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I can soar on Eagle’s wings
And see the wider view it brings
My heart in happy triumph sings
As I prosper daily

I can see with keener eye
From my vantage point on high
I can bid my doubts goodbye
As I prosper daily

I can answer freedom's call
And with my acts give help to all
No true harm can my way fall
As I prosper daily
This is Prosperity Poem 55 at Prosperity Poems (.com). You can see it displayed on a beautiful background here ---
A locket of gold hangs on a chain
Around your neck always
By your heart it remains

Engraven with words, only for you
“I am a child of God”
Provides comfort anew

Open your locket - reread the words
Remember the message
Let them often be heard

A happy, joyful, prosperous flow
Will stream from your locket
You received long ago

Emblazon the words into your mind
Let hope spring eternal
And your treasure you’ll find
This is Prosperity Poem 44 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
You and me
Growing wealth easily

We will see
Trading skills readily

Acting free
Creating differently
Yet in harmony
Using our variety in synergy
Makes us complementary
The very rain that falls today
And waters deep rich earth
Shall fall on other nations hence
Again to prove it’s worth

We fill our needs, then let it flow
To cycle round once more
Again to nourish living things
Though it’s been used before

All wealth is cycled much the same
So use wealth day by day
Eternal are the elements
And they’ll flow back your way

Invest where wealth is put to use
Keep it fresh and flowing
Rolling waters stay pure and clean
Trust in life’s bestowing
Lift and inspire - clear the way
Be a friend to another today
Helping others will always pay
Rewards of peace and wealth

Life is full of daily needs
That you can fill with kindly deeds
What you get back ever exceeds
That which you give away

Lift and inspire - start right here
Spread vitality, hope and cheer
Your abundance is always near
As you plant inspiring seeds
This is Prosperity Poem 41 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here

Lift and Inspire is dedicated to my Mom - Marge Westra.

She has been a lifting and inspiring influence to me throughout my life, and is still doing so today. And I'm not the only one - she lifts and inspires everyone she knows!

A big part of the prosperous life is helping and inspiring others. My Mom taught me my basic philosophy of life, and especially the principle of helping others.
Realms of pure imagination
Spark my heart and my desire
Soon I feel the inspiration
Urging me to go much higher
Oh, imagine all my angels
Rushing down with wings afire
Oh, imagine all my angels
Bringing all that I require

Worlds of pure imagination
Stir the yearnings of my mind
Filling me with motivation
Adding to my rich design
I imagine wealth and beauty
In my outer world combined
I imagine wealth and beauty
When I seek then I will find

Fields of pure imagination
This is where my work must start
For the outer worlds of matter
Build upon the mind and heart
I imagine and I prosper
Building wealth this way is smart
I imagine and I prosper
Forming wealth is mental art
This is Prosperity Poem 22 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
A baby’s smile
A friend without guile
The best night’s sleep in a while
These are the things that matter most

A brand new start
A forgiving heart
Everyone doing their part
These are the things that matter most

A wise insight
A laugh of delight
The feeling of the sun’s light
These are the things that matter most

A parent’s love
Blessings from above
A group to be a part of
These are the things that matter most
This is Prosperity Poem 40 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
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