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Bailey Jun 2016
We're us, when we're secluded.
You rode home with me,
so that I could have someone there for me
when I went to that stupid party.
It was my first one.
We got to my house,
and I showed you around,
because before, I had only been to yours.
Your cute, sweet home
with the garden in the back
that we nestled into
while kissing under the sun.
You moved into a different one last year, I guess.
I undressed in front of you,
to put comfier clothes on.
You averted your eyes as if
that night
three years ago
didn't happen.
The one where
we snuck upstairs
away from the birthday party,
and caressed each other
in the blue night.
I hurriedly put the rest of my clothes on
because maybe in that moment
I forgot too.
We headed into the kitchen
where we planned to bake a cake.
You did most of the work
and I watched you
in love all over again
with your concentrated face
as you took this cake
way too seriously,
as if it were one of your drawings.
I said I'd pour that batter right on top of you,
and you objected.
I said then we could save water
(I had planned to shower),
you said:
"are you asking me to take a shower with you?"
with that face that just kills me.
I stuttered, spitted,
"N-no! I just..."
"Because" you said, going back to whisking, "all you'd have to do is ask".
My face, my everything
was hot.
Breathy objections flew out of my mouth,
just nonsense.
"You'd get in trouble,"
you laughed.
I said.
We packed up and walked over to the location.
You did not hold my hand.
I did not expect you too.
Bailey Jun 2016
We're separated, in a crowd.
We didn't used to be.
Glued at the hip,
were best friends
on our hands.
That promise ring on your finger
was the best sight.
I remember I was shaking when I put it on.
You showed all of your friends.
I knew that one day I'd make you my wife.
We arrived at the gathering,
and you saw a friend
and left me for dead.
I clung to my only friend that was there,
near to tears because
this was not my thing
and the air was not there.
It was being used by the other kids,
so that they could laugh
under the cloud of
offensive songs.
You came around once,
and I had been worried about you
because this was also not your scene.
I imagined you shaking as bad as me.
Your expression shocked me.
It was fine,
even a little annoyed
that I had taken your time.
I am not important to you anymore.
The you I knew would have helped me,
stayed with me.
You left with your friend again
and I did not see you until the end,
when you looked antsy and told me we needed to go
because Diana--
your mom--
was freaking out.
I...was angry.
I said no. You could go without me.
You looked at me as if to say,
stop kidding, I don't have time for this.
I wanted to cry at myself for being mean to you
but you were being...
Something I never would have used to describe you before.
"Fine then just give my mom directions!"
I agreed and followed you to her car,
where you promptly yelled in her face.
In all my ten years of knowing you,
you had never acted this way.
Come, calm down, be my pretty kitty again,
it's okay.

You didn't calm down.
You stomped away,
and had an angry edge to your voice
for the rest of the night.
When you left for home,
you kissed me on the cheek.
But I felt hollow.
My baby,
have you changed so much
that you don't know me anymore?
You can't come home to me anymore?
I'm so sorry.
If I did this to you
to us,
I am sorry.
I love you with a cluster of pieces
in my heart.
Goodbye, Amber RaeAnn Denny.
Love always, Bailey.
Bailey Mar 2016
The happy worms are where the moist dirt lies.*

The happy worms are where the moist dirt lies, the moist dirt lies where the worms are happy.

