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 Aug 2015
my love is an aborted child, I do not shed the same tears, only the same skin saddled with puzzles inside the intersection of presence and absence. the outcome of irrational congruence being yourself all day long is not enough you my pain don’t really matter to me silences fall between my fingers or was it too loud when I asked to be touched?  I am not able of speaking about love today with a mouth full of noises all hiding places are equal to themselves only you my pain defy definitions although they call me primitive.( theory says I am supposed to have grown up to live by the standards of a self-controlled open system)
but you my pain are well aware, I am still primitive, ultraviolent when I laugh, when I cry, when I refuse to let go of the ****** horizons, of foreign faiths, the end of all dying days, the mixture of their cravings and solitude
they are caring their bows in the honour of their truths my pain looks so pale among so many others. This is my pain in honour of your pain.  This is one way of loving the sellers of illusions yes, I have to own the arrest warrant for my heart someday

yes, this pain is a proud beggar
 Aug 2015
Charlie Chirico
The 20th century a new philosophy was introduced: Existentialism.

Existentialism is pertaining to human existence, and finding our ideal self, along with the meaning of life through free will. This German philosophy must have been confusing, because not long after the beginning of the next century, free will showed us that eradication and apathy can be achieved by "following orders" and not questioning the ideals of your country's ideology.

The idea of this philosophy is that humans are searching for who they are and what they will become by the choices they make based on their experiences without the complications of laws, traditions, or ethnic rules. Now, the ivory and ebony pieces that lay atop the granite chess board are one of a handful of acceptable, yet objective black and white cohabitations that can't function one without the other.

Strategically sound is the sycophant. Then in reference to people, how easy is it to spot a Parasite when trying your hardest not to be stereotypical? That is why it's easier to hate a person because the color of their skin rather than their theology and ancestry.

This idea of free will is sometimes misconstrued as a hindering factor in reference to the education system. Our foundation is put in place at an early age; this is our fundamental axis, and this reasoning is acceptable because
of our commitment and trust in conditioning ourselves.

And when you need to teach youth about hate and pass it off as love, you must regulate the educational systems, and propaganda needs to be subtle yet exposed in mass media and entertainment, along with chalkboards and textbooks.

Considering the learning differential, people who use a different side of their brain than a peer have a chance of excelling in their studies of specific subjects; however, this does not apply in all cases. See science and language as objective, and abhorrence as once subjective with an edit and an asterisk.

One factor is assumptions made regarding social structure. And this is what happens when something is driven by an economic imperative. But statistics are heavily confusing and easily manipulated when some groups of people are thrown figuratively and literally into ghettos.

This has made people a taxable commodity, but not one for a universal vantage. The reason for that has to do with the socioeconomic status of certain communities. Then again, when a country is at war with itself, being drafted will provide an individual with the necessary rations, and when you're wearing a uniform, bank statements do not matter.

From this point on we can put people into two classes: academic and non-academic.

None of which matters when you're staring at the barrel of a gun: automatic or semi-automatic.
Free verse poems aren't always enjoyed, and in some cases respected, but it is my favorite way to structure, or not structure my poems. Although there isn't a rhyme scheme there is close attention given to meter and my overall voice. I know that this poem in particular is a long read, as are some of my others, but I believe that many topics deserve length and cannot be expressed well enough in one or two sentences.

Thanks for reading.
- Charlie
 Aug 2015
You pitying on my twilight
As a cloud in the shadows
Your eyes lights
Killing in my heart the ego
In the candle chivalry
Cry & servile
My heart lover blister me
In my low-tide to her
I'm Bestselling as stars
In my Pride on her
I'm lost in the clouds
I'm Moaning & the darkness
Consoling a cheeks
Reddish as flowers
A batty bed
Comforting a hidden sorrow
As a sleepy prince
Waiting her by spoils
 Aug 2015
Joe Cole
Before she left to work
He promised her that she'd come home to a
Meal to remember
She got home after a long hard day
Excitement running through her veins
And he placed a plate of beans on toast in front of her
Meal to remember she said with raised eyebrows
Honey, I spent 15 minutes trying to light the gas oven
There must be something wrong with it
Babe she said, I'm not surprised
It's an electric cooker
 Aug 2015
Mike Hauser
You look and see the shape the world is in
Your so afraid any day it's going to end
Let me let you in on a secret friend

