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ophelia Jul 2019
cold sheets, wet eyes
running in loop, hurt to death
does she know that we bleed the same?
ophelia Sep 2024
we were almost stars,
burning bright, then fading fast—
love lost in the past.
the one that got away
ophelia Jun 2019
maybe we’ll meet again one day at the coffee shop in somewhere and then, the timing will be right and everything will be perfect
ophelia Jan 13
In a daydream, I see you again,
We’re laughing, we’re dancing, a world without end.
But then I wake, and you’re just a ghost,
A fleeting shadow, gone without a trace.

The ceiling above holds more than my sighs,
It carries the words left behind.
A love that never was, a love that could’ve been,
Lost in the room.

Still, I’ll dream, I’ll hold onto the light,
That someday I’ll break through this endless night.
And find you there, not as mine, but free,
On the other side, where we were never meant to be.
Inspired by Ceilings - Lizzy McAlpine
ophelia Oct 2024
in quiet rooms where shadows hide,
celia whispers, soft inside.
a secret kept, a dream unspoken,
a song of strings, unbroken.

she waits in corners, dark and deep,
where memories fade, and shadows sleep.
eyes of silence, heart of mist,
tracing what’s been missed.
ophelia Jan 8
Shimmering starlight,
Your eyes, deep pools drawing me,
Night feels infinite.
I never thought I’d find myself drowning in those hazel eyes.
ophelia Dec 2019
suddenly every memories comes back
how happy we were.
i wish you were here
i wish i could erase you forever
for good.
ophelia Apr 2020
she still loves me
she just not in love with me anymore
its me being ****** at 1 am, being over too sensitive
ophelia Jan 2021
You turned 24. You died at 23. Suicide. You used to left me a voicemail message, telling me how much you loved me. You died down the street from where we first really talked and got to know each other again after so many lifetimes of being apart. You promised me your blood, your fealty, your heart. I gave you everything I never had. I love you. Forever. I'll come to see you as soon as I shake loose this mortal coil. I love you. Goodnight.
ophelia Apr 2021
hi, how are you? im sorry for reaching out to you but it seems i just couldn't get it outside my head even though i will get over it, eventually. i just wanted to say im sorry for making you feel ****** the last time we had a conversation, it was never my intention to do so. i never expected that we could just end that way, and im sorry. i know you were so mad at me about it but really i never thought of you that way, its never across in my mind ever. anyway, thank you for making me the happiest person in a while even though it was really short. thank you for the calls, laughs, and time. i just wish we had a better breakup. i hope you happiness always.
ophelia Jul 2019
teruntuk bulan Juli,
walaupun aku selalu membenci hujan dan bagaimana air turun dari langit,
bagaimana hujan menghancurkan segala hari-hariku dan lembab tanah yang mengganggu,
dan yang pada akhirnya bulan Juli,
mataharimu bersinar cerah,
dan saking teriknya,
panasmu menusuk jiwa bagaikan aku tidak siap untuk segalanya,
aku jatuh sendirian dan sejujurnya,
aku rindu,
langit gelap dan aroma basah tanah saat air hujan turun,
aku rindu,
kamu memegang tangan eratku pada tengah hujan di kota itu
teruntuk bulan Juli,
maukah kamu untuk terakhir kali menjatuhkan hujan dari langitmu itu?
bukan untuk mengenang hal indah,
tidak, untuk apalagi?
hujan di bulan Juli,
aku mohon,
hanya untuk membasuh semua luka sakit.
rain of july, the monophones
ophelia Jul 2020
i wish we would have met when i was comfortable with myself and i’m sorry for everything i put you through.
someday i’ll find you again, until then lets hope we both grew up and saved the stories we wanted to tell. or maybe we’re together in a different dimension.
ophelia Jan 2019
seluas alam fikiran yang berkelana,
aku terbang melintasi dinding-dinding putih,
meratapi langit-langit hingga tak berdaya,
biar saja sepi,
toh aku sudah tidak peduli,
toh aku sudah menikmati perlahan
keheningan yang mencengkam ini,
walaupun tidak bahagia,
setidaknya semua tenang untuk sementara.
i was high at the moment. getting high used to make me happy, but right now it would just make me feel okay. not sad nor happy.
ophelia Feb 3
When you're in love, you lose control,
Doing foolish things, heart and soul.
A stranger’s glance, yet still you’d dare,
To chase a smile, to show you care.

