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 Feb 2016 Gracie Anne
How could she do that to herself.
her collarbones almost popping out of her skin
because she is a skeleton already
her ribcage a tally of the meals she has skipped
one, two, three, four, too many to count
her hipbones protrude like shards of glass
shattered like her self esteem
thighs that no longer touch
calves miles apart
gaps on her body
gaps between meals

her head is a mixed up land
with broken mirrors all around
her friend ana reflected in the shards
she is so familiar with these eating habits they have a name
ana ana ana ana ana
runs through her brain
the calorie counter in her head runs
is an apple worth it anymore?
skip dinner
wake up thinner
pretty girls do not eat.

her body is brittle
she looks like she could break with a touch
but she is already broken inside
the fight is over
she knows it too
she is fading away.

how could i do this to myself.
trigger warning.
I want you
to find your
childhood happiness hidden
in my protruding
to remember your
mother’s laughter
laced within my
to see your
brother’s face
one more time
inside the
crook of my elbow

I want you to
find the
beauty hidden within
my bones
extract it for me
piece by piece
because I
have yet to
see it's presence

Please, love
Just make me beautiful
Perfect. By: Hannah Ostenberg

Puffed out cheeks, sunken eyes, raw throat, salty tears that run down my dry skin,
I am perfect.
Dry thin brittle hair, nails that are chipping away, Bruises litter my paper thin skin,
I am perfect.
Thigh gap of an inch and a half, Concaved stomach, hip bones sharp like glass, ribs so prominent that when my thin cold fingers run over them feeling every dip between, they could be strummed like a one of a kind vintage guitar making a sad melody,
I am perfect.
Heavy chest, Short breath, Numb limbs, Cold skin,To weak to get out of bed,
I am perfect.
Make up painted face, fake smiles, Daily lies, “I’m not hungry, I already ate, I’m ok, I‘m fine, I‘m just tired”  
I am perfect.
I am perfect,
I am prefect, Perfect at lying.
I am perfect.
I am perfect, Perfect at dying
I am perfect.
I am perfect, I am perfectly killing myself, but to the outside, to society, I’m just….
By: Hannah Ostenberg
 Feb 2016 Gracie Anne
 Feb 2016 Gracie Anne
head between my knees
fetal position

don’t eat

on the bathroom floor
tears streaming down my face


hunger pains
stomach crying out for food


pinching the fat
fat on my thighs

ana ana ana

fat on my stomach
fat everywhere

don’t eat

Will I ever be okay again?
I love you, stay strong.
I can't eat.
You think that I'm stupid,
But it's no small feat
Because though I can feel my stomach shrinking inside me,
I am stuck on repeat,
Starving, ignoring, forgetting
Yanking with this sharp leash
Saying don't eat
Don't eat
Don't eat.
Because maybe then I'll have some control.
Or the ugly will go away.
Maybe the black, consuming pain
In my heart,
Will finally turn to gray.
"Gosh Mary! Why don't you eat? I just love food!"
I know girls who go through boys like they did toys on the playground
I know girls who pick at their skin and pull at their hair
I know girls who look so hard for love they give out their heart like it's extra change
I know girls who split their skins to stop the pain
I know girls who are so angry they are hateful, even mean
I know girls throw up in the bathroom after lunch, pretending no one heard them when they come out
I know girls with the universe in their eyes yet they can't see a star
I know girls who give themselves away to feel like someone cares
I know girls who hate their moms
I know girls who hate their dad
And I know girls that would rather die then be caught wearing a dress
I know girls who take too many pills, girls who party a little too hard
I know girls with strait A's since they were 6
I know girls who have panic attacks
There are girls with bones and girls with curves
Girls with hearts as cold as stone
But even with all the types
All the girls
We're all the same
Same love in our hearts
Same soul buried beneath layers of our skin
Truth is
We're all hurt
We all need each other
Girls need girls to get through what girls go through
This is a little rough but it's a poem about all the kinds of girls I've met and observed through my 16 years. Some u was friends with some I hardly knew. The point of this poem is to say every girl needs some body so us girls should be there for each other.
All the pain .. that she has gained .. nothing with the remains of memories... nothing but a broken hearts past , unprepared for the things that she bled ... a blank page waiting to start over ... hoping to be brought back to life... hearts.beat ... just to stop ... tears are shed just to be wiped away .. with the right hand, it can mend ... glistening sorrow .. impatient for tomorrow .. hoping to make it ... feeling like a corpse upon earth ... a soul that has been something ... just to feel as if it were nothing .. invisible to the touch ... fading away ..gone with the wind ... she was another soul that was bent ... not broken ... she has words that were left unspoken ...the fear of losing ..the fear of bruising .. as if she were invincible .. nothing could knock her down .. except a love that came so fast.. but was lost ... a love that's broken and a love that was forever unspoken...a few words on the tip of her tongue ... waiting to spit them out .. wanting to scream and shout at the world that has given her lust ... all she wanted was to be loved ... to feel ... to be visible to ones eye ... she wanted to cry because all.her hellos were goodbyes ... left unnoticed .. just a voice in the wind .. nothing but grief as she gave in .... as she withered away with nothing else to say .. hoping that a soul would notice she slowly fades away...
I still have to fight
the monsters inside your head;
sleep soundly tonight.
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