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2.3k · Jul 2018
Oh Virtuous Patience
Lingua Franca Jul 2018
Dear virtuous patience may you be mine?
Dearest virtuous patience is it true you know time?
Lovely virtuous patience what is in your design?
Beloved virtuous patience what is your price?
Holy virtuous patience no wonder you are divine.
656 · Feb 2017
The crease in my eyelid
Lingua Franca Feb 2017
Things are strange.
Call life vain, wild and confusing.
We are born with choice, grow up to decide and sway with the impact of emotion.
You develop an idea, share it, make it real, then become so consumed with it that it replaces what we hold close to our heart.
I overthink things at night, I fight with thoughts and cry, waking up to a body battered and bruised by my mind.
They are looking at me, they see me all the time but I hope they know what I'm not trying to hide.
Think about your raw state, think of the choices you make,
do they all really mean anything?
Are they impacting and important, are they for your benefit and only yours, are they dependent on a Higher Source or are they as unknown as a conversation about the crease in my eyelid?
571 · Aug 2018
effervescent basin
Lingua Franca Aug 2018
full, so full and effervescent.
overflowed by my creator despite my will to hold or withstand the contents.
ever trickling for you although I harden my spout
simply purposed yet complexed by morality
oh so full, so effervescent, pray my spout never shy from Providence's one true will.
506 · Jan 2017
Dark and lovely
Lingua Franca Jan 2017
She is deep and coloured with story
she was picked accordingly by God like every other
she steals any peak of brightness and stores it in her warmth
she constantly desires the light that looks down on her
she is fed and enriched when she meets the sun
she glows and thrives once she meets him.
She is loved by many but hated much too,
she is a symbol of my culture
she will live with me forever

My skin is Dark and lovely
458 · Sep 2019
The lust of language
Lingua Franca Sep 2019
As honey billows from a hive
Words satisfy my mind
The sweetest dew breathed out of mouths
Mists my skin in Eros
My heat rises and bubbles the molasses in my head
Slow hands stir its thick syrup and enjoys its warmth and feel
Caressing down my cheeks
On my tongue and into my lips
harmony pleases my inner itch
The feeling of catching spoken words that encapsulate my expression
425 · Jan 2017
For you
Lingua Franca Jan 2017
My darling, don't grow up so quickly,
let your heart continue to be young.

My precious, please stay in your innocence, don't let it ever be done.

My love, I tell you live life fully and without regret, know that all happens for his will and nothing is without intent.

My joy, go on and dance in the wind go, go on and sing to Him.

My sweet, I pray you be bold and strong, never doubt
God's power and never doubt God's love.
405 · Jun 2017
A poets lingo
Lingua Franca Jun 2017
Their words are defined,
A clear attempt to be sublime.
A shout of uneducated knowledge dressed to be philosophical.
Their words settle in bones, and is composed to disclose your emotions.
A poets words are an effortless devotion.
Poets words are an intense performance.
335 · Feb 2021
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
The birth pains of success
Every sector of my soul is being pushed above my comfort
To succeed and overcome I must first persevere the contracting pains of giving life to my goals
The squeezing and enduring this hardship causes me heart wrenching discomfort
But I remember I am with dreams and I must go forth in order to see and adore what tomorrow beholds
Life has taught me that I must endure though I am in pain or exhausted by what meets me. The birth of dreams and a future must be given life to through suffering. Though it may feel almost impossible  to come to terms with.
317 · Jul 2023
Tastes like gratitude
Lingua Franca Jul 2023
Tastes like gratitude, smells like sweetness
The lying eye of nostalgia, I know he doesn't mean it.

My life is green with patches if dryness, but it's okay. At times my crops may be dry around the edges or I will be thirsty from the labours of watering and pruning.

There will always be gnats and rocks that lie in the dirt.
Some days I will bleed and be bitten, others I will miss, misplace and mistake the common trials
Believing it to be my demise,
Some days it might have been
And one day it will be.

I know that common is full of cracks where unknown creatures crawl and where also blessings dribble and pour.
Through my digging and dancing, writing and writhing I know my life to be like a coin. Found in pockets, parks, places and pubs enduring marks, drops, trades and trials.
Valued by some and unphased by others.
Always with two sides
And when boiled down and looked at
Like with gratitude
Always gold
Lingua Franca Dec 2019
We drove into the Costco carpark.
304 · Dec 2016
Look at me
Lingua Franca Dec 2016
Look at my face, see my skin bare and dark, look and see my wrinkles, look and see my scars.
Look and see the story of my life, see how much He makes me smile.
See how He saved me from despair, see how my foolishness took me there.
Look at my hair, look at my wisdom, look at how it grows.
Look when time shows in each strand, sterling silver and bold.
Look at my eyes, look into my soul
Look and see the truth, nothing less, nothing more.
See my love for Him and see my love for you.
I want you to look at me and see the truth.
298 · Nov 2017
Leave life alone
Lingua Franca Nov 2017
Smart, so smart oh how intelligent we are
Control this create that, we are now the ones in power.
Money, fame important names, the perfect poison to conquer the unknown freedom
Iradicate the radical, deter the diseased cure incompetence.