The happy worms are where the moist dirt lies, the moist dirt lies where the worms are happy, and the sleepy leaves lie on top.
Bailey Dec 2016
The blue light of the t.v. washes over our intertwined, blanket-clad legs.
We kiss and kiss until the kisses get pleasantly warm and tingly.
Goodness gracious, what's the title of the movie again?
All I can see is his jawline, and his beautiful blue eyes.
His floofy, messy hair.
His untrimmed, fair complexion.
God how I want him, even though I have him.
He sits there, and the t.v. screen glistens in his eyes, his long eyelashes framing the reflection.
I can't watch it, how could I, when a god is before me?
He's so handsome.
He's the definition of handsome.
He is what my grandpa meant, when he was combing my cousin's wet hair that day.
I need him.
So I kiss his cheek, and hope he feels it.
If he does, he'll turn to me with that knowing look in his eye, and he'll kiss me with such passion, it makes me want to cry and sleep.
Good nights, good nights with my prince.
I love him.
Bailey Jun 2016
Mmm ***** little plastic pink chair
fit my tender tendencies.
Baby worm
fit on my leaf house,
made it just for you my love.
Scratch the stickers
off my shiny, scuffed shoes.
Cry fat tears at pretty things with me?
'M real good at doing it alone.
like I still do?
That's so fine if you don't do it too.
Fake lipstick I feel you
spreading your fake color on my lips.
And it's so much more real
than the real thing.
and me?
Yes, yes and it's good.
Don't cry for me, Outsidee,
when I see my end
I am in the beginning.
Always in me
is a different world
than you live in.
You watch me stare and pet my surroundings,
skipping or sulking.
You do not see the world?
Mhm, that's okay,
it makes me giggle and cry.
Lightly swirl your fingers
around my bellybutton, a little while?
In the fan-cooled night.
In the stick-one-leg-out night.
With taped cartoons in the back
to send me into a dreamland?
As long as you don't bring me back,
and take me away
from my mattress commercials,
I'm so good.
I'm so good.
Bailey Nov 2016
Good morning to you,
my one and only love.
May the sky seem blue,
what with all the grey above.
And if you are to wish,
for my dawning kiss,
I hope you'll feel it in
the autumn's frosty hug.

Today will be a memory,
Whether mostly good or bad,
That I have with you-
So I'd rather not feel sad.
Though the trees are slowly dying,
Drifting through their winter phase,
I'm blessed that I can spend with you,
The dreary winter days.

And when spring finally arrives,
We'll stop by to say hello
To the trees now full of hives,
And the ground with melted snow.
We'll follow butterflies
To their classified luncheon,
And they'll take us by surprise
With a peaceful, flowery dungeon.
We'll sleep and play,
Trapped in this place.
A home to us,
Under Sun's face.
He'll smile at us,
Now united as one,
Laying right there-
bright there,
Under the dimming spring sun.

In summer,
Do you want to be mine?
Well sing and dance and play all the time.
We'll eat and sleep and work and live.
You'll take, I'll give, I'll take, you'll give.
A nighttime breeze feels better on two,
After baking in orange sunlight with you.
We can begin our lives-
The start of it all,
And be closer than ever,
Come next fall.
Bailey Mar 2016
yes, yes you can look through my heart just
just let me fall asleep first
and make sure
you tiptoe your way through
don't step on
those insults I've kept
don't trip over
those names sticking out like roots
you can walk around the pity if you want
but empathy is what you're walking on
you can't get away from that
neither can I
you can sit in the compassion chairs
everyone says they're so nice
please ignore the band aids on the walls
I'm supposed to get stitches someday
at least that's what mom says
that corner labeled "self love"
please stay away from that
I've worked so ******* it
and when you leave
please keep the door unlocked
I don't have a key
Bailey Apr 2016
Hello* my gifted friends
❤ ❤ ❤
you inspire my writing and my life everyday
are you feeling okay?
wonderful thoughts are sent to you today.

spread the love
Bailey Mar 2016
You have but one life,
Do not let it be torn by the harsh remembrance of your past,
But let those memories lead you along life's path.
To live in the past is barren.
To live in the future is to dismiss all you've got.
To live in the moment, is just to recreate what you forgot.
We can start a flame.
We can play with fire.
We can blow it out--our inner desires.
But if you let the embers glow, and die as they do, you'll find no fire, as bright as you.
So don't live in the past.
Don't live in the moment.
Don't live in the future.
But stay conscious, and let what comes, come.
Don't just give life all you've got.
Let life put you in the toughest spots.
Bailey Jul 2016
That night filled with
stomach dropping
heart stopping
reality shattering fear
is no more.

Mmm, tell them
tell them he's coming home.

That boy covered by
man features,
rap-music preachers,
and anger induced tears--
is no more...

Mmm! Tell them he's coming home...

I saw that man today
climb some steps while I stood shocked.
He gave his hand a raise
and put his key in the lock.
Throughout all my days,
I never even thought
that I'd see the one where he
finally fled the flock.

So I tell them.
Tell them he's coming home.

I tell them.
Tell them he's coming home.

