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Sabika Oct 2021
I want to go
Somewhere far away
Where neither the rays of the sun
Nor the shadows of darkness can reach me.

Rip this skin of mine,
The confines of these structures,
Failed and toppled,
Never renewed.

The mirrors show a pleasant sight,
One I cannot portray.
So I wonder what you see
In the glass shards inside your pupils?

Running away,
From what?
Where can I go?
At the end of the day, where can I go?
It would be no different,
Whether in green or in blue,
I’ll stand alone and petrified
Of all I have to lose.
Sabika Oct 2021
Flesh is torn in monotone,
Hairy needles as legs pegs onto white
Sticky string,
Sharp fangs dipped in poison
Sink through flesh and *****
And crush bones with a sting.

It is **** or be killed out there in the nature you worship.
The cruelty adds to the beauty of a deep red sunset.
Vicious waves add to the elegance of an ocean,
So don’t forget  
That while you turn a blind eye to
The things you don’t like,
You tell yourself a half truth
(A good lie),
It is the perspective which alters sight.

Perhaps it’s more comforting to see
The sun as a beacon of light instead of
An orb in cruel fire,
But if you can see both,
Maybe you’ll find hope in hopelessness,
Or you’re humbled by thoughtfulness,
and maybe you’ll see the
Nature of life for what it truly is.
Sabika Sep 2021
What makes you
Conscious of your conscience
Is the consequence.
Sabika Sep 2021
You do not decay when you are dead,
You decay when you are still.
When you stop moving, that’s when your environment eats you up.
Sabika Sep 2021
You cannot fear the uncertain
If you want to be certain.
Sabika Sep 2021
Is it a god?
Is it the devil?

Given the wrong circumstances,
They can both be evil.
Then what is it I rely on
To help me differentiate between right and wrong?

Is it eternal?
Is it reliable?
And when things don't go to plan,
Are my consequences inevitable?
Then what is it I can count on
That's been unchangeable all along?

Is it sturdy?
Will they keep swaying me?

And when pain,
Pleasure, time and health test me,
What is it I can rely on to keep me steady?

I feel like a kite on a single string,
The string is a hand stretching out from a deep sea,
The hand is a lever with the note:
"Pull me!"
And I hold on and it may be fine,
But relationships,
Will, health, time, pain and pleasure
Eventually rot and turn bitter
And they let me go
And I am reminded of how
Lost I truly am...
In this vast ocean...
In this wide space...
I am reminded that in this world,
Nowhere in my mind is safe;
I used to ridicule that which I cannot see or feel,
But there was nothing of this world that was real.
All of my idols
Left me,
And all that’s left to
Hold on to
Are the ideals of hope
And faith.
Sabika Sep 2021
Fear screamed, “NO!”
And I went exactly
Where it told me not to go.

I said:
“Fear is a challenge,
A trial, a test I’ll take,
A curse I’ll break.”

I said:
“I fear no creation;
Fear is poisonous illusion
Usurping dignity,
And I refuse to give into tyranny.

“At the end of the day,
What are you
But threatened pride and ego?
What are you
But insecure and evil?”

I said:
You are small and weak,
Master of the ignorant
And the meek.”
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