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 Apr 2016 Death by Decoy
I wonder if he ever thinks about me
I wonder if I ever appear in his dreams
I wonder if he knows my love is true
I wonder if he wonders about me too
For a certain someone
 Apr 2016 Death by Decoy
Everything they do
Is lovely to you
From breathing in
To tying their shoe
Their little smirk
That gives your face a red hue
That one person
Who to you is true
Feeling lovey <3
 Apr 2016 Death by Decoy
Walking outside in the winter
A snowflake falls from the sky
And lands in my palm
It slowly melts as snowflakes do
And I start thinking
Each snowflake is spectacular
And different in its own way
But their lives are so short
Maybe humans and snowflakes
Aren't so different after all
Humans are like snowflakes
have been weak
enough to fall for you
 Mar 2016 Death by Decoy
You're one out of seven billion.
That means there's about 6,999,999,999 other people
perfectly capable of taking your place.

You're seven billion out of one in my head.
And for some reason I am completely
incapable of getting a grip on anything else.
 Mar 2016 Death by Decoy
I have so many issues
It's quite hard to explain.

So if you find that I'm worth it
You need to learn to stay through the rain.
 Mar 2016 Death by Decoy
It’s funny I even address you as Q. I never knew you as Q. I knew you as Quentin H. At least, that’s the name I associated with you in Elementary school. We went to the same Elementary School for seven years. We talked every now and then; however, we weren't exactly best friends. You passed away on my sixteenth birthday. From now on when I hear your name the first thing that will come to my mind is ‘oh that’s the boy I grew up with that drowned on my birthday.’ And deep down I know that’s wrong to think but I cannot help from thinking that.
Whenever I heard your name before today I thought of something different. It was just a normal day in early elementary. I believe it was second or first grade. For all I know it could have been third. It doesn't matter. We were young. That’s all that matters.
You asked me if I could open your soda bottle. Me believing I had a chance to prove how strong I was took the challenge eagerly not noticing that you had shook it under the table before handing it over. I opened it and in a matter of seconds I was completely covered in sticky soda. My outfit ruined, and my lunch ruined. You laughed and I cried.
Me being the responsible child I tattled on you and you got a slap on the wrist while I had to eat a cheese sandwich. Keep in mind I despise cheese. It was by far the worst lunch of my life.
Until Today.
I had just found out you had passed and I didn't eat lunch. I couldn't eat lunch. How could someone I watched grow alongside me be gone in a matter of minutes?
I would eat a million cheese sandwiches just to have you back.
I cannot go on social media. I try and all I see are pictures of your memorial or a picture of you with the word RIP underneath it. I believe you deserve more than just an RIP.
You were a fantastic human being even though I didn't know you as well in your last years. You apologized for the soda incident and I can say I forgive you.
You didn't deserve this fate. No one deserves this fate. But there must be some reason you were called upon in order for the promising future in your grasp to be taken away. God needed you. Heaven needed you.
Heaven gained one hell of an angel on July 14th 2014 at five in the morning.
I know this isn't a poem but it's a letter that I feel is really special to share.
I only endure the pain of missing you
and knowing I can't hug you because
I can't eat these miles twixt you and I
neither can I drink the vast Ocean dry

I bear the ache of yearning to hug you in vain
because the feeling is mutual, you feel my pain
it hurts like a boil but there's not much I can do
I guess it's the price I have to pay for loving you

and unlike the rest we no longer doubt our intension
so I ignore millions often gazing with clear admiration
blooming in their eyes, cause you'll always be my inspiration
and I'm determined to bear, no matter the duration

for you walked in when none was brave enough to dare
you broke down the walls I had built, with honest love and care
chaos** --
The law of nature

The dream of humans
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