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 Sep 2020
Carl Joseph Roberts
How To Treat A Woman

Wrap your arms around her
Hold her close and tight
Take away all her fears
Make everything alright

Say I love you when you're mad
Even if you think you're right
Take her hands and kiss her
Let her win most fights

Let her see true love in your eyes
As she walks into the room
Show her that you miss her
When she is not with you

Let the memory of her fill your days
Tell the truth and never lie
Each night before you go to sleep
Keep passion on your mind

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
please share and help this trend
 Sep 2020
a m a n d a
i've been working
on this  a r c h i v e
carefully placing          
           all things.

i've been sadly constructing
this  r e c o r d
         of  love
for many many days and nights

hey you,
   i've been creating this  a c c o u n t
of your deeds              
of your quirks
thousands of words

you, with that  f a c e
i've been putting together
this  p l e a
of my t r u t h    
my honest to cosmic things truth
i would lay it all
                    at your feet
if i could
but i guess i'll settle for
screaming into
the void.
 Jul 2020
Dark n Beautiful
Child watches yours manners,

speak only when you are spoken too
Never be sassy; never look into the eyes of evil:
Else the whip will be on your cocoa backs
Its 2020 the whips snaps louder than ever,

Have any of you ever read the
“The Merchant of Venice

A poet ought not to pick nature's pocket.
Let him borrow, and so borrow as
to repay by the very act of borrowing

Big banks are more dangerous than standing armies,
and the practice of borrowing and spending money
to be paid back by the next generation is stealing from their future

The U.S. debt to China was $1.07 trillion in April 2020

Someone forget to paid the Pied Pipers,
Was it the poor man, or was it the rich man?
They troubles became our trouble,
Now we all are suffering in the land.

They debt or the worldly infectious disease  
Now we all are suffering in the land.
Child watches your manners, speak when only spoken too

A poet can silence, a poet can be vanish from the world
And Robert Frost said anybody can start a poem,
but it takes a real poet to end one.
And that’s such a beautiful ending, gawking at clouds. Quote

Let us poets tell the real stories,
No let us convey the truth about the merchants!
 Jul 2020
Dark n Beautiful
He gathers up his belongings and board the train
A little hunger contribute to his weary load/
which can be promising or can be fatal
No matters what the day might bring
He just has to move on because he is
worthy of human  interaction.

even though the world has marched along,
His unsteady gait, his hours of stinks,
Passerby, will complain,
even  through the eyes, of empathy
he stink or life stinks?

He knows the looks upon the faces of deep
He will continued to smile, with grace
See  him, smell him,  he is still alive

Your loves ones are dead, per say.
Your, nurses, your doctors, your actors,
your funeral directors,
and there he stood that happy ******,
stilling repasting and idling/

On the city train/ your flat forms/ alleys and doorways
Dreaming, how it was, when he was activated/  
And was once cherish by a special  love

Now the earth is formless and empty,
darkness is over the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God is hovering over the waters.

Your states are drowning
in stench, of death
Fear not want not,  
while he is homeless,
But content this ******,

the vagrant!

A survivor a moth without the mold,
A fire, without smoke, the hungry man
Without food, a man without a home,
And with all the pity that you feel,

Take heel, death is permanent
Homelessness is not a disease,
Corona Corvid 19 is the infectious virus

Wear, the mask, adhere to the rules
he whispered to me
his homely, homelessness is not our war,
You are their underground enemy >>
 Jul 2020
Dark n Beautiful
I never heard my mother told
My father that she loves him
Perhaps after seven sibling,
She did not had the strength to utter the words

Most of us as women sing the blues in our own way
Am I a fool to have loved you?
I wrote a piece about a mother and her son
Time together, from birth to end of his life at twenty-three/

The light that once gleamed from my eyes
the golden beam that upstage/
my caramel cheeks/
my rude lips upon which he pressed his own hungrily/
—my naïve body, darker than the night:/
Rejected his hours of longing:
I just can’t forget that day he walked away/

As a young adult, I guess,
it wasn’t meant to be:
Today I am calm,
Yesteryears I was uncharmed/ by his touch/

That, poem of mines that never was published
Was not meant to be/ it was restrains
Deep inside my fragile heart/

I uses to observes my friends relationships
With their men friend/boyfriend/
Total departure/ total disasters/
Dishonesty is food to a relationship/

But I hate  it/ FYI … my friends fools…
When love and hate collide
You just have to compose a poem/
Or a song/ even go shopping
 Jul 2020
everyone has that one song
that makes them
laugh sometimes,
smirk like an idiot sometimes,
or cry sometimes

for me it's the
sound of your
the sound of your
heartbeat gently
beating underneath
my head as it lays
on your chest

stay with me
a little bit
 Jul 2020
a year ago
i lost you
six feet under

and even a year later
i love you
six feet over
i miss u grandma, i love you so much. thank you for being my grandmother, honestly the best thing you ever did was love us unconditionally despite the communication barrier but i know that even if our tongues did not speak the same languages, our hearts sure did and the love we felt could be translated into any language
 Jul 2020
why do we call it "falling in love?"

perhaps it's in the act of giving oneself up
or maybe it's because you take a leap of faith
or is it because when you fall

        you either get caught
                             ­              or
                                                   you get hurt?
don't fall in love, it's a trap x
 Jul 2020
your name is
forbidden in
my mouth
or in my heart
because when
i think about

i'll cry a little more,
hurt a little stronger
love a little softer
because you no longer
make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the
memory of you
if only i could chase you with pizza but shots don't work like that
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