I saw that man today,
that's all I can say.
Just that fact alone
makes me thank God every day.
In all my heavy years!
I never thought I'd say
that I almost lost my brother,
and I wanted him to stay.

So I'll tell them.
Yes, yes, I'll always tell them.
I will tell them...

I'll tell them he's coming home.
Bailey Apr 2016
5 am
I am wasting my life, sleep, health, five days a week
6:45 am
crap I'm late
7:30 am
gotta do that after school
2 pm
okay no more laziness, I'm getting stuff done at home
2:35 pm
so tired, so tired, so tired
3:50 pm
I wasted an hour...
7 pm
wouldn't you like to write poetry instead? It's okay if you do..
10 pm
I'm going to hate myself in the morning
Bailey Apr 2016
When I finally convinced myself that you loved me
as much as you said you did
I found out that you didn't.
The worst part is that you made me feel safe.
And that is something I rarely feel.
Now you're like my childhood house,
burnt to a crisp and unstable to live in.
I pass by everyday
and sometimes wish to go in it.
But I know that it will never be the same.
it's been a month
Bailey Mar 2016
Give an inch, we'll take a mile, steal a glimpse of a faded smile. Set a path, we'll make another, find where lies have taken cover. Minds never set in stone, we've created thoughts our own. Words lost, as time goes by, in the end they'll wonder why. Now that love's become outdated, you'll find the world that hate's created.
Bailey Jun 2016
Tears stain
mother's cheeks
as she
to fill
her child's
She skips
another meal
She hears
the moans
and cries
The dark
circles under
their eyes.
So tired
of being
All other
Over fifteen million children go hungry. Click here to find out how you can help--at no expense to you.

Do you usually buy Chef Boyardee, P.F. Changs, Marie Callendars, Hunts, Orville Redenbacher's, PAM, ReddiWhip, Snack Pack, Blue Bonnet, Wesson, Healthy Choice, Peter Pan, Rosarita, Van Camps, Wolf Brand Chili, ACT II, Tenessee Pride, Libby's, or Parkay? You can help!
Even if you don't buy these foods, you can repost this poem, and share the link I've provided.
I was once a hungry child, my mother skipped meals for me and--in the hardest times--stole for me. Please help these children and parents. Child hunger ends here.
Bailey Jun 2016
After so many times of falling,
of getting back up and trying,
I fell down again today
and couldn't help but crying.
My face was pushed into the carpet,
I held back a stream of tears but
I couldn't stop it.
My arms were so sore,
and I cried tears of anger,
for looking in the mirror in horror,
and trying hard to stay clear.
Then I got so mad,
at my body and my past,
that I pressed back up, tears and all,
and did two more---fast.
I sat on my knees when I was finished,
I finally cried but I finally did it.
I will not be unhealthy. I will do this the healthy way forever.
Bailey Mar 2016
If indeed I am sorrowful tonight,
my sorrow is much appreciated.
Sorrow works in true love to seem so right,
If I am ill now; later on I am elated.
Love is a path to take forever,
acts of love only lighten one’s damp soul.
Swimming in life’s outrageous endeavors,
it may take another to deem thee whole.
When vows are made; two persons become one,
both lives now mirroring one another.
One takes fault for what the other has done,
and when punishment come; both take cover.
For if your Love breathe thy very last breath,
Bare no grief; be merciful, say death.

Love is more than the creased hand could write down,
More than the blank chatter throughout the towns.
More than the kiss-bruised mouth could verbalize,
Much more than the watcher could idolize.
So much more than the dripping eye can see,
Miles more than the carpenter can measure.
Undoubtedly; Nothing could feel more free,
But locked in hearts of lovers forever.
It is the fresh droplet of morning dew,
That melts so lightly on your heavy tongue.
Yet; it's the ocean waiting to pull you,
Under the waves of burning compassion.
Love should not have Webster's recognition,
Because other than this simple sonnet,
Love has no definition.
Bailey Aug 2016
I can make it home.
No I can't.
Cross the street, to the park.
Do my stuff, walk back out.
Aww, cute dog!
Walk over to pet.
"His name is Frodo".
Little girl.
"I love that name".
Pet some more.
"It's Delia's birthday".
She thinks I'm part of the party?
"That's nice".
Pet some more.
"Did you see her open her presents?"
"No, I'm just passing through".
Make my way, to the swings.
Bailey Apr 2016
I know they say you're like Harley.
That's because you're ****, fun, crazy!
You're scandalous, sassy, in charge.
They don't think about Joker,
When they say that.
They don't say you're like the Joker's girlfriend

They say you're like Harley.

