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 Jun 2018 amma
Charles Bukowski
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Jun 2018 amma
Er Sougat Dasgupta
I do still remember, our walk,
  In every morning and evening,
How very winded path, together we have decided,
  Keeping our hand to hand of each other,
    Having an embarrassment in together,
Two fresh mind was roaming freely in the air.

How lovely, was my childhood,
     filled with the memories of loves and brabbles,
But, why do I love you, in my memories-- so immense?
   and why do I still wonder,
That I've lost you forever?

Why the childhood love always losts,
      by the increasing age?
why the list of my losing is getting so longer,
     And oh! For that I really wonder.

Something must have been changed,
          either me or you,
Or may even the time,
But, for that why our love spotted with grime?

We even don't know today, where we are now?
  But on your that sorrow,
I had my part also!

In this running life, in an inch of place,
You will never find me again,
And I even may won't search for you, once again!

You are may be doing well.....
      and I'm not also bad!
Yet, in the core of my heart,
You are always remembered.
And sometimes, I still wonder,
    How I lost you forever?

               __ Sougat Dasgupta.
A few lines on  lost love......
 Jun 2018 amma
Victor Arruda
This old man looks so sad
The hollow glance at the floor
Hands shaking
The lack of sense
Pain of conscience
Rude awakening
Who could imagine that
He did something bad

Slowly he approaches the door
City folks lore
Deeper than Hollywood
Cheap drama store

The wind takes his hat
The rush makes he look like a rat
Tired, lonely
Trapped in rusted cage bars

Sour taste of the gift of life
Anxiety, the most faithful wife
For a bottle of *****
He strives
Amidst sands of despair
In the desert of remorse

The subway of broken dreams
Like a purgatory it seems
To make people face
Their innermost sins...

Maybe this is just a big lie
But the old man exists
And the image of hands shaking
 Jun 2018 amma
If I die in a school shooting
I'll never go home again.
My room will sit unused,
A capsule frozen in time,
A snapshot of how I was.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my dog again.
She will sit at the front door
Waiting for me and wondering,
Why I never came home.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never graduate from high school.
My yearbooks will sit stacked
Stopped short of their goal,
Missing years that should have been.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my mom again.
She will sit distraught,
Planning a funeral
For a child taken from her.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my friends again.
They'll sit together, missing me.
One empty seat among them,
A constant reminder of their loss.

If I die in a school shooting
I'll never see my little sister again.
She will sit through high school
Knowing I can't guide her through,
That she has to figure it out alone.

If I die in a school shooting
My school will be stained.
Pools of students lives will sit,
Blood tattoos on the brick structures,
Marks of death ground into it.

If I die in a school shooting
Everyone will wear black.
They'll send their thoughts and prayers
To a town marred by death,
Forever to be the home of a shooting.

If I die in a school shooting
Will the world change?
Or will I become one of hundreds  
Of kids who have to die?
What will it take?

If things continue this way
Children will have to live in fear.
They'll look over their shoulders
Always worried and wondering,
If they'll die in a school shooting.
The state of Florida is now home to the two most deadly mass shootings in American history. Pulse Nightclub was attacked in my city, I have friends who attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas in Parkland. My little sister often fears going to school. I'm afraid to graduate and leave her. I want to be able to protect her if something happens. I hate that we have a reason to be afraid... That it's reasonable to have these fears. I hate it so f*cking much.
 Jun 2018 amma
E over c2
stop apologizing
stop apologizing for being yourself
stop apologizing for being sad sometimes
stop apologizing for the way you look
or act
or talk
or kiss
so look at me
blue to blue
and tell me you're not sorry.
not sorry for who you are
unapologetic in your beauty where hair falls on shoulders
next to a freckled face that resembles my vision of true art
you are what happens when the moon rises above the horizon
pushing and pulling the tides
like heart strings
mine stings at your absence.
the moon is not sorry.
it simply is
as you should be.
fractured during times but pieced together in the sky when together with the sun
it mimes to us
without words moving the planet ever so slightly
lightly kiss me under it
and stop
stop apologizing.
be who you are.
bold, beautiful, smart, ****, cheeky, funny, loving, warm
these words and more, in my own mental dictionary have your face plastered permanently next to them
and so i understand these words not by definition
but by example.
but by you.
 Jun 2018 amma
I  look  into
Y o u r  e y e s
I  see  two  mirrors.
T h e y      s h o w     m e
Younger   versions   of   myself
We  are  all  just  unorganized  matter
Reflected back through endless generations
And when you look into the night you are amazed
A t      t h e      i n f i n i t e     l i n e a g e      y o u     s e e
Those    freckles   in   your    eyes   are   glowing    speckles
O f          y e a r s          a n d          y e a r s          o f          l i g h t  
But I don’t have the heart to tell you. The lights you see have died
You raise your finger and trace the constellations as if trying to
Remind    yourself    of    somebody    you    once    knew
An­d  for  you  in  this  moment  nothing  else  exists
I    look   ­ at    you,    in    all    your    innocence
And   p r a y   that   I   may   live  my  l i f e
In  a  way  that  will  forge  my  love
In   the   fires   of   a   star;   to  
b      e      c      o      m      e
A  light  in  your  eye­
L o n g   a f t e r
I    a m
To my beautiful daughter.

© Mike Mortensen
 Jun 2018 amma
Jon Sawyer
 Jun 2018 amma
Jon Sawyer
a heartbeat of
the infinite universe!
28 Dec 2017 - Inspired by Juan Ramón Jiménez's poem titled "Music". "Music-- a naked woman running mad through the pure night!"
 Jun 2018 amma
I left her at home
we are not infinite.

We tend to forget that
we die.

Our existence is a cycle.

We are not infinite.

Yet, the things we
The lives we

I like to think that those things are.

Just like, the ocean
and the sky
and nature.

Like the universe.

I like to believe that,
by watching the sunrise,
or the sunset,
by camping,
or planting a tree,
I like to believe that
THAT'S how we become

Becoming one with our surroundings.


Appreciating and taking care.

Learning, creating.

That's the way we become immortal.

We leave a mark, a trace,
a piece of our souls.

And so we keep on living...
 Jun 2018 amma
nabi 나비
i adore my best friends lover
in a platonic way i think he is one the best kinds of human
he holds all of these emotions and he isn't afraid of them
he shows his vulnerability and the ability to be wounded
and he gives you his faith that you won't
he gives all of his love to the people he cares about
and it's very rare to see that in someone his age
but i think the most astounding thing he has shown me
is his infinite amount of love for her
he loves her with every fiber of his being
and i don't think i have ever seen someone love another human
quite like her loves her
i adore him and how he cares for others
he is so beautiful in his energy and he deserves the whole world
i hope he's always aware that people love him
and that good will stick to him as long as he allows
i hope he doesn't forget that we care
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