It is to be rich to dictate all and own more
To be the look, have the want, top the tower

truly happy now? You are?

How about reason, purpose, freedom?

You are not your own.
How about Christ's protection and leading?
Do you remember what that is?
Do you remember Christ's purpose?

Remember the creator, the maker of perfection
No mistake, no mistakes he is not
Without intention.

When did you decide? when did you compromise, with what He calls truth and justice?

When did you have the name of beginning and the end?
When did you forget the one who brought you to exist?

Leave life alone as God made it
It is not your toy or playground
Where is the world today?
What type of confusion are we now living in?
Everything gives you cancer and inability must be diminished.
What happened to the truth, and trust in Gods power?
269 · Feb 2021
Stomach of love
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
All I want when the peak of my mind is unrested is to lay me head on the belly of my maker
Blessed am I to behold such comfort
I pray that me may be for thee thy comfort
257 · Dec 2019
The unsaid things
Lingua Franca Dec 2019
The way the sun bounced off my hair was a prayer
The subtle glimmer off my skin was not sin
The ebony cast of my eye was no lie
The loving warmth of my cheek was simply meek
For he spoke it and it came to be.
In love created
253 · May 2017
It hurts to shed a tear
Lingua Franca May 2017
life is a mystery, a blood-filled case, a view depending on position
a definite but unknown place.
being different isn't normal, being the norm is the only way,
the judgment and ridicule of life can be too much to bare,
living outside the box is difficult when you dont choose, though i try my best to love being outside the rules.
I am broken and battered from this unruly life, all that holds me together, are the eternal hands of Christ.
I have no words to fix what happens, all i have is a heart that still beats though it is shattered.
I want all to experience the boundless love that God can only give to any and everyone.
Just know that this life is feeble and faint. So much that now my body hurts to shed a tear.
241 · Sep 2020
Banana leaves
Lingua Franca Sep 2020
A taste and scent I know

I look in the mirror
I wonder who I see
I perceive and see back the eyes of my ancestors
Who and how many
As time goes on. As I meet persons whom evoke and revive some.
It becomes clearer but more crowded
Who do I follow
Who do I remember
Who do I forget
How do I honour them
How do I respect

In my food
In my hair
In my skin and in my breath
All I know are banana leaves and how the smell and taste
Whilst listening to water by selah

Contemplating the culture of being a mixed kid. All I eat, all I say, all I do, I wonder where it came from. I wonder who else has done it before me and if there are ways unknown to me that may help me live out my life. One thing I have become more certain of is that I wish to be around people who enrich my culture and help me embrace where ever it is I have come from and what I can become.
223 · Nov 2018
Link Larkin
Lingua Franca Nov 2018
Pursuing a dream
A glaring sheen
Bells and bumps
Elitist appeal
Perfect fit
Vain top hit
And an ego untouched
A dance and clutch
... dreams to big
Not small enough?
Sarcastic teeth
Aubergine pun
Oh Link Larkin
The one?
213 · Jan 2019
The art of nonchalance
Lingua Franca Jan 2019
Slow batted eyelids
Breaths subtracting by the second
Core stern and steady
Covering of what is
You don’t know what’s inside
But I wish that you did,
Though I will never tell you
Or show you what’s within.
Looking into an eye
An eye of confusion
Curated and made to distort
My fault you can’t read me,
Can’t tell what I want.
Because of your terrors
I paint nonchalance,
No more I can handle
I stand in fear
leave with my thoughts.
Though love still endures
I feel finished and done
I pray dear oh Lord
Make real the nonchalance.
207 · Dec 2019
So much pity I could vom it
Lingua Franca Dec 2019
Why so many seconds in a season
So much time in one year?
I know patience is virtuous and that What needs to happen will
But at this moment in time I have this rock of pity in my throat that I am pushing to swallow.
I know that it is a waste of time and non constructive but it still dwells at the back of my throat between my ears
Fragments are slowly being swallowed painfully and stiff.
There is too much pity, I cannot swallow
It’s making me gag and spit.
So much self pity I could swim in it
203 · Feb 2018
Make time your friend
Lingua Franca Feb 2018
The thought of growing up is scary.
Enduring the wait of time is hairy.
The stress of expectations and contrasting thoughts bury me.
Reading others lives perplexes me
Waiting on love distresses me.
Will I change. How will I change. Who will change with me. Why will I change. When?

