepner Jan 2016
It was to heavy for her for lift, or for anyone to really lift.
She couldn't keep her thoughts straight in her head, so just had non at all.
The hours went here and there and she could care less what day it was.
To come back to when words don't seem so bitter
580 · Sep 2015
If Myself Was One
Kristin Kepner Sep 2015
Don't think that you never crossed my mind
I may not have you now but you where always mine
They didn't tear you from my grasping  arms
But the sorrow I feel in my chest is still vary real
I dream of you dancing in elgant circles around me
Sometimes I pretend I brush your long cascading hair

Other times I think of how you must hate me
There's not a moment I don't repentance my choice
Evey time I close my eyes I hope to see you when they open
How could have a cared for a child if I was myself one?
Every adaption comes from someone's sorrow.
575 · Sep 2015
Still Breathing Deep
Kristin Kepner Sep 2015
While you sleep
Counting sheep
The dreams you keep
Pilled up in a heep
I will let the tea steep
As you creep
Still breathing deep
563 · Jul 2015
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
If you want to believe,
all you have to do is,
find the reasons why
A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dementions
545 · Aug 2015
Be the Only One
Kristin Kepner Aug 2015
I wanna touch the earth
I wanna breack it in my hands

I wanna pillow of blue bonnets
And a blanket made of stars

I wanna walk not run
I wanna skip and not fall

I wanna look at the horizon
And not see a building standing tall

I wanna be the only one
for miles and miles
529 · Sep 2015
Kristin Kepner Sep 2015
Living with in your means doesn't mean you have to give up your dreams!
Dreams are never to big
516 · Jul 2015
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
I don't think I let people down because of the choices I've made, but letting myself believe I had no choice to make.
There is always a choice
513 · Jul 2015
Pointing fingers
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
To blame someone with something
you couldn't find in your self.
511 · Jul 2015
Shes Got It All
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
She's got a heavy heart,
a messy soul,
a reckless mind,
& I think it's beautiful
the way she carries herself.
494 · Oct 2015
Breacking you
Kristin Kepner Oct 2015
Breaking my own heart hurt
But breaking yours was worse
You trusted me and had faith
The faith you had in me diyed
The moment I broke your trust

I would go to you for comfort
But you don't want to talk to me
I don't even deserve you anymore
I'm numbed by the teribal things
The teribal things I did to you
I lost my best friend today and the only person I can blame is the demons in my head twisting the knot in my stomach
441 · Dec 2015
But to Her
Kristin Kepner Dec 2015
She always wondered how he was to others, She always listed how others thought of him...

But to her he was nothing but

The ghost dancing in the corner of her eyes at night,
Smoke that she couldn't help but to breathe in her lungs,
The everlasting wormth that soothed her shaking hands,
A sweet sound that put all the screaming voices to rest,
He was the precious mercy that gave her the grace to live,
He's is good to me because I am good to him!
429 · Oct 2015
Kristin Kepner Oct 2015
She wasn't lost but
she still wanted to be found,
I'm waiting
422 · Aug 2015
Kristin Kepner Aug 2015
My greatest fear is forgeting my dreams.
Never lose sight.
418 · Nov 2015
Every Choice
Kristin Kepner Nov 2015
Every hard choice made,
Comes from an even harder place.
There is never an easy choice
417 · Jul 2015
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
Late night drives on hollow roads
You called me just passed dusk
I waited for you as the night turned over
Your warm knuckles grazed my thigh
You tossed a small bag in lap
A small orange glow turned quickly into a white stream of smoke
I breathed in deeply and thought for a moment
Parted my lips just enough to exhale
You put your car in park and turned the key
You reached out your palm and touched my cheek
The night took her dark veil and laid it over us
You took me that night as you had before
Hiding from the world you said it was our secret
When you sat back I quickly put myself back together
Not even my red eyes could hide the tear that ran away
For in your presents I never felt so alone
The hollow road home was just as hollow as my heart
You have never kissed me except on the forehead to say goodbye
This time was no different
You drove away as if you never knew me
And as if you never as if you never cared to.
387 · Oct 2015
Dirt vs. Water
Kristin Kepner Oct 2015
Your life was like dirt
You could hold it in your hands
It only spiled over on rare occasions
You could grow things and learn things
You could easily move the dirt till it fit you

My life was like water
No matter how hard I tried
It always slips through my fingers
387 · Jul 2015
Too Afraid
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
Waiting for you to leave,
I am to polite to ask ,
We have nothing left in common,
But still I fear to tell you the truth

I no longer enjoy your company,
As when we where young,
You are still the same person,
I hardly resemble my self .

I turn to smoke, you turn to your mother,
I stay out late l, you go to bed early,
You look at sweet animal videos,
I look at in home DIY tattos.

You want to talk about deep things,
like how I'm you best friend,
I bite my tongue because ,
I don't want to say the truth.

That I am only your friend because
I am to afraid to say how I feel.
This story is true I listen to my friends talk bad about her but I don't have the heart to tell her so I just smile anways. I wish I had the courage to be her.
346 · Nov 2015
Kristin Kepner Nov 2015
Can you imagine
I haven't been able to
see past a day in so long
I just thought about
What we would do
And where we would go
And it was nice, simple
But it felt like there
Was magic in it
Like I can move the horizan
334 · Aug 2015
Kristin Kepner Aug 2015
I don't want to spend another night alone,
But I'm only 17 so what do I know about being alone?
Wanting someone. Anyone.
333 · Jul 2015
Work it out
Kristin Kepner Jul 2015
You used to worke me out, but you never worked it out for me.

— The End —