You're badass and spunky and full of energy.
Daring and inspiring and loving too.
You've got such a big heart.

But you don't need to be Harley, to be like Harley.

Your role model is a great one.
Always, always be you.
Keep your idol in your heart.
But don't steal her boyfriend.

That's her man
To be mean to her
Who she pines after
Who she cries over.

Don't steal her life,
Because her life seriously *****.
You can be like Harley,
And still be you.

Being like Harley is pretty cool
Being you is the coolest.
Bailey Mar 2016
I love you dearly,
I love you truly,
I love all that you are,
All that you have been,
And all that you have yet to become.
for my handsome baby brother
Bailey Mar 2016
people don't like me
I make noises when I walk
but move when I talk
Bailey Jul 2016
"Why do you always walk around like you're in love, when you aren't at all?"

"I am in love.
I'm in love with the flowers I pet,
I'm in love with the smiles of the awful people in this town,
I'm in love with the sun on my neck,
the ground under my feet,
the fact that I've been alive for this long,
the fact that I could die at any second and I'd still laugh at a pun.
I'm in love with pain, because it let's me know I'm alive.
I'm in love with thrill, because it makes me feel invincible and fragile at the same time.
I'm in love with every skin cell I've ever touched.
I'm in love with the way the world changes without me.
I'm in love with the eclectic bodies I see.
I'm in love with naivety and wisdom.
I'm in love with domesticity and wilderness.
I'm so in love with my surroundings, I can't help but show it."
Bailey Mar 2016
His accurate painting how it still haunts me, I can’t enjoy everlasting sleep , the people still see me half smiling and they’re waiting, while my main portrait is disintegrating. They watch me as I watch too and I stay still in every room. I feel myself being pulled out so, as more copies of me spread ‘round the globe. The people look but don’t see, as they still believe that I have died. But as you spread me around, I still live on in each of your minds. I am in museums all over the world and history and art classes seem to have need for me. I am on the internet, I am everywhere indeed. More and more copies made everyday, just when I think I'll finally wither away, another person remembers my face. My long dark hair that will never grey, my porcelain face that shall never age. The slight glimpse of my humble breast, and my arms positioned that will never rest. I am thought of everyday, I can feel it tug at my brain. The only thing I cannot feel is my long overdue heart, for it is not stretched or pulled or misplaced, it has been ripped apart. My body is nowhere but my soul is anywhere. Unless everyone decides to forget, sitting in front of Da Vinci, I will forever regret.
Mona Lisa.
The idea for this poem came to me when I heard a rumor that we think of Abraham Lincoln at least once a day and I thought, "well he must get sick of being thought of".
Bailey May 2016
Bailey Apr 2016
I went to write a poem but
in reality
the troubled, pure
white-hot thoughts
aren't pouring out of me

Each exhale is imagination
each inhale is a knife,
somewhere in my chest's frustration
it cut the former's life

So I lay here
with goosebumps
and creativity stirring,
trying not to fall asleep
with my mind relentlessly whirring