When you're in love, your thoughts run wild,
Like dreams that danced when you were a child.
You wonder if she feels the same,
Or if it’s just a fleeting flame.

You think of scents you've never known,
Soft whispers carved in dreams alone.
You overthink, your heart feels sore,
But then—she texts, and the pain's no more.

When you're in love, the world turns bright,
Even the darkest days feel light.
You laugh at things that make no sense,
Lost in a love so intense.

When you're in love, you just don’t know—
Yebba's Heartbreak inspired
ophelia Oct 2020
and no matter hard i tried
no matter how hard i really tried
at the end of the  day
its always you
and maybe you don't care anymore
you don't want to know any more
i love you
in silence without everyone have to recognize
and it's fine
because watching you from the far
is some kind of a whole new level of love
and i don't care if you still
but i will always love you
in my silence
ophelia Apr 2020
i gave up
i am slowly fading away
you will never knew
you broke us two
ophelia Oct 2020
your kind innocent smile is misleading,
and as i see it even more,
i know i already lost on our conversation,
without even care
let me tell you one thing,
your smile is the ocean
i am drowning in it.

and all i can think was,
what would that lips taste
pressed to mine.
feelings are an ocean
ophelia Jan 2019
indahnya kota jogjakarta pada malam itu
tidak seberapa indah dengan
binar mata
dan senyum lekuk bibir mu
pada malam itu,
bising klakson mobil pada kemacatan malam itu bahkan bukanlah perihal yang menggangu. nyaman, bahkan bagiku semua tenang.
teringat jelas bagaimana kita menelusuri kota jogja sambil mendengarkan lagu saat kau menggengam tanganku erat, bagaikan takut kehilangannya.
untukmu Tuan,
sosok yang selalu memberikan ku kehangatan di malam hari disaat semua bergetar kedinginan.
tubuh dan ragamu yang amat ku kasihi,
terima kasih sudah memperlihatkan indahnya dunia yang pernah jahat ini.
padamu Tuan,
aku mengundangmu untuk sejenak meletakan kepala mu dibahuku dan menikmati malam yang indah, berdua.
ophelia Oct 2020
because for me
there is nothing more beautiful
than seeing the rays of your eyes sparkling
when you talking about things you like

and you always manage to find the right way to make me smile
ophelia Jun 2021
this moment it's gonna be alright,
this time i'm gonna be ready,
you’ve fallen in love like a hundred times
you’ve got all upset
realized they were wrong for you
it's just a phase
it's just a phase
ophelia Aug 2024
Dalam lembut cahaya hidup yang temaram,
Dengan yang tercinta di dekat, hati tetap bimbang.

Di balik senyum, ada kehampaan,
Saat malam tiba, menyelimuti kesunyian,
Engkau berdiri sendiri dalam kesulitan,
Jiwa terombang-ambing di lautan kehidupan.

Di ruang riuh, sulit memeluk percaya,
Seribu wajah, namun jiwa tetap waspada.
Pada akhirnya, hanya dirimu,
Yang menanggung langit biru.

Dalam kesendirian, kita belajar menangis,
Karena kesepian tak pernah habis.
ophelia Jul 2020
i’m not allowed to say

i am thinking of you today.

because you don’t care

what i think,

i don’t tell you my ideas.

ophelia Sep 2024
your words, a dance of sweet deceit,
soft promises that we repeat,
yet knowing all the scars remain,
i let you break my heart again.

the night is long, the stars grow cold,
but in your eyes, i thought i'd hold
a love that wasn’t so unkind—
i’d let you break my heart, confined.
ill hold on you
ophelia Mar 2019
i wish i never be a fish,
the sad little, sensitive, unappreciative.
i wish i never knew how it feels to feel a thing if in the end i couldn’t even bare to feel anything.
i wish i wish i wish,
i wish i knew if i would be this suffocated,
i wish i never tried just to fall into the groud,
i wish i never be born.
i hate my birthday so much because this is the first day ever of my life that **** happens to me. yet the worst of all the time through the year is always my birthday every year. i dont even care anymore. nothing is matter.
ophelia Sep 2024
I asked you to meet me,
where the streets hum soft with rain,
in Amsterdam's quiet whispers,
where we could start again.

