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Three weeks ago you were telling her how much you missed her at 4am. It must have been the alcohol...because you have avoided her ever since. The amount of texts she sends to you with no reply is almost embarrassing, but more than that it's painful-your silence screams volumes in her ears.

It was her birthday three days ago...and you said nothing. As the sun began to set her heart began to drop when she realized the one "happy birthday" she was waiting for never came. And that's when she knew it was over. You've let her down multiple times...but never quiet like this.

You destroyed the one person who would drop everything for you, who fought for you and loved you with all honesty.

So, she confused a lesson for a soulmate and because of that she is broken...but not beyond repair. You see time and Jesus will heal her soon enough. And when she's too busy enjoying the simple beauties and marveling at what it means to be alive-someone will walk into her life. Someone who will protect and cherish her heart instead of use it for selfish gain.

The storm you set on her is now a light drizzle...and soon you will be nothing but a mist

She will wake up one day and the memories won't haunt her, because now she is strong enough to finally put the past in the past. And all you will be is a distant memory with a lesson learned, and you will lose all power you ever had over her.
It's on nights like these
That I miss you the most
I can feel the ghost
Of your lips
On the tip of my nose
Because you're not quite tall enough
To reach my forehead.

It's on nights like these
That I miss you the most
When I stay up all night
Rereading the notes
That you wrote me
Little pieces of you
That I cherish when I'm alone

You bring me the kind of happiness
I can't find in the ashes of a blunt
Or at the bottom of a bottle
You make me truely, absolutely happy
And I haven't felt that way
In such a terribly long time
And I know you haven't, either.

I'll never let you go, baby doll.
We'll make it together, you and me
Through it all.
I know you're out with your friends
And you won't see this for a while
But I'm at my wits end my dear
Longing to see your smile

I hope these verses still give you
Butterflies like they used to
Right now I feel so blind
Because I can't picture life
Without you
And the color blue that
Your eyes radiate
That Belongs on every artists canvas

I need you dear
Don't you soon forget
With you I can face my fears
Live life with no regret

I figured I'd write you this
Because I know things are rough
I'll leave you poems and a gentle kiss
To fill the hole back up

You're my world baby doll
Wouldn't trade you for anything
If you ever feel alone
Just remember
You're my everything.

I love you. <3
Wrote this for my girl while she's out having fun. I miss her dearly.
Hello love
I'm sure you're sleeping
But I have to remind you
How much I love you

You were on my mind this morning
When the sun broke through he curtains
And hit my face
And it was pleasant because
The warmth of it's glow
Reminded me of how it feels
To wake up next to you
And I was happy

I walked outside to smoke today,
And I thought about how much you'd enjoy
This sunrise if you were with me
And how we'd have a thousand pointless conversations
About our dreams and where we want to go
But the only roads I want to travel
Are the ones that lead back to you
My dear.
Because other roads aren't worth traveling
Unless we go together.

When I'm alone I think about you
And how nice it'd be if you were here
Even for just a moment
So I could kiss you
And tell you how black my world is
Without your light
You're a candle in the darkness
The flame in my chest cavity
When those three words leave your mouth
They dance from my ears,
Run their fingers down my neck,
And hold my heart gently
Hell, you could rip it out for all I care
As long as it was our hand that
Pulled it from my chest
It'd still beat for you
Long after I've left this world
And all that's left is a headstone and a memory

I love you.
You are love.
For me the words been redefined
If I look at it in the dictionary,
All that lies there
Is a picture of you
Because words can't describe
How beautiful you are
To me

When you wake up, I want you to smile
Because you deserve too
I don't know what I ever did
To deserve someone like you
But I'm thanking my God today
For bringing me the love of my life
In such a wonderful, simplistic way

But for now, I'll pluck out a song
Upon my own heart strings
And sing for you
Even though I'm off key
I hope the sounds remind you
That you're the rhythm in my soul
This is a real poem I wrote for my girlfriend this morning. I love you, Cheyenne. You're my whole world baby doll. Stay beautiful
A lonely night
In a lonely room
Bare walls face me
I have no company
I am all alone
I lay on my bed
Staring obliviously at the ceiling
Above my eyes
All is quiet
I am not at peace
Hope you notice that the layout looks like a dagger
That's all I have been doing
For what?
I don't really know
Maybe it's a girl
Probably the girl of my dreams
Dreams if written
Could take your last breath away

But of what use is this wait?
She is taken...
Forever out of my grasp
But yet
What I do is that I keep
For what?
I don't really know
They say you're beautiful
They say you're the only person they'll ever truly love
They say they'd always be there for you
Whenever you'd need them the most
They say they'd take a bullet
And die for you
They say they'd climb the highest mountains
And sail the endless seas
Just to be with you

...Reality Check

They say many thing
They are deceiving and cunning
They are full of lies
They only want to take advantage
They think you are a nobody
And they don't care
They are inhumane
And they are wrong!
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
jim moore
winters's waning again
inspiration eludes me still
much more elusive
than this time last year
it's time to get up again
wake up and smell the coming
the coming of life, of love, of spring
a new beginning
a new start of the old, perhaps
time to reach out and grasp
that which is just out of reach
instead of sitting idly, watching
as the coming goes
and the present passes
the past engulfs everything
time slows for no one
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
jim moore
every morning, like clockwork
together, a pair so perfect
laughing, smiling, carrying on
every morning, they come together
every morning, they go together

this morning, he left alone
this morning, she sat alone
staring blankly
into the nothingness she sees before her
the emptiness across the table

there were two, now there is one
it's too late now, the damage is done
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