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Collily Sep 2014
tidal waters
recede before
they strike.
Studying Maths for the finals.Six letters is all I can afford right now
Collily Oct 2014
Slum dreams burn in candle light.
A flicker of hope against the rage of the night.
Collily Sep 2014
the carnage of the
battlefield in between
our hearts lies still,
undisturbed by
the rustle of time,
awaiting the alliance

Of Our Bruised Passion
Collily Sep 2014
Hooting cars,a perfect lullaby.
Collily Sep 2014
I crave the very
thought of smoke
tunelling through
my lungs,painting
them brown.

Pink and Brown complement each other anyway
Collily Sep 2014
I dream in sketches

I pop speech bubbles

I taste syllables of sound

I choke on Capital letters

I get lost inbetween an ellipsis

I love it
Collily Sep 2014
I'm a Circle in a Box
I defy Euclid
I defy law
I defy words
Collily Sep 2014
Fret not in your forlon
fortress for the vultures
will keep you company.
Cloaked in black,they await you.

Taunted by your dreams,you see them dancing around your grave... but alas,it is not your flesh they crave.

It is your wealth they lust after.They scent the gold encircled around your bony,blue fingers.

Humming a chorus of doom,they loom near...
for don't you see?
They find Life in Death.

Claws out,they will strip you clean! So robe yourself in honesty and peer out of your misery.

For a humble sparrow awaits you.
A Zulu proverb says "ngisho nezinyoni zezulu ziyehla phansi zizo phuza amanzi"
Collily Sep 2014
Same poem
Same words
cut out,chewed,
spat back and
I'm not in a good mood
Collily Aug 2014
i left the windows open to let the stars in
Collily Sep 2014
coherent breathing,
eyes closing,
hands feeling,
hearts twirling,
tounges touching,
hormones blazing,
skin sweating,
****** obeying,
teacher interrupting.
Poor Mrs Haines
Collily Sep 2014
if birds flew with
would fish swim with

do they?

because elephants
walk with
Range Rovers.
Collily Sep 2014
Ballads of sadness coupled by lonely violin strings strike a chord in cassette my stuck thoughts.

Whistled retro tunes ignite blue coloured melodies in sync with a beating heart.

Beating and pulsating in an accapela rhythm.Emotions fluctuating with every crescendo.

The overly sentimental closing verse sneeks in...
I press stop and it flat lines into an abyss of monotomous beeps.
Collily Sep 2014
-er than Challenger's...

What could it be?

Love maybe?
Collily May 2015
Your love begs the release of this immunity.

You see,despite my growing ******,

I remain an oddity.
Collily Oct 2014
The world has not been
kind to her kind.
Tormented by her mind,
peace she can not find.

History bears witness
to her mental stain.
Told that her skin is a disease,
she scrubs away the pain.

Wounded and forever alone
in this desert terrain.
Hope floods her thoughts
like summer rain.

The red of her blood seeps through her scars,
liquid consolation caressing her skin.

She is human,isn't that enough?
My first spoken word piece :)
Collily Aug 2014
We buried the truth somewhere in this valley of lies,
Somewhere beneath countless years of nostalgic regrets and shattered dreams.

Its imbedded somewhere between foraged memories and our unbroken hearts.

We dare not unearth it
because our self induced amnesia will forsake us,
intuition will deceive us and
our thoughts will shun us.

So we stumble and stomp
over germinations of a colder tomorrow
but we let them grow
because we know

that the harvest will fruit its rewards,even if we are apart.
Behold...the fruits of insomnia.
Collily Oct 2014
Broken glass for
roses petals,
an elegy of
the ghetto.
Collily Sep 2014
Encrypted lies whispered,
kisses blown.
Two strangers fall in love.

Encrypted lies deciphered
encoded as the truth.
The norm of hearts in denial.

Encrypted lies wrapped
in rose petals
reeking of punctured promises.

Encrypted lies discovered
extinguishing the flame,
fingers pointed.
Who is to blame?

Encrypted lies forgotten
but love not.
Heartbreak is an easy price to pay than to fall for false pretence.
Collily Sep 2014
A warm heart beats through a cold pseudonym.
Revealing tinted emotions and
shaded feelings.
Collily May 2015
I've missed this place and it's little yellow box.I've missed the talent and inspiration.I've missed reading till I fell asleep with the phone on my hand but I've missed writing the most!
Collily Sep 2014
everyone has the same life story,
just the setting is different

..or not
Collily Jan 2016
The words I've lost are too many.