The canals held our secrets,
the bridges our unspoken dreams,
but now those pathways lead you
somewhere far beyond my reach, it seems.

I thought love would linger,
like the mist along the Seine,
but now you stand with another,
and I'm left calling your name.

The tulips have bloomed without me,
and your heart’s no longer mine,
yet I trace the steps we never took,
in a city lost to time.

So meet me in the echoes,
of a song that fades away,
where Amsterdam remembers us,
but knows you couldn’t stay.
inspired by Meet Me in Amsterdam by RINI
ophelia Jan 2019
rindu berarti merangas,
kehausan akan tubuh itu
mulut ku gersang lalu bisu,
tidak dapat mengucapkan bahwa tubuhku ini haus akan tubuhmu yang sudah berpaling berjalan jauh.
Lalu, harus diguyur air apa raga yang sudah kering ini?
Atau, biarkanlah saja rindu merangas menggerogoti raga hingga tubuh tak berdaya
Ya sudah, biarkanlah mati dan di kubur hingga kau bersedia kembali membasahi lagi di atas tanah saat semua sudah sia-sia.
ophelia Jul 2020
have you ever feel so many things at once

then its start to creep you out

because you've been here before

you felt this before

and its start to ******* up
i am afraid of feeling happy
ophelia Mar 2021
i always hate when its raining,
i hate how it smells
how everything got so soppy.

but then,
we were driving back and forth
that day wasn't that bad
and it turns out that was one of my favorite afternoon.

partly because you were in there with me,
partly because when you talk everything stops and there is nothing more beautiful than how you describe things you like,
partly because your eyes sparkled when you sing the song that you like,
partly because when you smile my heart skips a beat.
ophelia Mar 2021
on a fine day,  i would take you to the beach so we can sit and eat and we could just order so many takeouts from a Chinese restaurant.
on a fine day, i would take you to a park and i will teach you how to skate.
on a fine day, i would take you to a pottery class and we could make ugly art together.
on a fine day, i would take you to a dog park so we could play run and catch with Lulu.
on a fine day, i would take you to a coffee shop and we would just be sitting next to each other while reading books together.
on a fine day, i would just pick you up and drive to nowhere listening to songs.
on a fine day, i would take you to museums and i will hold your hands while we're passing some arts we sure we don't know anything about.
on a fine day, i would take you to concerts and we could just dance our *** off.
on a fine day, i would take you to an airport date and we could just be anyone we wanted to be.
on a fine day, i would take you to nowhere so we could spend some time watching movies and play games.
on that fine day, i would make you the happiest person in this whole world.
ophelia Jan 2019
meringis menyisat dada
berteriak dalam kesunyian
pilu hati yang sudah dua tahun ku pendam sendiri, akankah sampai pada ujungnya?
apa lagi cara yang harus ku lakukan,
mungkin tenaga sudah tak kuat lagi
mungkin harga diri sudah hilang
ophelia Jan 13
But I'm a fish,
Swimming in life's stream,
Chasing fleeting dreams, it seems,
Free in the currents' flow.

