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 Jun 2016
"Why did you leave?",* they asked.
I just wore a smile and threw a question back,
"Will you still stay if youre no longer happy with what youre doing?"

Sometimes we think that doing what makes you happy really makes you happy. No, no. Youre wrong, man.
I thought being a part of that publication was my dream. Well, maybe it was. Ive been through ups and downs & I almost hang myself on the ceiling just to be part of it. But later I realized, sometimes what makes you happy can hurt you in the least possible way you know how. And that thing could actually **** you.

**And it killed me.
I left because I wasnt happy. I dreamt of becoming one of you guys but it killed me. To those who are still in the pub, hang in there. Im wishing y'all well!
 Jun 2016
She was whole
in silence but
there was someone
who made her feel like
something's missing in her life
and that
he is the missing piece to complete her life puzzle
so she welcomed him with open arms
and keep him locked in her shackled
not wanting to let him go
but he
was suffocated
he barely can breathe
because of the tightness
so he pushed her away
to feel alive again
And she tried to hug him again
because she felt incomplete
but he went missing
other pieces of her went missing too
each day
and soon she realized
she was whole before him
that he is just a filthy piece
 Jun 2016
The truth was unleashed
      when I saw you
  with her
Hands are intertwined
Staring at each other's eyes.

I was dumbfounded
   Cant even feel my senses
Everything was naked.
I knew.
**Our love was just a lie to you.
I was doing this while in class because I was bored as heck.
 Jun 2016
Words ran constantly
Along these sheets of papers infront of me
As I shed tears for you dear
This will be the last poem, I promise

It may take me hours, months, or years
Till I put into words all the things that rhymed with your name
But this you should remember,
I dont care, for this is the last, I promise

Tonight, I wont write the saddest lines
Neither the happiest
This isnt for you to realize my worth
But to make you feel loved till I get hurt.

Sorry for I imprisoned you
In my web of words
Is it my fault?
You feel in love with a writer

Sorry for I got you shackled
In every hug I gave
Is it my fault?
I just want to keep you in my hold.

I saw museums in you,
You were a galaxy in me
A North Star, but why?
You treated me like a scratch.

Funny how I was there
In the moments you were just a bud
Now look at you,
A grown plant you became

You left me when you reach the edge
Stood in a tower
I was left on the ground
Still looking with hopes and happiness at you

My love, this I just wish.
Can you take care of yourself as I leave?
I didnt know I had been this weak.
Never got the chance to tell you Im this sick.

Words ran constantly
Along this papers soaked in tears
Did you know I bleed dry for you?
This will be the last, I promise dear.

**My ink has turned dry
My mind has been emptied
But my heart has kept you locked.
My love, I promise this is the last.
I'll be forever locked in my coffin soon.
This is for noone
 Jun 2016
When I was younger
I was taught to never talk with strangers
For I was gullible
And they might fool me with no apparent reason

When I was a little older
Strangers turned into acquaintances
Acquaintances turned into friends
Friends turned into lovers

I learned that my elders were right
When they told me to never talk with strangers
For I was gullible enough to be fooled
I shouldve listened to them
 Jun 2016
Fall in love with a writer
She'll write you a universe
Imprison you in the web of her words
Keep you forever in her embrace

Fall in love with a writer
She'll not brag about how you mistreated her
For she'll just put her feelings into words
And keep it locked to herself

Fall in love with a writer
She'll never get tired of scribbling missives for you
Nor gets tired of loving you
Because she'll make you her world.

*Fall in love with a writer.
Fall in love with me.
 May 2016
One* hurt's breaking
Two eyes filled with tears
Three words never said again
Four missives were burned
Five syllables of your name became a bad word
Six tulips, gone withered
Seven days a week I longed for you.
Eight love songs we loved, I now hate.
Nine hurtful words from you broke me into pieces and ended everything
Ten months till I realized you werent for me.
Eleven months, I finally got closure.
Twelve months made me realize, baby, truly I wasnt for you.

— The End —