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8.8k · Apr 2015
My Favorite Things
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Hailstorms with big winds, trees writhing in breezes
Coyotes howling in moonlight, dogs when they sneezes
Alloys and carved toys, stone gargoyles with wings
These are a few of my favorite things.

Skunk smells carried gently on nocturnal breezes
Sly double entendres and tickley teases
Beautiful salmon colored sunsets that make my jaw drop
Smell of pine 'n cedar in my sauna and wood shop!

Dolphins and doggies and toddlers and mooses
Saunas and cold plunges and honking V-flying gooses
Small mutts and storytellers and Pixar cartoons
Crazy call of the Maine dark of night loons
These are some of my nurturing tunes!

Volcanoes with lava and magma all oozing
Cross country skiing just gliding and cruising
Receiving massages unwinding and unbruising
I love my collections of adhesives and strings
These are a few of my favorite things!

So when the wasps sting
When the bored people whine
Wen I'm feeling dispirited and sad
I just think of a few of my favorite things
And I don't feel…so…bad!
Written July-13-2013
4.7k · Apr 2015
Affection Reflections
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Brush the dog tenderly
Create the time
Slowly, gently caress the cat
Doesn't it feel fine?

Stroke her jaw, her chin
Scratch around her ears
Feel her lean into your hands
For she has not words nor tears

Give your weary sweetheart
An attentive foot massage
Invest some time in affection
Praise her new hat or corsage
For a moment, be their reflection

Water your plants
Spritz the leaves, and a little new soil
Take just a minute
It's such an easy yet rewarding toil

Go for a slow walk with your beloved
Taste the evening air
Give her your ear
Visit a reflective place there

Create for her room to ruminate
About her aches and pains
About her ailing Uncle Bob
About her new job

Touch her cheek gently
On your pillow at night
Before your eyes they close
Before dreams so fleeting and light

Say something small, sweet and simple
About you and her and your heart
Not about that invoice or pimple
Or what you both need to dissect apart

For magical, hidden roots are growing!
Or languishing as they will
Simple, daily things nurture them
Not a one-time magic bullet or pill

Marlowe once said,
"Talk not of wasted affection!
  Affection never was wasted!"
Water the hungry hearts around you
And the juiciness of life
Will be the sweetest you've ever tasted
Written July 18, 2003
4.5k · Apr 2015
Fuel Well Burned
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
It is easy to romp and play
In lighthearted levity
When the sun doth shine so merrily
And the mallard flies so free
Yet to laugh when the stygian dark clouds grow
To dance when the gale winds blow
To smile & bow to the Reaper spurned
Is staunch strength well earned
Is God's fuel well burned
3.4k · Apr 2015
Menage A Trois - (Threesome)
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
I share my wife and bed with another guy
They look into each others' eyes and with love they sigh
It's not easy, but there is so much love
And support from the angels and devas above

It is a challenge, we are all full of desires and need
We share laughter, massage, mystery, and games
With careful, open eyes we proceed

In the morn sometimes she's exhausted from their labors of love
I serve her a fruit shake, creamy and cold
And we listen, dazed to the morning dove
As the sun rises, hues of bronze and gold

Some may think a ******* is the cat's meow
An exciting adventure of discovery, and how!
But there's a lot of homework on this path of old