Make the Lord your father and time your friend, all will happen in due time and with due reason.
202 · Dec 2019
Nuclear family
Lingua Franca Dec 2019
I liked when you were here
Instead of the impact of eruption  
The burning of skin
Screaming from within
Crouching from threat
Shuddering and fear
We were the traditional unit I dream
198 · Aug 2017
The Barber of Truth
Lingua Franca Aug 2017
The barber of truth.
Truth cuts and cleans,
separates good from bad, decides what suits and what looks bad.
Truth grooms and preens,
truth reveals what's real.
Truth is loved and hated
Truth is simply fated.
Truth is a purity, more than just a philisophical concept. Truth bares the most intense and most exposed experience. Truth creates an edge to life. Truth povides thrill and rebellion in the most tranquill way.
Lingua Franca Aug 2018
If the stones would cry out in praise of their creator, mustn’t I deluge worship from every grain which I am crafted,
Humbly and undeniably?
Luke 19:40
191 · Apr 2019
Where to go
Lingua Franca Apr 2019
No option of death but rejecting the choice to live
Slumber is closest to my end I can be.
Please help me to believe
I don’t know if you do anymore
Where I am is unknown to me
I can’t hear, can’t see, can’t perceive you
Yet I want to be lead
I pray you find me and awaken us from our sleep
190 · Jan 2019
Lingua Franca Jan 2019
Something I never understood but also something I still don’t fully understand.
What I do know is what being feminine is the unity and support in other women,
Respecting and understanding one another in Eve’s mystery. It is holding our strength and accepting our weakness and knowing that it does not make us any less. It means knowing our bodies and working together with spirit and soul we have to live out our plan and purpose.
185 · Feb 2021
Burning roses
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
Every time we meet at the garden
The wind blows and we cross paths
our stems touch and thorns scratch
we fall from our bushes
we lay together wishing to be one
My dry petals start to smoke and begin to barren yours
Your bud ignites as you draw nearer
In synchrony we light with love and smoke passion
together we are burning roses
182 · Aug 2020
Lingua Franca Aug 2020
Not only do our lives matter Black is more than a life that matters.
Black is beautiful in every way shape and form.
Why do you steal it and call it yours?
Why now do you tell me I look wrong?
Black is strong.
You love me in sport and when I play but when I am walking and moving I’m scary and and in your way.
Black is intelligent in every age
Why do you tell me that it’s strange for me to behold and engage.
To educate
Black is interesting yes
But do you go and **** precious diamonds pat artefacts?
Black is brilliant I know
But why do you dull my gleam with your fingerprints all on my fro

