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 May 2022
Hadrian Veska
Start reading that book today
The one you always glance at
On the edge of your office desk
Underneath the papers and forms
You don't have to get far
Simply begin
 Apr 2022
Hadrian Veska
To ash and stolen
Our home among the stars
No retaliation
Even escape but a distant dream
Though by sheer grace
Did some survive
Scattering themselves far and wide
Among the ever twilight cosmos
One day I know they will return
They must!
For in them lies the spark
The last remaining hope
Of a humanity without a home
 Mar 2022
Carlo C Gomez
A room lives in Zoria
And also the trees
At a critical distance
She seeks their shelter
An abiding solace
To wash free
To swim sea
Who can blame
The suffering of her stream
Whether it be
A time for hanging on
Or a time for passing
Let the waters come
And overtake her
Flooding her with
Safeguarding arms

For those suffering in Ukraine
 Mar 2022
it wasn't until the sun rose
that I realized
just how much
I was in love with the moon
 Mar 2022
Don't overthink, don't tense your nerve'...
Not only our tangent is different but I'm also standing alone upon a messed up curve..!
I'm an unsocial guy and it's very well known...
Don't try to find me out, I'm lost in the illusion of my own..!

It's not so easy for me to walk on the given way...
It's not so easy for me to give  instant reply on — what you say..!
It's not so easy for me to follow your set norm'...
Whenever I try to do so... I'm stopped by my inner storm..!

I'm the one who tries to live under the table...
In the company of yours, I find myself uncomfortable..!
I run away, whenever I hear your call...
It's very tough for me to be friend with you all..!

It will take some time for my shyness to end...
It will take me some time to make new friend'..!
So give me my time to stand with you all, on the same line...
Until that moment, let me live in the space and thought of mine..!
Hey everyone,
I hope u all are good. Wasn't active here from past few days coz of the reopening of my university campus but now I'm back. It feels so good and relaxed to be here. As I'm back now, I'll start exploring HP again...

[Ignore it...(just wanted to share somewhere)
Went to my clg last week for the very first time...I'm about to complete my bachelor's till next year but when I entered, I got the feel of a fresher. Everyone appeared as a stranger to me and cuz of my shy nature I didn't get the opportunity to interact with others. Although I don't like to make friends yet I think interaction is important. But I think I'm little different and I need my time to be comfortable even to interact with my classmates (physically).]
 Feb 2022
they are all asleep
and I sneak under cover
of the lateness of the hour
to the comfort of my words
scrawled across a page in ink
from the nib of a fountain pen
they search for a target
I'll never achieve
on a journey through my head
reaching for perfection
I am tired by a world
always demanding more
than I'm prepared to give
always asking for more
than I could possibly have
but this moment is at least mine
stolen from the clock of life
 Feb 2022
Carlo C Gomez
Prune away the rumors
Run all those 'little whiles' together
But you won't get forever
Dream of obituaries
Under the apricot tree
Because those who built
This future are dead
 Feb 2022
South by Southwest
Once was the memory as fresh as frozen dew

I stepped back and then over
the rotten log of truth

Now the days are slated
in the absence of the years

Leave me debating on the worthy of shedding salty tears

The oaken deck and floorboards
of my weathered ship

From the sun and salt
have turned to white at the ending of my trip

I left one foot ashore and the other out at sea

Have thus been devided serving two masters knowing that it can never be

I scowled at by the landward winds

Then turned and prayed to us at sea they'd send

So the back and forth of my life
I sadly never let it end

Now the mast has broken
the repairs will never last

Thus I come limping into port
dropping anchor , and  holding fast

The dingy is the last ride
on the oars that water drips

I'll not be putting out to sea
It's now the time that R.I.P. s

But be not sad the greatest voyage remains

One a joy to make
that eliminates
the pain
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