The poem that I meant to leave
has not been left here,
but instead swims inside of me
through innovation and fear.
Bailey Mar 2016
When you feel uncomfortable in your own skin,
what then?
what happens next?
Bailey Jun 2016
Just so you know, I kind of
adore you
Bailey Feb 2017
Wouldn't I love to be hard to get, again?
The one that was so close you could almost touch her.
But no, you know my feelings for you, now.
You've known for a long time.
And now life has called us in different directions.
And the tables have been turned.
You are hard to get.
You are so close, I could almost touch you.
I sometimes forget your feelings for me.
Though I've known them for two years.
You are hanging on to me by a thread.
As you put together your broken life without me.
I watch from afar.
And I shake as I hold on desperately to the kisses that I know you'll need.
Sometime in the future.
Best friend, how are we doing this again? I'm trying to be strong for you.
Bailey Apr 2016
I want to kiss you.
It sometimes physically hurts not to kiss you.
I don't want to look into your eyes,
because I don't want to see the confusion in them.
I don't want to explain myself.
I just want to feel your breathing on my face as
my lips fit onto yours.
I want to slip my thumb
under the line of your jaw,
and tip your head back,
to expose your beautiful, long neck.
I want to run the tip of my nose along it
and to hear nothing but our breathing.
Sometimes I look at that face and
it's like I've been hypnotized,
my greatest desires want to come out.
I want to kiss you sweet god in another life
I would kiss you.
And then afterward,
press a soft hand to your lovely head
and wash the memory from it.
Bailey Feb 2017
Stop requested
Don't you know that I need more?
I can feel my nose defrosting
I feel like a crow, hopefully chewing at a plastic bag in a grocery store parking lot
I want to read a book
I don't want to get anxious, so I admire the difference in rings, and count them until I've reached his voicemail box
Happy birthday on the tip of my lungs
I'm not meant for solos
You know when you get water in your nose?
Sad with potential
Love me again
I'll walk away, but you won't see me through the smoke
I want to give you all of me
I miss you and summer
I would stick my hand out the window and ****** the air
Bumps in the road
Love is hard
Very sad month
Bailey Jul 2016
Feelings of dread
from words that were said,
tears that
I won't let myself shed.

I don't deserve to shed them
I'm not in the right position,
I don't have the right
to go on that mission.

Foolish tears they'd be
on the outside of me,
when I already knew that
I'm not the right need.

    I'm                                     hungry
   for this                              fantasy
in                     ­                  truth,
      I'm                                     starving.

Bailey Aug 2016
I'm an early-late bloomer
white golden
I can't live like this, I can't die as nothing
I wear my heart on my stained, over-stretched, hand-me-down sleeve
**** me for wanting to shave my face and not my legs
sleep is exhausting
sun, excitement, fun!
when pretty is ugly and ugly is pretty
I feel light and airy when they're around
August is coming and I'm not ready
maybe hold my hand? But please don't touch my leg like that
maybe people die because they think they have to
I could wrap your voice around me and sleep in it all night long
premium ice cream
I want to go to the hundred acre woods with you
we weren't supposed to know this much
"where are you going?" "crazy."
why am I so in love with you?
here we go
Little lines from each day (or few days apart) in July. There's no theme, just emotions.
Bailey Jul 2017
I get it now
Pale wild flower
Very soft
Babies put life in places you thought were already alive
"At the end of the day, there's another day dawning"
Kissing too early
"A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of a child"
Adress and ease
Did I ever stop hating myself?
Sunshine soldier
I think I started ******* up when I started trying to be like everyone else
From room 506 to room 323
A clean slate
The good dreams
Shaken, stirred, staying still
Intense month
Bailey Jul 2017
Your house water is still in my cup
Singing songs you didn't know you knew the words to
Something about this isn't right
I am plagued by constant fear and stress
Check up
Drummer boy
I saw a scared little girl in the mirror and couldn't look away
White roses and flexibility
"The hippest place to be is under a rock"
Changes in strength
Why does it mean so much when you say it, but so little when others do?
I love the smell of simple hand soap
Achievement vs accomplishment
"The kind of morning that lasts all afternoon"
Not here, not now...someday, somehow
Bailey Apr 2016
Kicked puppy me.
Mad, mad him.
Don't understand, misunderstand.
No yell, just mad.
I say sorry.
I say why.
Still mad.
Still mad.
He send me away.
I sit.
Sit here me.
Sit here sad.
Cry me.
confused and sad
Bailey Apr 2016
we are 1

hate 2 hate
love 2 love

3 words to say
3 is a crowd
3 a.m. date-night

you're what I live 4
you're who I write 4
what are letters 4?
a 4 letter word
Bailey Mar 2018
February has come and gone,
It took my ritual with it.
Many deaths took place here and
A new life might begin.

