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 May 2016
They told me to shoot for the stars
But the gravity of negativity
Outweighed the thermals of positivity
And even with everyone's support
To Hell I fell
 May 2016
I open Her stitches with the dullest screwdriver available in my horrid workshop
I ask her if she wants the agony to cease and she promptly responds “Stop!”

Her request is denied just as my affection was rejected through paper, red ink, and hollow apologies

I assail Him with with a hammer until bony shards protrude from skin
The boastful **** is still breathing when I contort the lumbars of his spine

This gory peacock’s skeletal feathers display my anger in all essences of its awe-inspiring glory

I dangle Her plump body over a chimney billowing greasy smoke
She attempts to strike deals for mercy and I respond with a choke

The bargaining persists all the way down until rollicking flames turn her mouth into silky ribbons of ash

The Next frequently indulges in unspeakably awful chipperness
So, naturally, I make him gulp down a week’s worth of happy meds

While his heart sputters, depression’s taste wipes away all traces of the a smile on his face

My work done, I casually stroll back home
I muse on all the wicked deeds finally expunged and take out a shining Magnum

The cold piece of steel turns around to face this peaceful victim, its trigger pulled in **acceptance
Based on the five stages of grief
 Mar 2016
religion should be about hope
not putting fear in other people's souls
should be about about peace
not about starting wars
about forgiveness
not about punishing innocent hearts

imagine all the people living life in peace

but how can one do this when bombs are thrown
instead of love
when moms cry
and children die
peace is impossible to be seen
when music dies and we hear only desperate hearts
wondering why.

we have different Gods and rules
our prayers sound different
our holy books are not the same
there are many sins in our souls
you're not God, nor am I
and none of us should play
the game of washing sins away
with spilled blood
and shed tears.
I feel pain for all the victims of bomb attacks.
 Feb 2016
The Winter Jester
As photographers we see the world differently
We look around and see a beautiful picture
As a “regular” person we see drudging task of life
Photographers see a glistening meadow full of white
“Regular” people see a biter cold with biting wind
Photographers see the world through lenses that act as eyes
“Regular” people think all philosophically and scientifically
Photographers think what would look best
A black and white photograph
A sketch that looks like a picture
Photographers are artist and nothing less
So don’t mistake them for “regular” people
 Feb 2016
there's no such thing as 'love'
it's all make-believe
 Feb 2016
She just want to be loved
she just want to feel real special
she just want to be free
she just want to know that somebody cares
she just want somebody to appreciate
her efforts, sacrifices and she herself
she just want somebody to care
ask why her smile fades and why she's sad
she just want somebody to understand
that not all her decisions should be depending on someone
she just want somebody to see
all her smiles are fake and there's sadness on it
she just want everyone to see her true self
that she's important and worth sacrificing for
she just want somebody to see
that she's stronger that what they knew
she just want somebody to find out
that she's worth of every love and respect
she just want everybody to know
that even if she's strong outside, she's breaking inside.
Someday, y'all gonna realise her ******* worth.
 Jan 2016
The girl who would rather spend her Friday night at home organizing her room than at the parties.
The girl who would rather curl up and read at lunch than sit and socialize over talk of nothing but "people".
The girl who would rather drown out the world with music than sit in class and be involved.
The girl who would rather work alone and finish her homework in class, than sit in the big social groups making weekend plans.
The girl who would rather be independent and be judged as a loner than be friends with people who will secretly judge you.
The girl who would rather collect books and records than makeup.
The girl who would rather study astrology than watch every show on Netflix.
The girl who would rather thrift shop and buy $3.99 boots than buy top of the line $80 boots.
The girl who realizes that all of this does not make her any better than them.
The girl that realizes she is only trying to impress herself; confidence is key.
 Jan 2016
Fall in love with someone who makes your Monday's feel like Friday's
Somebody who sees galaxies within you, a world filled with hopes and dreams
Not someone who drowns you to your insecurities and flaws
Be with a person who shows you off to their friends and families
And not hide you as a secret, because your existence is worth showing off for
Also remember to be with someone who values your worth and to cherish every moment of your presence
Who makes everyday a day filled with adventures and entertainment
Someone who's embrace feels like home and makes sure you are secure and safe
A boy who treats his mama with respect
and his little sister like a princess
Because he'll know how to treat you like royalty
Someone who's willing to learn about how much you admire the sky and the stars and the galaxies
Even though he's been living in the shore all his life and the ocean is the place where he's ever really been
But if he goes out of his way to get to know your world no matter how much the outer space scares him because of the unknown and unfamiliar things out there and the fact that he is afraid of heights and falling without no one catching him, that is someone who's worth drowning for
If he is willingly sure enough to do that for you, bring him into your galaxy take him to Mars, show him the moon so he'll finally know the phrase "I love you to the moon and back" is really about
Enjoy every sunset and sunrise with him
Because if you treat a person with so much love and care
Trust me they'll make all your wishes come true as if they were a shooting star themselves
So fall in love with someone who's down to earth
Who appreciates art and nature
Because they'll be able to appreciate you as one of God's loveliest masterpiece
Fall for someone who lights you up just like how the skyline of New York lights up every night
Somebody who is like New York a city that never sleeps, they'll stay up with you all night just to make sure you're alright until you could finally go to sleep in peace
Fall for somebody who makes everyday feel like Christmas morning 365 days a year twenty four seven
Someone who looks at you the way you look at puppies because of how much you adore them
But more importantly fall deeply in love with someone who gives you room to grow and to make sure to not forget to love yourself everyday
lovely stoner part V
 Jan 2016
Black Jewelz
There lives a woman who
Seems mystical, even mythical
--It is true--
Because she is biblical;
Rarer than a precious jewel.

