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Silencio que naufraga en el silencio
de las bocas cerradas de la noche.
No cesa de callar ni atravesado.
Habla el lenguaje ahogado de los muertos.


Abre caminos de algodón profundo,
amordaza las ruedas, los relojes,
detén la voz del mar, de la paloma:
emociona la noche de los sueños.


El tren lluvioso de la sangre suelta,
el frágil tren de los que se desangran,
el silencioso, el doloroso, el pálido,
el tren callado de los sufrimientos.


Tren de la palidez mortal que asciende:
la palidez reviste las cabezas,
el ¡ay! la voz, el corazón la tierra,
el corazón de los que malhirieron.


Van derramando piernas, brazos, ojos,
van arrojando por el tren pedazos.
Pasan dejando rastros de amargura,
otra vía láctea de estelares miembros.


Ronco tren desmayado, enrojecido:
agoniza el carbón, suspira el humo
y, maternal la máquina suspira,
avanza como un largo desaliento.


Detenerse quisiera bajo un túnel
la larga madre, sollozar tendida.
No hay estaciones donde detenerse,
si no es el hospital, si no es el pecho.

Para vivir, con un pedazo basta:
en un rincón de carne cabe un hombre.
Un dedo solo, un solo trozo de ala
alza el vuelo total de todo un cuerpo.


Detened ese tren agonizante
que nunca acaba de cruzar la noche.

Y se queda descalzo hasta el caballo,
y enarena los cascos y el aliento.
 Sep 2021 Clarkia
My Dear Poet
Eyes may be the window to the soul
but your eyes are the door to my heart
 Aug 2021 Clarkia
There you are knocking at my heart,
I don't know when it started
Maybe centuries or was it yesterday?
Unknowingly I was being coloured by you.
I am unaware of my first wish but now my time flows through you.

There you are knocking at my heart,
I am already afraid of the cold days without you.
Are you a dream? Maybe a mirage?
Because like a lie I am clinging to you.

There's this book in my hands,
it's cold, even the ending is sad.
I am not insane to smile or read to a sad story.
But strangely, I keep opening you up.

I keep reading it page by page,
like I would touch the moon.
In between the visible lines
like there's a secret prayer just for me.

Now I am weeping willow, but I can't close it.
Even though this story is like the thousand others,
But I secretly keep wishing to
the broken stars and dried wishing well,
Maybe this one will end differently.
 Aug 2021 Clarkia
Hooria Iftikhar
Why do we get hurt everytime by the people we love...???
Like why is it the one we love and not the one we don't...?
Please...someone answer this question ⁉️
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
Blue ocean, sleepless tides
Under the surface
An endless well
Ringing out wedding bells

Holy matrimony, red rose ribbon
Beware the trap
Low-class living
Madman skips the system

Broken road, remote
Is not alone
Endless river, always some place to go
When I is all I own
Floating on a stream of conscious only I can ever understand.
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
Used Up
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
Feeling used up.
It all started as a way,
To suture oozing wounds and band-aid this pain.

Caught in the middle,
Of abuse and feeling myself again.
I create and I shake, like an earthquake of two dueling fates.

An artist and dearly departed.
Both tugging and pulling,
For a monopoly of my mind.

I quit and I writhe. I take and I shine,
Like a princess diamond set high upon the sky.
Sunshine from the outside; always setting in his eyes
I am sorry for the recent darkness that has overtaken my work. I understand if it is too much for some. I share in hopes of shining however dim a light on the darker side of life. Thank you.
When I Say that I have a misfit army that lead then I mean I can assemble them with a beacon of distress and they will be there no matter how long it takes them to be there. My warriors are not to be messed with they are witty, fun-loving and vengeful. Being well read and bullied to the point of wanting to prove everyone wrong does that to a person.
When I Say that I have a wild side I mean I have two different wild sides, one calm, cool and collected to predict everyone's actions and the other fierce, unbreakable and fearless to bring anyone to their weakness.
When I Say that I know how to love it's because my experiences that I can make anyone a mellow, warm hearted person with just a gaze and a conversation.
When I Say that I have met angels, demons and monsters I mean people are all those things it just depends what it behind their mask.
When I Say that I fought wars with myself I mean I have through hell and back so many times that I have lost count.
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
the only one
I need to read
these words is you
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
Have you accepted the horrors you have unfolded?

Or has the deceit you’ve engulfed yourself with now become your truth

For do you know of the monster you have created?

Or do you stand ignorantly as it lays its dread on this world
 Jul 2021 Clarkia
The sunset awakens the lonely dreamer,
Who gives no deference to the day.
Early mornings meet late nights on a one-way street and,
A late June crescent moon
Becomes a suitable seat,
To watch the world spin below my feet.  
I cast a kiss from way on high and,
Watch the wind carry my intentions
To the window of her bedroom.
It doesn’t stop and stare, it changes its shape.
The bluest of birds; perched, sings for her to wake
From the silence of her sleep, where somewhere down deep
I imagine that,
She was thinking of me. The lake through the trees
Where we waded waist deep, skipping our stones, together alone.
River of souls, to wither we go.
Lost love lingers like a loose thread on your favorite blanket.
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