If fate fills me with the miracle of life,
I will be honored to host.
Because when I count my blessings...
You count the most.
Bailey May 2016
Heads up heads up h
The fear
Takes my t
Blood away blood away b
Slow down slow down s
The race
Give me g
Another day another day a

Blood away
Another day.
with Captain c:
Bailey Feb 2017
You're the love of mine, so I urge you to leave me and make something out of yours.
Bailey Mar 2016
Society has people thinking they must,
people find it hard to trust,
teens build sadness until they combust,
and "perfect" is just a few flaws away...
A world so puzzling with nowhere to fit,
narrow minds thinking this is it,
cold souls and fire we spit,
and we find cons in all of our days.
Keeping one eye on the clock,
no patterns yet we hate to be shocked,
to subtle addictions we flock,
and we wonder why we're in dismay...
Adjusting for a fulfilling life,
getting ****** and kissing knives,
but we're always so surprised,
when we come to our leaving day.
Bailey Mar 2016
Life is like a lollipop. It’s sweet and sour. But not many know, that they have the power. You choose whether you bite before the center, you choose what flavor. But the truth is, your life's gonna **** if you don't plan to savor. So unwrap life slowly, and enjoy its taste. Before you know it you've swallowed and it’s already too late.
Bailey Mar 2016
What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
We could laugh and talk about the things you'd never say
You could tell me all your secrets baby girl
You know I can keep them from the world
You say we ain't got nothing to do
I say we ain't got nothing to lose
Just say the word and we could do anything
What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

What's your favorite thing to do on a stormy night?
We could have ourselves a nice little pillow fight
Dripping cocoa as I carry you down the stairs
Oh baby I'll let you cut my hair
You say we ain't got nothing to do
I say we ain't got nothing to lose
Just say the word and we could turn on the lights
What's your favorite thing to do on a stormy night?

What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?
We could stay here and relax in an orange haze
I could tell you I love you in every way
Or I could stare into your loving gaze
You say we ain't got nothing to do
I say we ain't got nothing to lose
Just say the word and I will feel okay
What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?
Yet another song but shortened for your poetry likings
Bailey Sep 2016
I can see commercials on a rounded screen
--of beaches and hourglasses.
I look around, but my eyes stop at certain parts
of the dim room.
The sunshine pouring through the window is ***** and beautiful.
It's just like an old photograph,
low quality and burnt orange at the edges.
It smells like cigarette ash and worn furniture and stale cat ***.
It feels like home and all I want to do is eat salt and sleep.
I know there are other rooms, I know where they are.
But this,
this living room is all I need.
Grandpa's chair looks so full even when it's empty.
His salt shaker looks so tempting...
There are holes in it where his cigarette cherry dropped off.
Everything is orange and brown and faded.
Outside that house it was a dangerous world.
But with only an unlocked door separating me from it,
I felt safe.
Let me sleep there once again,
and let him fill the chair, won't you?
Bailey May 2016
When I fall in love again
I want someone
who can hold my hair back
while I throw up my thoughts
and open a window so they'll fly away
and get caught in a tree
that we'll one day sit under
where they'll propose
and let me propose back
because I am a wobbly one
who likes the concept of balance
and stability.
Someone who will sleep on top of my body
and believe me when I say
I love the pressure
and the lack of oxygen
to my brain helps ease my chronic nightmares
--then wake up and be silent
because morning breath
is too much of a bully
to let my mouth say good morning.
Someone who pines for second hand embarrassment
enough to love when I
sing and dance around the grocery store
and get us kicked out
only to go across the street
for food that I'll either
barely touch or
shove in my face.
When we go to order
or pay at a place,
they'll understand that
they have to talk for me
so I don't get scared and cry.
I want someone
who'll shut up and be my muse
and let me make them
thousands of presents everyday
but also stress about Christmas and birthdays,
and I want someone who'll let me baby them
then have them turn around and
know that when I flop down like
a wanton cat
I'm getting some tummy rubs.
I want someone who'll
let me buy organic veggies
and not question me
when I sneak candy around my friends.
Someone who'll get that
I can't say 'I love you' in passing,
only when I look at them
and love bubbles over the brim of me,
and spills into their ears.
Someone who'll let me
stop the kissing
to run my tongue
across the sharp edges of their teeth,
and in the moment, let me kiss
what ever I want to kiss,
whether it be an elbow
or somewhere below.
Someone who can keep up
with my mania
and my hysteria,
who'll hide the sharp objects,
not because I'd use them,
but because they make my bones ice cold.
Someone who'll let me worry over them,
study them,
sing to them,
analyze them,
and crush on them.
Someone who'll let me lightly punch them,
and then cry sorry
cry sorry
cry sorry.
Someone who'll be interested in me,
want to know me
let me know them
and let me ask
When I find this someone,
I will flip my body over my soul's head
like a tee-shirt,
turn it right-side-in,
and hand it to them.
Bailey Apr 2017
Adaptation is a superpower
He cares about me
Not enough
I don't really think I can ever go again, but I will
I don't know, that's just how I feel
I'm a mental astronaut
The good dream
"You've done yourself proud, haven't you?"
Be a friend
Small talk and I have a hate-hate relationship
I love you, friend rainbow
Handwritten Harvard
Not stepping on them is not enough
I love him more than me
Is it such a bad thing to want to feel wanted?
This too shall pass
"Work with purpose and intention"
We broke up
I stumble and I fall
Light footsteps
Shaking like a leaf
I love our friendship
Blacking out
SoMEtiMEs I can wash My hands twEnty tiMEs and still feel like I'M not clEan
I need to save myself
"A broken clock is right two times a day"
Mind's eye
Help me procrastinate
Fries fried in a different fry
"It is the vision of far off things seen for the silence they hold"
We're still new
I saw geese playing on a rooftop
"He's a dolphin"
Dripping with diamonds
Heavy footsteps
Onto a wooden skewer
My cat and I are exclusive
This one is late and was super long
Bailey Jul 2016
I will softly pull away
In this broken beautiful mess I've made
And in the dead and quiet I will slowly fade
In this masterpiece I made