Fragile, full of emotions, yet voiceless—
Silent waters stir,
Delicate fins brush unseen worlds,
Unspoken feelings drift quietly.
ugh its so hard being a pisces
ophelia Jun 2019
and by every kiss, every words
i’m just having fun
i love you,
just don’t take it seriously
i’m just having fun
because i’ve been through this
many times
i know it must meet the ends,
we’re just having fun
with the plastic love,
at least that's what we have
i feel like everything just start to be a totally *******, everything i do is for nothing and i got nothing to trust, everything
ophelia Sep 2024
For me, it took my sanity, my peace of mind, and shattered the trust I had placed in you. While your apology might seem like a quick fix, the damage it caused is far deeper, leaving scars that words alone cannot heal.
ophelia Apr 2019
jakarta jumat malam pukul satu lebih empat puluh tiga,
aku menyusuri sejuknya kota jakarta sehabis hujan.
semua tenang
seakan-akan sepi menyelimuti lembabnya jalanan,
seakan-akan semuanya sepi dan dinginnya menusuk,
seakan-akan semuanya tidak pernah cukup,
seakan-akan semuanya tidak akan pernah terjadi,
aku egois, sampai-sampai aku tidak pernah memberi tahu mu tentang ini
begini, bagiku kau adalah nirwana terindah.
sayangnya, kau bukan rumah yang aku cari.
it wasn’t paradise, it wasn’t paradise, but it was home
ophelia Jan 2019
tatapan kosong yang mencerminkan kesuraman itu,
membunuh jiwaku perlahan namun pasti,
sekarang aku sekarat.
aku tidak menuntut banyak hal dalam hidup,
hanya butuh teman untuk bercerita dan bercengkrama.
sekarang sepi, akankah sampai mati?
kesepian membunuh jiwa.
ophelia Jan 2019
ku katakan pada kau, jika pada akhirnya tidak akan berjalan lurus seperti yang di damba-damba kan.
ingatlah bahwa kau dan aku telah terjatuh didalam perjalanan yang amat panjang dan melelahkan,
dan jika kau meminta ku untuk memutar balik agar tidak lagi berjalan bersama,
bagaikan sama saja dengan bunuh diri,
walaupun akhirnya akan mati,
setidaknya kita mati berdua,
setidaknya kita pernah bahagia.
ophelia Jan 2019
rasa-rasanya sudah mati,
namun raga tetap berwujud,
jika sudah mati kenapa tidak dikubur jauh-jauh?
kenapa malah menyiksa manusia lain dengan jiwa yang sudah mati dan membusuk hingga menusuk dan menyakitkan hidung orang lain dengan bau busuk?
sekarang kami yang perlahan mati dengan bau busuk kalian,
salah siapa jika kita semua mati?
siapa yang akan mengubur kita jauh-jauh?
i wrote this as my family breaking into pieces. my mom and dad forcing their relationship for nothing then it killed themself. “menusuk dan menyakitkan hidung orang lain dengan bau busuk”. i feel like me and my brothers are dying because of bad parenting & bad family and we are about to feel nothing anymore.
ophelia Nov 2024
Empty skies at dusk,
promises drift with the breeze—
tomorrow is gone.
inspired by lana del rey song
ophelia Jun 2021
i will love you
with everything
i have left.
my heart has been through war
even with wounds
i will kiss you with air.
read this somewhere before :)
ophelia Sep 2019
tubuhku sudah terlalu enggan untuk semuanya,
jangan tanya pikiran,
aku bahkan berharap untuk menjadi orang gila saja,
jika harus hidup seperti ini, biarkan lah aku mati saja.
ophelia May 2020
if you cant get
what you want,
but you can get me.

because you’re my medicine,
when you’re close to me
when you’re close to me.

if you cant get
what you want,
will you come with me?
up on melancholy hill.
on melancholy hill by gorillaz
ophelia Oct 2020
Arbeit spielen
Arbeit Arbeit Spiel
Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Spiel
Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Spiel
Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit
Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit
Arbeit hart genug
vielleicht eines Tages genug Geld sparen
dann können Sie sich einen kleinen Urlaub leisten und
dann zurück zur Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit
ophelia Feb 10
a heart on hold, a breath held tight,
waiting for the fading light.
he gives his all, then turns away,
leaving dawn where yesterday
burned so bright.  

when he is done,
my fragile hope will come undone.
ophelia Aug 2020
there goes my life,
are we going somewhere?
i cant never understand you.

there goes my life,
changing phase every night,
are we going home yet?

this isn’t right,
but what right is?
ophelia Oct 2020
wherever you are in this big part of the world,
whoever you are holding your hands with,
whenever you're missing the love we used to share,

you should know-

there is always a piece of you in my heart,
you always have a place to call home.
wishing you Godspeed.

— The End —