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 May 2014
SG Holter
Woman of the day
93 on the news
Strong eyes
Awake Present
Smiling from hospital
Bed when asked if
She could
Forgive the
Two men who broke in
Hit her
Robbed her
Left her in her own old blood

Yes Yes I do I think about
 May 2014
Michael Amery
I do not wish to dream,
For dreams are illusionary life,
Peopled with phantoms of the living
Reflecting our awakened mind's
Fears, lusts, hopes.
Vanity flavours the subconscious.

There is no rest here.

When I close my eyes I pray for darkness.
I wish to escape into the black,
Silk tendrils of the lost tickle my fancy,
Easing my ever chattering mind
Into micro deaths of sweet silence.
I do not exist,
Neither do you,
It is here that I find comfort.

Solace in the forgetting.
 May 2014
I hate goodbyes
They always seem like forevers
I hate goodbyes
They always seem so depressing
I don't like the idea of letting go
Maybe it because it feels like
Giving up and
That's not exacally my thing
 May 2014
I've always had a love for you
Deep inside me I've always loved
Something about you
Was it your smile?
Your beautiful eyes?
Maybe it was that wonderful personality
Either way it made me fall in love
And boy did I fall hard.
 May 2014
happily anonymous
our love is like a sunset.
so many layers
so many colors
we can go from light to dark
or from dark to light
but in the end we'll always glow
 May 2014
Mike Hauser
Charles Bukowski ate my girlfriend
He started with her head
Fiddled with her like finger food
Putty in his hands

Charles Bukowski took my girlfriend
Slapped her hard upside the face
Now she likes it *****
So this poets been replaced

I'd like to say so long Charlie
As far as I'm concerned
You can hit the literary highway
Never to return

Charles Bukowski took my girlfriend
And showed her a good time
As I'm watching from the shallow end
Of my kiddie pool of simple rhyme

Charles Bukowski ate my girlfriend
Chewed her up then spit her out
Now that good for nothing Charlie
Is all she talks about
 May 2014
happily anonymous
If I give you midnight skies with billions of white stars
or rivers flowing with milk and honey
that lie on a fertile land with roses and tulips blossoming in the misty air
will you feel my love
to my one and only.....atleast in my head
 May 2014
happily anonymous
this is my last and final goodbye
as I write this I think of the times you made me cry.
with your hurtful words
and your loving smile to others
the leather belt that struck my back and left the open wounds
the hot iron on my arm when I talked back
and the fist against my skull if I did something wrong.
love me, to mom
abuse is not to be taken lightly
 May 2014
SG Holter
My feet shift oceans
When I wade.
My fingers poked craters
In the moon when I tripped
Over the Shatsky Rise
Under a stroll to Oceania from

Eurasia. I eat from
Tectonic plates;  
Glaciers are my

I shake fallen stars from my
Shoulders and walk on,
Earthquake by earthquake.
Interstellar breezes soothe the

Blisters from when I
Burned my head on the sun.
My arms can reach Mars, look:
Red bits of Olympus Mons and

Nereidum under my

I leap lightyears.
I cry tsunamies over the fact that

You can't see me.
 May 2014
happily anonymous
why is the silence always the loudest
and why do people kept in  dim light shine the brightest
 May 2014
All i can see is black and white
  Tried to get up on my knees and fight
           Searching for a ray of light
     Before i completely lose my sight

   All I know is that I keep on running
   It was a long long road of dreaming
       But something inside my head
                        is screaming
      That maybe I should stop hiding

          I took another step and then
                   the light comes in
    Maybe It's not too late for me begin
              I'll face every battle and
                     i'm sure i'll win
        Because althroughout, to Him,
                          I will lean.
There are times that we feel lost. We dont know ourselves. We keep on searching for things we dont know. Our world seems empty, no color, just black and white. That's the time we look up on Him. And He will show us the light. He'll give us courage to face anyone or anything :)
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