Black is enough
Black is enough
Black is
177 · Dec 2017
Now I know
Lingua Franca Dec 2017
Oh Father, oh brother, oh friend I now too know what it is like for thy soul to be vexed.
177 · Jun 2018
Dearest friend
Lingua Franca Jun 2018
Dearest friend,
Telleth me what troubles thy heart
Your anguish is apparent to me
She deceives you and convinces you to hide
Dearest friend,
Your secret cry rattles me
My chest sings in agony of being on your outside
Dearest friend,
I may not be able to resolve your qualms
But I know our Lord will.
Dearest friend, I pray thee allowest me in.
171 · Sep 2018
A bieautiful mind
Lingua Franca Sep 2018
Though your words don’t trickle from your mouth
I see them flow from your eyes bubbling from your beautiful mind.
Precious thoughts in a naval space I cannot reach
If only I could swim in your logic and fish through your thinkings
Intentionally illiterate for my dearest friend
171 · Sep 2018
Because I am not dead.
Lingua Franca Sep 2018
The pure power of his name
the worlds shroud of shame
The illness that riddles all bone and breath , the choke of stress
Oh suffocating tresses, tresses of the tongues poison, the sting, sly sting of the fables caught under my skin.
Aggression, aggression  the furrowing grandeur of my pain. Oh hatred, the hatred out of petty presses and knotty messes. Slain
Slain in the name greater that pain.
Reason, purpose, path, passion, love
Over pouring, transforming
No longer a grudge
Power, strength, stature and rebellion. Rebellion against the pain and hatred inverse aggression, passion
Passion in objecting the twigs and tears of such a whirl.
Not a passive glance at possibility and theoretical action.
But a planting of peace in what harrows
Turn from the noose, the water, the fruit.
Reason is woven into your roots.
An everlasting water growing my bones  though tested by the dagger and the rope
hearty marrow will no longer wield my ruin.
Second hand torture.
Unknowingness in bystander
The slap of selfishness and the wishes for the best.
Despite reason convoluted and lacking in the trust of above. Complaint, complaint dear ease your paints. No coverage less coverage over protecting your taint. Pour, love pour love even in your tears. The nakedness of your heart is true honesty and cure. Lack fear, no fear, it’s a fight not a flurry. Much is ahead my dear
Know He is there because you are still here.
169 · Nov 2019
Passion of Persephone
Lingua Franca Nov 2019
Her legs glisten in the light radiating heat in her steps
Enchanting me with her eyes
Promising a new world to me
Joyed in the comfort of her smile
Enticed by her grimace in my grief
Oh dear Persephone please bring death to me
The lust of death in life
168 · Apr 2018
Lingua Franca Apr 2018
A love enough to let go.
168 · Jul 2018
Turning grey...
162 · Sep 2018
Spent ago
Lingua Franca Sep 2018
The stinging dagger of infatuation, how it haunts my heart, A dissolved shell and cast spell I was a chimera of teenage fantasy and hopes. Questioning the reciprocal and dousing myself in avidity while discourage allowed me ailment. Dreams of humming bodies in victory and patience estranged by the mind. The stiff knock of reality and the dry tears of calamity. Oh how the stinging dagger tormented my nile.
Lingua Franca Sep 2020
I’m tired
I want to never wake up
My Mind Is gone
Body mangled
Love lost
I am a carcass on life support
Quarantine taking its toll
153 · Dec 2020
Red ghosts
Lingua Franca Dec 2020
In the shower I was visited
By crimson ghouls
They were small and friendly
Visiting to send a message
Help identify my pain
Man they said man
Then crouch they said
Blood clots in the shower
145 · May 2018
From a rib and dust.
138 · Jun 2018
Beauty almost purple
Lingua Franca Jun 2018
She was so beautiful she was almost purple.
136 · Feb 2021
I like letting myself go
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
Searching from the depth of earths soil up into the skin of God’s sun
I like letting myself grow
133 · Dec 2019
Unfortunately afraid
Lingua Franca Dec 2019
I’ve been warned of love always and that he cannot see
I’ve been told that he is deceptive and never bares what is real
Many shout that it is forever but I do not see the endless ring
I pray thee uncovers hope and help me believe.
133 · Feb 2021
The serenity of 3:37
130 · Dec 2019
Those songs were about you
Lingua Franca Dec 2019
The smell of mop soap
Your subtle knit brown coat
The sounds of self comfort in the pounding notes.
129 · Feb 2021
My soul whispered your name
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
I’ve never felt like this before
My chest hurts and my face is filled with water
I’ve never felt such a stretch from not seeing somebody
I don’t know what to expect
What to do
How to act
How to move
I just know my soul whispers your name
And there is nothing I can do
129 · Feb 2021
From an optimistic nihilist
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
You were the limb that I longed for
A piece of soul I fell hard for
But in the end you selfish and cold
Made me twist my fingers to cut at the wrist
Cut of that much loved part of me I thought Had made me all complete

And I thought I was the *****
But I was pulling the stitch that you had sewn before the cloth was washed
matched and measured fit

All I wanted was for you to keep going
Sewing the stitch consistent and bliss until we could wash and measure it
No change of seam from you to me we would be one in synchrony
But you would barely defend that you were my friend and danced around something more
From my compassion I thought it was a lashing to tell you what to do with me
I hate begging a friend to love and mend my self as I would more than do for them
Funny I begged
I never would pledge my knees to the ground
But I grovelled in gravel under your hands that refused to lift me up
Where some how too busy to simply pull out the friend from meeting a blue end or a self drawn tragedy
Instead you let me grab your feet while you never moved a peep to realise you were never standing there
False stating your stance while you go and dance among other worthy subjects
So I let go each digit hoping you would still come as I could hear your voice in the distance.
My knees bleed on the floor and friends come out to draw a cloth and help me
I was unknown of the red because my eyes were bowed as my head begging a man who was never there
So sad to hear and gloomy to know
All because I fell in love with a boy
128 · Feb 2021
Damnatio memoriae
Lingua Franca Feb 2021
Shacked by my love for you
Forced to make you a memory

All I wanted was you in the bed next to me
Not for the just for the touching
But too for the loving. Letting and listening

Simply support
I wouldn’t extort
No you wouldn’t return it

Was it forget or neglect
Or Was it both without ***
In that I mean spirit, emotion  
X,y and z
soul scratching and searching

You would no longer choke me but
Scroll through your phone
Leave me alone whilst I was raw in your company

I was holding too long
On a feeling so gone

Forgot you were a coward

You wished to be my cowboy but
You couldn’t sit on the horse cos you lied
Lied to yourself what a horse was and bought a pony instead
Realising it wouldn’t endure cos you wouldn’t wait to afford a stallion

That would conquer a rebellion
Ride till the end of all days and give you all praise.
A living companion
All from a beginning price you fooled and left face for
Maybe in a different score
A different plane with roads and sky scrapers
you can buy the Ferrari  
cos you have all the money
From waiting and honesty just
for yourself
Not for the wealth, clout or the currency

Not with you currently
But hoped for a time where there is truth and no lies and I’m on a plane to the land of your love ready to be what we want to be.
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