My ignorance has spoken for me too many times.

I no longer feel like a part of myself,

My voice is not my won.
I'm back♡
Collily Oct 2014
Justice is a mask that
eludes the public eye.
Worn by decievers and believers,politicians
and priests,two sides of
the same rusted coin.

Edged on the verge of
truth,lies are spat,votes are cast and offerings are  made.
Oblivious sheep,shaving
their own wool.
Collily Oct 2014
Mortal gods stand by,
amused by Africa's cry.
A continent in despair,
its prayers remain
suspended in the air.
AIDS,E bola,famine,war...
Collily Aug 2014
After a week of grey the sky looks too blue.
is this a metaphor?
Collily Aug 2014
Life greedily devours time
and regurgitates bad memories.

Life daydreams of the
infinite realms of eternity
but it fades like a dying candle in the darkness

Life pops pills and gets
high on
borrowed happiness

And when its done,
Life flings itself into
the loyal arms of Death.
just wordplay...
Collily Aug 2014
the light mingles with the darkness in tones of illumination.
Shy,silhouetted shades succumb to fluorescent neon as the moon beckons the stars to intervene in their celestial splendour,sparkling like diamond dust across the canvas of the night sky.
Cool Durban air serenades the scene.The mood is set,for me to lose myself tonight.
I'm inlove with the night
Collily Sep 2014
the tobacco seeps into his lungs while he sleeps,maybe he's choking in his dreams
a mother smoking with a baby on her back
Collily Sep 2014
in this broad daylight the moon looks like a mistake
Collily Sep 2014
I took a leap of faith and landed on Time's wings.
Among ruffled memories and unplucked regrets.

We flew past the clutter of unsaid words,past a plain of desserted promises and with a bird's eye view over a mine of secrets.

As we accelarated towards the speed of light,I saw looming over the horizon ,a dark cloud and mirrored in it,my demise.

Before I could stutter a plea,death had neared, with its icy breath kissing my bones.

With ounces of energy evaporating out of me,I grasped on to the past and nestled into desperation.

Fluttering winds blew away my fears.
I stared into Oblivion's eye and backed away,tracing my footstep back to the now.
Collily Sep 2014
The world watched as Hope entangled itself around the minds of the willing.

They watched as Justice took its first breath as the seed that sprung from Freedom's *****.

An illegitimate child of chaos,born a burden to a crutched nation.

The world looked away as dozens of corpses piled up into skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers,for eagles to perch and nest their wealth over spilt blood.

Forgiveness was wrapped around the mouths of the unsatisfied.

Muted screams of those whose hearts were set ablaze with vengeance.

Hushed down by Nelson Mandela's words of healing over wounds of discrimination.

Now up and about,a nation on its feet,embarking on this journey of union and peace.
i was born free but nevertheless history scars my thoughts.....really emotional about this one
Collily Sep 2014
The crimson dust dances
and the rain senses
the calling need
to feed.
Collily Aug 2014
I tore my heart out
and placed it on a piece of paper.
It drowned on the ink
of your unwritten words.
So I love no more.
My first poem here.I'm so excited
Collily Sep 2014
its the other way around..
Collily Sep 2014
Wet paper
roses bow
down to
the fiery sun.
into the blue,
into maturity.
Time scrapes
away the
remains of
youth in
droplets of
back onto a
Collily Sep 2014
the sky is blue but not as much as you make me feel
***** you
Collily Aug 2014
I fall inlove
With every single
Part of me
That I see
In you.
something softer...
Collily Sep 2014
His heart is a prison cell
and I am a repeat offender.
He found me guilty of not being good enough
so he shackled me in with every embrace.
I'm hoping for 25 to life!
Inspired by sonnet 113 on Shmoop
Collily Aug 2014
I'm enslaved by these words,
in the cages of these pages.
My thoughts are shackled
by unforgiving metaphors
and vile rhapsodies

As I wait for Liberty to
contemplate my fate,
for freedom to scream my name,
for my skin to shed this layer
of shame.

While Time takes its time,the pages slowly turn,
the ink dries,
the chains rust
and I emerge
out of this metal cocoon,

armed with chisiled mementos
of yesterday's glistening
I'm well on my way
to becoming a Wordsmith.
Collily Oct 2014
Sculpt these words with the joy of your hard work.

Coulor each sentence with
the crimson of your passion.

Engrave into every detail
the essence of You.

Dedication will be the sweat
you wipe from your brow.

— The End —