Even if the other guy is only eight months old!
Even if it's all about lactation
Not *******
It's still a path to walk where so many riches unfold!
Written April 5, 2004
1.9k · Apr 2015
<< Polymorphic Polly >>
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Polly had a delicate situation
Was zinged by a witch last spring
Which engendered a condition which did cling:
On Tuesdays she was a girl
Who liked scented candles and flowers
And stickers of dragons with magical powers
On Mondays and Wednesdays she was a boy
Who loved dirt bike racing & spicy bok-choy
Thursdays she was a socialist vegan
Fridays a long armed gibbon
And on Saturdays she became, to the chagrin & horror
Of her pets and paramour
A Tea Parti colored Republican!
Written in  2003
1.7k · Apr 2015
Longs Peak Is Calling
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Gabe's off with friends, road trip to Valley View
Gadzooks, oh my
No work on Friday
Which of a quadrillion projects
Will I pursue?
There are poems to be birthed
Sculptures to be honed
Power bars to be cooked
Appointments to be booked
But the Big One, that towers over all
The Once a year, Grandfather
From which one mustn't stumble or fall
Elevation of fourteen thousand, two hundred fifty five feet
Of 15 miles of hiking, massive and sweet
Says now or never, tiny mortal…!
I must summit Longs Peak
Inside me the need churns
To visit the Old One, & learn what I must
There are memories to be made, lessons to be learned
And learn what I must
Before I turn to dust
1.4k · Apr 2015
<< Lovely Leaden Lead >>
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Lovely skies
Dark with clouds and rain
Leaden skies
Lead, Pb, Plumbum
Flat diffuse light, photographer's dream
Latin 4 lead = plumbum
We plumb our psychic oceans' depths, as the sailors did
With lead on their sinker lines
We plumb our depths if we choose
When we are earnestly explorative
Reflecting, meditating, in our psychic plumbing
Pb: the ugly duckling brother of glowing gold
Au of the aura Aurum
Both are soft, malleable, unassailable, & so helpful
Gold like Thor the glowing hero, lead like Vulcan the sooty artificer
We have made one the hero, and misused,
Demonized, besmirched the metal lead
Is it lead's fault we have put it in our paint, our gas?
That we made it accumulate in our fish, like fools?
Without lead, your car would not start
Imagine going on your trips on a mule
Or trundling down the road in an ox cart
Do not denounce lovely lead
Gravid, protector, quiet engine starter
Gently available to you to plumb your depths
Before your chapter's demise
Leaden skies
Lovely skies
Gravid with rain
Keep me grounded, serene and sane
Written 1999
1.1k · Apr 2015
Give Me Dark
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Give me dark to balance my bright light!
I'll take my humor dark, my mocha dark,
My midnight starlight hike refreshing
Like a stroll in a fragrant park
For what is the flower without the root?
Festooned in the pitch black rich soil?
And what is the play
In the bright light of day
Without the ache of practice and toil?
Written April 2014
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Last night
On the roof
I felt the winds
Roaring with the trees
Who danced and swayed
With their cousins
I felt the roof joists vibrate
Up into my knees
My sternum
My soul
My sacrum
Like whales at play during a storm
Danced and played with their cousins
I felt humbled and so alive
My anemometer registered gusts of 43.5
A party favor to take home
Along with indelible memories
Of undulating trees
Feeling their majesty
Exalting my soul
And rejuvenating my spine
Helping me to feel whole
Helping me to feel whole.
970 · May 2015
Dad's Love, Dad's Coal
Chrystos Minot May 2015
Laughter < > the balm of the soul
Loving touch < > inner vision for the 'mole'
Imagination < > the flame nascent within the coal
Evolving into my true self < > the goal
The life gourmand's avarice < > my dangerous shoal
I think of my Dad tonight, & his paperweight of coal
I remember his impregnable wonder, and I start to again feel whole
Imagination < > the flame nascent within the dark coal
871 · Apr 2015
Loving Hands
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Savvy helps, it is true
Earning money helps, I will not eschew
But on our death bed, what will assist?
Love and fondness is I think on the top
Of the Very Helpful short list

So while we stare enamored into our glowing screen
Or sigh as we eat our favorite ice cream
Or work so hard to develop our skill set
Don't forget to pet our pet

Don't forget to be funny for
Your little bunny
Don't forget to let that child teach you her game
Don't forget to give the little man a pat on the back

Don't forget to ask which is your favorite color,
Silver or green or red?
Because one day, he might be the one
To gently, lovingly help you up from your bed

Some day, you might need her loving, kind hand
To help you to Another Land
March 13, 2012
767 · Apr 2015
Stars Seen At noon
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Can you see
The nebulae and stars
At bright noon?
Come my friend
Come watch them with me.

Can you feel
Our ascent inside the descent
Through, and out again
The earth's molten core?
Come my friend
Come feel it with me.

Can you see
The luminous light
Of sunshine in this dark night?
Come my friend
Come see it with me

Can you see
The sage old man in the child
When he's or asleep, or wild?
Come my friend
Come watch him with me.

Can you feel
Your luminous death
Inside your luminous breath?
As you breathe and move
Vibrating and free

Come, my friend
It feels fine
Come feel it with me
Written Feb 2012
Chrystos Minot Apr 2015
Sometimes you need to go east
To get yourself west
Sometimes you need 2 dance 2 your own drummer
Before you join the rest
Sometimes you need to unload
Some fancy bling bling
Before you can take wing
Sometimes you need to give away
Some of your brimming cup
"How can you get down…
      If you don't get up?"    [funk lyrics]
Written March 7, 2014

— The End —