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 Oct 2015
Meghan Letson
A yellow fever burns with anger.
Mothers fill with a sense of danger.
As towns die and graveyards grow,
A carpenter’s child waits for snow.
Many lives this fever will take.
While others say this horror is fake.
This carpenters child is the only smart one.
For this fever only strikes on a hot days sun.
When winter comes and cools the air
the fever’s anger will disappear.
In the winter it hibernates.
So, dear child please wait.
In a land they is free
Yellow Fever struck in 1793.
 Oct 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
the expression
on the face of people
close to death
is different

their eyes look elsewhere
they seem to see
a world alien to us
yet eerily familiar
   a place we have known
   to exist
   but never acknowledged it
   to be important
   for ourselves

they will not tell us
what they see
    their lives fast-forward
like films
    a brighter future
   the blackness of darkness

we will not know
until we ourselves
have that same look
on our face

unable to tell
 Oct 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
the day you went
   into that other world
the day spring began
is etched into my memory

I know
thousands of mothers die
every day

but this time
it was you

my mother

to bend
to the limits
of our life


almost beyond words
 Oct 2015
Envy the dead for they shall never suffer again

© Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
My favorite creation. Ever.
 Oct 2015
Medgar Fallon Roe
I felt the saddle’s movement;
I heard the horse’s snort;
Around my neck I felt the rope
Of my weight to soon support

Underneath a giant oak
I sat upon my steed
As I awaited punishment
For some malignant deed

I heard the creaking of the hemp
Against an oaken limb
‘T is Hell would I soon visit
… I was sitting on its’ rim.

I looked down, and all about:
Oaken acorns on the ground!
I urged to pick them up …
But … both my hands were bound.

My thoughts were all distorted
My vision was a blur
I tried so hard to scream
But … my words were just a slur

I felt the rope go taut -
Someone slapped my horses’ **** …
I heard the snapping of my neck
And felt the **** and bump!

Suddenly I was screaming
Sitting upright in my bed
Sweat was pouring off me
I was sure that I was dead!

Slowly did I realize
The nightmare had been a dream
All was calm and normal
… not at all like it had seemed.

Back down on my pillow
I lay my sweaty head
Smiling unto myself …
So glad I wasn’t dead.

I felt something on my pillow
… in the dim light did I stare …
Horror rushed back into me:
‘T was an acorn lying there!
 Oct 2015
Coop Lee
dad is in the garage.
days into spark-light and piles of polyethylene
soon, he says.
as grandaddy laughs,
rattling the icebox for more beer.

dad’s homemade android:
  the thing.
like a doll polished
& grinning, it
dances for us in the kitchen.

the dog barks, chained in the backyard.

the thing,
do-si-dos for a laugh, catches a glimpse
of the trees beyond the yard,
circuits popping into a limp heap of pieces.
left to mold-over in the garage.

the days.
the rain.
the cats tiptoeing along the edge of fences
across the street.
the dog barking, chained, &
beneath a truck.

dad is in hysterics.
dad is in the garage,
weeks in and his soaked red knuckles.
mom is drinking with grandaddy.
they rattle the icebox.
  the dog.

the dog dances for us in the kitchen,
reboots and sits.
it digs a pit all night and buries three cats there.
it sleeps on the mound.
it never barks.
it waits there in the backyard, still
& staring into the trees.
  the trees.
previously published in Paper Darts Lit. Mag.
 Oct 2015
I'm like the statue
Without soul and the heart of stone
no one can hurt me..
no one can make me feel the pain.
#heartbreak   #broken   #sad   #depression   #life   #heart   #pain   #hurt   #thoughts
 Oct 2015
he still doesn't realize
that beauty has a price

he plucks roses and
wonders why they wither
when he's never learnt
to check their roots.

with thorns between his lips,
he speaks softly about
the way love has eluded
him over the years.

his palms like written verse,
scarred and coarse, petals
falling delicately out of
time from his fingertips.

he sees beauty but he
does not see underneath

he has always been
one to see the flames
but never feel the heat.
© copyright
 Oct 2015
sometimes I wish
that the plane I took crashed
where everyone survived, but me.

sometimes I wish
that every time I'm out
I'll get hit by a car and die.

sometimes I wish
there is a hand to hold
to prevent me from killing myself.

every time I wish
that I should've jumped
and ended things with a big loud bang.
 Oct 2015
Mysterious Aries
Words threaded are no better than dirt
If no one could feel the emotion of joy and hurt
If human heart metamorph into stones
How could a sparkling poem will hit home?

Seems poet dwell beneath the surface of the ground
Watering each other plants, praising each other sound
With instinct to prevent extinction, in order to continue to roam
But if we are on the underground, how could we hit home?

Doing both selfish and selfless acts
Photographer of fictions and facts
Every detail of life during white and gray
Hopefully, the images we captured will hit home someday


Mysterious Aries
 Oct 2015
Feeling worst
I Want rest

Tired of feeling bad
I’m glad
That yet I haven’t become mad
With all these sad
Want to **** myself...
 Oct 2015
Ann M Johnson
The Market crashed as the people dashed
   All the banks closed down
   The people frowned
   Natural disasters were all around
   Stock brokers quite literally took a dive
   Many people died
   On the day the earth stood still

    The daily grind
     The worry over bills
      Was replaced with the need to just survive
       Some people rioted just to get something to eat
       On the day the earth stood still
       Some people screamed
        While others cried
         Some people looked down looking for someone to blame
         Still others looked outward and sought ways to help out
        Some people banded together to keep each other and their         neighbors alive
        Some people looked up
       While some people prayed for wisdom for themselves and others
        to get through this trial
        Some people looked within only and felt all alone
        Still others thought of this as a test of their will
        On The Day The Earth Stood Still
         I wonder if we were faced with this crisis
         would we stand together
         or fall apart ?
         perhaps the answer is found already in our hearts
         If we are lacking a strong network of family and friends
          Now is the time to start
          We don't want to be found slacking if the world falls apart
                     Sometimes things happen in a blink of an eye
                    It might be best to get ready just in case
                    No time left for slacking if The Earth Stands Still
I recently watched the Movie San Andres, and it got me thinking and writing with this as a result. I would love your feedback and comments Thank You !
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