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 Mar 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Feeling full of progress , it's processing me,
Recycling my past and bad dreams you see,
Florida boy in a gallon of heat,
Who the hell gave you permission
To speak,
Girls I deal with are a close case to me,
This recipe sure smells good to me,
In the midst of people throwing dirt on me,
Will always remain having enemies,

Even in this matrix that we call home ,
We ain't alone,
Fake smiles,
That laugh upon me like the joker from the animated tv,
Heart is cold even for my family also in a crisis,
Don't tempt me,
I ain't a killer , you know the rest,
Anxiousness inside my chest.


Wait a minute.
‎is there ever a link between us in this place tonight?
‎you didn't just reject me,you clipped my wings.
‎there's no links,
‎to the table I bring,
‎a new kind of fling,
‎the devil in the pale moon light sings,
‎the father and the mother gather up dreams,
‎the dragon and the pregnant woman's aura screams,
I could be all romantic,but you just leave.
‎that's alright with me,
could've been the one to show you what the world had to offer,
‎Give you the right medicine,
‎I could be your doctor,
‎Steal your hear from another,
‎like the phantom of the opera.
 Mar 2018
Hold my hand and persuade the way
tell me all you want to say
Whisper softly in my ear,
all those things I want to hear
Kiss my lips and touch my skin
bring out passions deep within
Draw me close and hold me near
eradicate my pain and fear
In the darkness of the night,
shine your beacon, be my light
In the luster of the sun,
demonstrate you are the one
Offer me wings so I can fly
and I will soar when you're nearby
Infilrate my heart, break the wall,
it's time for me to let it fall
I've been a prisoner, extensively
Break my chains and set me free
Strip me of my armor tight
this time I won't put up a fight
Release my soul held deep within
For you’re in my heart where love begins

 Mar 2018
Skye Marshmallow
It was the way
Your neon eyes
Lit up in mine
And the world
Glowed a
Kaleidoscope of
Rainbow colours

It was being
Wrapped in your
Bronze arms
And feeling so
Very safe
So warm
Next to you

It was grey tears
Comforted by your
Soothing voice
That cheers me on
Rubbing out the dull
Rendering me
Sunshine yellow

It was being
Called beautiful
Because I was like
Poetry and sunsets
Great towering mountains
Pretty just
Didn't do justice

It was our
Midnight phone calls
And feeling like
I could scrape the
Deep blue canvas sky
And twirl amoung
The blinking stars

It was all of it
Mixed like
Paint on an
Artists palette
Pinks, reds, oranges,
Spelling out a lone word
To be young and in love.
 Mar 2018
Rebel Heart
How dare you leave me so broken
How dare you leave me so alone
How dare you call me your best friend
Just to leave me on my own?
(Lyric Wall quotes and the vibe I'm really feeling right now because I thought I was over a lot of things in my life and then I'm still sitting here missing you ~BM)

(Front Page 3/8/2018)
 Mar 2018
andrew todd ramirez
Amidst the smoke and light and laughter
Along the smiles and cheers thereafter

A sound is bled, wrung free from strings
It bounds and treads and wholly sings
Inside each song, a secret’s moved
Not right nor wrong or frequent proved
The message dances from bow to ear;
A coded trance of love and fear
From left to right the story rings
Of death and light the Cello brings
The covert tale engulfs the room
It vibrates truth to those who loom
The Cello knows for why it’s played
Its secret lost, both gone and stayed

In the smoke and light and laughter
Music lies and cries thereafter
 Mar 2018
Rebel Heart
I am of broken bones
And shattered homes
Do Not take pity on me

Because behind these walls
And an innocent smile
Lies years of scars haunting me
(Something else from the lyric wall and I'm feeling a sick today so sorry if all the poems I share of RH's are depressing ~BM)

(Front Page 3/5/2018)
 Mar 2018
It’s not about fitting it all into the car;
it’s about fitting the pieces together
against the agrestic trunk space.
It’s the way we hungrily wait
to spit up our influence It’s
the patient extraction of
a cat cornered conver
sation that is easier
to  shove  under
the innate rug
that is this
l i f e
 Mar 2018
hell is a place where
you constantly love those that
do not love you back.
 Mar 2018

The heart is clumsy,

our thoughts provoking disaster

when pulling on the wrong strings

before the storm, and after.



and I,

encompass the sky

that hovers above us

holding clouds that serve purpose

to embellish or destroy

waiting for the wind

to mould us into strange shapes

tugging at others’ curiosity

not knowing what we are

or where we’re going.


Muffled speech,

blinding weather in his eyes,

today we are not raining together

drop by drop

He falls and changes,

beauty into anger,

I await on a lonely ground

to catch him.


We exist in all shades,



converging into one another

calming the anxious souls

that we transport to the heavens above.


I watch the sun and moon alternate,

natural occurrences, I notice

just like the thoughts

that feel like clouds in my head

when my heart reminds me

of him

at an ungodly time of night

striking me like lightening,

thunder echoing between these ears

that long for the voice of an angel instead.
 Feb 2018
Book Thief
She rises and falls like a reposed breath
before an entire world's visage
in her encircled arms.
The incandescent glow of the stage
has an intoxicating quality to it,
the music being
something liquid, viscous.

As notes thrum in tender and soothing caresses,
her legs supple, twirl like petals
cascading under the weight of raindrops,
giving way to a lush surrender
steeped in a language of love and need.
Her very fire
and impassioned soulfulness
lifts her up above the crowd itself,
burning for all to see.

In this moment now
her timelessness enraptures me.
Another part of myself awakens to her grace
and renders me
gratefully whole.
A sense of euphoria slow dances its way
from her being to mine,
consuming every piece of my body
in a fiery bloom—
charging me with
a crackling, electrifying force
unlike my mere own.

I can see now
that this is what she was born to do—
to be on pointe, seeing everything.
Any instances of worldly fear
is left to the dying.
The rhythms of her old pains,
tribulations of past destructions,
are now buried beneath her feet.
And her radiant smile while she dances
still speaks to me gently—
that to be free
is to be wonderfully lost
in her waltz with destiny.

© BT
I'm finally back!! :) The past two months have been crazy hectic with a lot of work, so I apologise for the long hiatus. Here's a longer piece for you to enjoy. As always, thank you for reading dear friends! BT x
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