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 Sep 2017
To live a life in perspective
I’m told you need to define a horizon
line eye level to the viewer.

From my hill of years the view is fluid
as in watery, but also as in unpredictable.

On the sea’s face a wall of fog moves in
and out like histories remembered
and forgotten.

Sometimes silver striates the sea
with such a glitter of insight
I am bedazzled and cannot look.

Sometimes fogbank and ocean merge
with such blue-gray unity it seems
the horizon rises so that I stand on
the shore, dwarfed by a surf of knowledge
that pounds at my ignorance.

Sometimes the sea becomes invisible,
the white air a questioning emptiness,
a finger-touch of damp against the cheek.
 Sep 2017
Rebel Heart
Standing in a sea of people
As a lone island
Floating around
In the endless nothingness
Drifting away and drowning
Falling apart
And piecing yourself back together
Over and over
And over again
Every single second of the day
Wishing for it to all stop
Helplessly knowing
Nobody will ever hear
Your silent cries
Noone could ever save you
Because how could they
Ever save you
From yourself
It's hearing yourself talk
And move
And smile
Maybe even laugh
But knowing
It's all an act
With noone to yell "cut"
At the end of the scene..
Because your whole life
Has become a giant play,
Where there could be
A thousand people
And a thousand lights,
There could be a thousand claps
And a thousand great nights
Still all the while
You'd be a thousand times lonely
Drowning in the lights
Drowning in the laughter
Drowning in yourself
All because
You've become too good
At acting
Like you could swim
Depression is killing yourself
Every day
Every minute
Every single second,
From the inside out
Because you don't know
Who you are anymore
Except for an empty body
Defining disappointment
And a burden
And a void of fake
All wrapped in one.
Depression is Loneliness
Depression is Acting
Depression is Drowning
But most of all,
Depression is Me.
Excerpts from a journal entry a while back. I forgot I even wrote this as I hate going back and rereading my own material but I found it and it described how things have been lately. It hasn't been edited but some parts have been edited out... feel free to leave your thoughts.
Life has its valleys but it has its peaks too even if you can't see it, so keep holding on. And if you ever need someone to talk to I'll always be here to throw you a lifeline...

(Front page 9/16/17)
 Sep 2017
You make me feel happy,
you fill me with hope.
You've changed my life
in ways you'll never know.

But I want to know...
how do I make you feel?
Do I make you feel special?
Do I make you feel real?

I want to know,
if I make you smile wide.
If you long to reach for my hand
when you can see the tides.
 Sep 2017
I'm more fragile than you think.
Like a chalkboard, I've begun to screech
because I can't take anymore chalk on me.
I may have a cold and smooth surface
but you see me as ugly until you start erasing
all the cramped up information that surrounds me.
 Sep 2017
I got close to sleeping,
but stress has decided
on having a sleepover,
 Sep 2017
Rebel Heart
I've been tossed overboard
By my own ship of life
Forgotten by the world
Drowning in my own pain
And the lost words I shout
Never to be heard...
I've slipped everyone's mind
Adrift alone at sea
No one seems to hear my cries
All I have left is me
But I'm getting tired of myself
And the demons
Constantly trying to drown me
What's the point anyway
In living life just to survive
When there's nothing
To survive for
I guess I might as well
Calm the seas
By giving in to the tides
And letting my body
Wash up on the *shore
Young RH was intense and these poems are more depressing that I remember but feel free to leave any critism in the comments ~BM
 Sep 2017
if you ask an olympic athlete how they have become so successful, their response may start with "i’ve been practicing”.

every movement of practice and every ounce of effort had been put into fully maximizing their ability to perform. but isn’t even funnier to think that you haven’t “practiced” anything more than you have been able to practice life?

since you were born, that was it. you were given the moment to start. to perfect. and somehow, were just so bad at it. even though humans are creatures of habit, there is no routine way to practice how you live or what you decide to do.

you are constantly trapped in the spotlight, having to decide every action you will take next, not able to practice. maybe lives just have to be that. its either for you, or against you. no matter how hard you practice you just can’t seem to get it right.

and sometimes, you have quit.
 Sep 2017
I want to fall backwards
into a beautiful abyss
full of colorful jellyfish.

I'm sick of the sadness
that likes taking over me
during these darkened hours.

So, please, engulf me.
Electrocute me to sleep.
 Sep 2017
Rebel Heart
It's such a shame
You had to grow up
Faster than the others
Becoming a wise old soul
When you should've been
A kid learning ABC's on the playground
Being tucked in by your parents at night

You should've been
Enjoying fairy tales
And daydreams
Not learning
How to survive
In the nightmares
That became your *reality
Dedicated to those of us who didn't have a childhood... an old excerpt from a poem but I think its still relevant...
Everyone deserves a childhood, no matter how old you are
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