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Apr 2015 · 1.4k
A haiku to haiku's
Charlie Apr 2015
A Haiku, beauty.
Embracing its gracefulness.
The picture of poise.
Made a major edit, turned out the original wasn't a haiku which I only just noticed~~~Oops.
Apr 2015 · 23.5k
Equality haiku.
Charlie Apr 2015
I think we're equal,
I will never rescind.
Apr 2015 · 492
A haiku to the grass.
Charlie Apr 2015
The green of nature,
taunting me with its freedom.
I am trapped alone.
Apr 2015 · 323
Silent haiku.
Charlie Apr 2015
Deafening silence,
I can hear my heart pumping.
I need company.
Apr 2015 · 5.7k
Charlie Apr 2015
I sit here alone and think,
what a dangerous thing to do.
Apr 2015 · 517
Haiku of love.
Charlie Apr 2015
A city on fire,
Passion burning in its soul.
Everyone in love.
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
The Gods of love.
Charlie Apr 2015
Does Eros smile down on us when he see's our interaction?
Does Cupid notch an arrow when he see's we're in pain?
And Venus, does she boast when a couple marry?
Are there Gods looking down on us controlling our love?
I have to wonder...
Apr 2015 · 894
To hear your voice.
Charlie Apr 2015
Not a day goes by when I don't yearn to hear your voice.
I sit there by the phone waiting for you to call but it never happens.
I miss you, why don't you miss me?
Why do you break my heart?
All I want is to hear the choir of angels that is your voice.
Apr 2015 · 762
Charlie Apr 2015
You lay here beside me, I'm warm in your embrace.
We talk of our future and discuss poetry.
You look into my eyes and declare your love for me.
You kiss me softly, and then I wake up. Alone.
Apr 2015 · 4.5k
Luck or fate?
Charlie Apr 2015
We all play the game each day.
And that's all it is, a game.
Our lives dependant on a dice roll.
Or is it predetermined?
Will we ever know?
Luck or fate?
Apr 2015 · 283
Charlie Apr 2015
I rise from the ground on a rare day of peace.
I sigh as I see the world around me.
Destruction at every path.
I see what this world has become and sink back down into my grave.
I sink below where peace is maintained.
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Blind faith.
Charlie Apr 2015
Dear God above I beg of thee to reveal yourself.
Dear God below I beg you to make your presence known.
Dear King of Olympus cast down your thunderbolt.
Dear Xenu will you show us if Hubbard was right?
Dear Flying Spaghetti Monster I'd even accept you.

I can see no evidence for a God, but I beg to.
Apr 2015 · 217
Would I?
Charlie Apr 2015
I have to sit and wonder how life would be if once in a while you noticed me.
Would I be happier? Would I be content? Would I still feel this way?
Would I still love you?
Apr 2015 · 927
Charlie Apr 2015
Freddy said he wanted to break free.
Until recently I couldnt see
why he couldnt.
He wanted to be himself, the man was inside.
Alas society wouldn't let him. Until he died.
A tragic death, so early in his life but his death let us see
that nobody should ever not be free.
Apr 2015 · 565
I am.
Charlie Apr 2015
You will not keep me down.
You will not prevent me from reaching my goals.
You will not tell me what to do with my body.
You will not tell me who to love.
As Henley wrote, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.
So listen when I tell you that I am me and I'll do what makes me happy.
I am not irresponsible for pursuing happiness.
So you can just leave me alone.
Apr 2015 · 4.7k
Charlie Apr 2015
I long to feel your lips on mine,
I beg to feel your warm embrace.
I desire to sleep next to you at night,
I crave your gaze.

I hunger for the attention of your soul,
to be the one you see and love.
I only wish you catch  on to my words,
I only wish you could read what I write.
Apr 2015 · 368
Rose tinted glasses
Charlie Apr 2015
Oh how I long for the rose tinted glasses, the atrocities I've seen.
Men killing each other over money,
Children being slaughtered for their religion.
Widows starving on the streets.

Oh how I long to see some good in this world, how I wish to blind of the constant evil around me. How I wish to be at peace.
Apr 2015 · 931
Charlie Apr 2015
His eyes pools of blue, his hair mousy and soft.
His lips as luxurious as a breeze on a hot day.
His words pierce me like cupid's arrows, his gaze as stunning as Medusa.
I feel this for him yet I'm just a friend, my soul sings like the caged bird.

— The End —