You can never PRAY enough

Your asking me if that helps
I'm asking you if not then what else
As the world around you quickly melts

You can never PRAY enough

The moral collapse of society
The putrid air that we all breathe
Needs that drive us to our knees

You can never PRAY enough

The knuckle heads that are in charge
The loony's running freely in the yard
The very best in get well cards

You can never PRAY enough

Even when it's all running smooth
Be it Latitude or Longitude
Word of mouth or in the news

You can never PRAY enough

My advice to those out there
Retirement age or Kinder care
Here or there or anywhere

You can never PRAY enough
 Aug 2015
Charlie Chirico
I wrote this in the dark.
Because the last poem stripped
from the book binding and ripped
from my chest was not valued at
the utility company's worth; a two-hundred dollar bill is not easily disbursed when each
poem nets zero cents per word.

A candlestick will
dematerialize faster than
a wax seal on parchment -
one that establishes the epoch of
Civil Rights -
this is a correlated falsehood
of fixed rents in a gentrified neighborhood.

The plus-side of *******
the poor to cater to the wealthy
is that when the new occupants
move in, and the stainless steel
refrigerator is moved in, the empty
box is placed at the curb, and with
the right imagination it can easily
become a home for two.
 Aug 2015
I want to push you out of me
I don't want to need you the
way that I seem to.
But you've always been there
so it's kind of hard to do.
Honestly I just want the best
for you
So I'll disappear into the dark
I'm a wanderess already,
never sick of the rain that's
flooding me.
dreams are meant for sleeping
and you are my dream, darling
so i want to sleep tight
to reach you out tonight*

maybe i could only be able to reach you
through this endless daydreaming
 Aug 2015
feather of
             It dances
                                    on the
                       wisp of wind;
                 the draw
                                 of cracked
formed of
                                      withered apple skin
                                                         and stale coffee;
                                            of puckered
              and deep
                             Hunched shivering
                                                       shoulders hoist a
                                                                                            shaky hand
                                                                                          toward the
                                                A raspy exhale releases
                        another puff of smoky breath.
The icy air exaggerates
the capacity of old
and tiring lungs.

I foresee this rarely preempted fate.

I quit!
If we could have a perfect life then we would not need God.
But there is no perfect world created until Christ second coming.
But once we get to heaven we shall have a perfect one without sin.
Sin is the disease  that is keeping us from having one now.
For we all need the Christ no matter who we might be or know.
Adam and Eve became disobedient to our Savior in the garden of Eden.
So Christ had to come down to the earth to die a sinners death.
To bring us back into the fold that Adam and Eve separated us from God.
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
I barely sleep
How can I? faces keeps haunting
Whenever I close my eyes,  It's like a movie scene
Fairies, ghost, angels and demons
Dramas, thrillers, actions, comedies and fantasies
They're just one blink away

Tell me how to sleep
When a lot of voices enter my head
Some tell me to be good
Some persuade me to do the other way
Even I put my two hands in my ear
Still voices i can hear

Rarely I sleep
Just a nap thanks to those sleeping pills
It helps me show my sleeping skills
But I can't have it daily
I don't want it to be my habbit

Maybe you wonder
Why schizophrenian amnesia not insomia
I don't know the difference of day and night anymore
The scene was so vivid always keeps me awake
Awake that sometimes I don't remember how to sleep

July 3, 2014
Mysterious Aries
My Schizophrenia Poem 3
 Aug 2015
once i married my father
he was such an handsome man

can't you feel
the scent of flowers

anointed in extremis
cryogenically preserved
drowned stillness

i grow flowers
can't you feel the rosemary

once i loved a boy
what was his name

oh the yarn
all knotted
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