She is virtuous
She is loyal
She is courteous...

She is royal.

She shines brilliantly, like a star cluster trapped inside a room.
She glistens like jubilant sun rays dancing atop the ocean.
The wind of her voice sets inspiration in motion,
Like a sonic boom.

She is powerful.

She is virtuous,
Who is worthy? Just
Wonder & coil
In a corner & toil
As you ponder this.
And honor this

Because she is royal.

Don't dare compare her to the likes of
Nefertiti or Isis.
They are not so estimable,
You couldn't buy her even with a million zeros before the decimal,

She is priceless.

So the King adorned her,
Because the King adores her.

She is beautiful, so they say,
But such a meager word could not suffice,
Because her true charm emanates like waves
In the ardent expression of her practice of life.
And from her mind and her soul.
Her precious heart--more precious than gold--
Looks like a kaleidoscope of rare gems,
Darting dazzling colors; the spectrum in whole.

Diamonds die in comparison,
Hand her a diadem...

She is special
She is jovial
She is gentle

She is royal.

She is not haughty,
Nor does she flaunt like worldly wenches do.
She tells girls who've been told they're peasants they can be a princess too.
She is not naughty,
Nor does she taunt like wanton vixens do...

Because she is godly.

Yes, indeed there lives a woman who
Seems mystical, even mythical
--But it is true--

She is virtuous,

She is royal...

She is you.
Written for a woman I adore. Not my wife or girlfriend or anything like that. Just someone I knew.
 Jan 2016
Arlo Disarray
Place a little squiggly line next to my title,
and make me feel special
Strike me with a yellow lightning bolt
to help me believe someone cares
Hit the heart next to my voice
to make me think someone hears me
Leave me a set of generic letters and syllables to read over
so that I don't feel so alone
Trending. How ironic.
 Jan 2016
She's the beginning
of this gentle insanity
as I'm falling deep
into her charms
all over again

Night and day
Day and night
Begins and ends
with her image

And even in the littlest
reaches of her hand
I open my door to her
and in every release of it
I await again and again
until her palm is again
within reach
with the same questions
every. single. time.
in my mind

What am I to you?"
What do I mean to you?"

When you wake up
with broken heartstrings
after every reach
you learn so much
after each awakening

That I love her enough
to bludgeon the thought
engrave it to my skull
and accept the fact that
I am now only a friend that
exists to her
**only when I am needed
Just thoughts
pay no heed
to my existence
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