I'll burn out and slip away
And this just a part I portray
You're beautiful, can I hide in you and stay here?

Making mostly to themselves
Hush now they'll hurt you till your heart melts
They know you're lonely
And they will only break your heart
And this masterpiece will tear you apart

I'll burn out and slip away
And this just a part I portray
You're beautiful,
Can I hide in you and stay here?

for beeb
Bailey Jun 2017
"The only permanent thing is change"
I get a lot of mail these days
"If you always put it in the middle, it'll always be in the middle"
David Henry
Emergency room
Send for me
I know exactly what I'm doing, and I'm going to get what I want
The potential of grass
"If you worry, you suffer twice"
Opal floral
This is not a love story, this is a coming of age story
Beautiful and filthy
Passionate hands
"Let them laugh in my face, I don't care"
Tom foolery
Ethan Guerin
"Gone out the window"
Surprised at myself
"I've been waiting my whole life to love someone like you, and by accident you loved me too"
It's over but it's okay
Submitting to strangers
"Even when you think you're not good enough,  somewhere someone does"
And the trolleys start up
Bailey May 2016
I am a stick
floating downstream.
I was fine until they pushed me.

Now I am stuck,
stuck in the muck.
They pour water over my head,
as if I weren't crying enough already.
Bailey Mar 2016
~the meaning of life is the life behind all meanings~
Bailey May 2016
“Remembering’s dangerous. I find the past such a worrying, anxious place. 'The Past Tense,' I suppose you’d call it. Memory’s so treacherous. One moment you’re lost in a carnival of delights, with poignant childhood aromas, the flashing neon of puberty, all that sentimental candy-floss… the next, it leads you somewhere you don’t want to go. Somewhere dark and cold, filled with the damp ambiguous shapes of things you’d hoped were forgotten. Memories can be vile, repulsive little brutes. Like children I suppose. But can we live without them? Memories are what our reason is based upon. If we can’t face them, we deny reason itself! Although, why not? We aren’t contractually tied down to rationality! There is no sanity clause! So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember there’s always madness. Madness is the emergency exit… you can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away… forever.”

- The Joker
Bailey Apr 2016
Hi! This is about music so scroll on if you don't care.
I'm working on my debut album, Drama Kween, and decided to share some of the mini songs that will be in between subject changes throughout the album. They'll have simple instrumentals later on, but for right now are acapella. Give 'em a listen?

To Me

it's on

"Sometimes I talk to myself, sometimes I sing to myself.
Sometimes I talk about talking and singing to myself,
sometimes I sing about singing and talking to myself.
Sometimes I talk and sing about talking and singing about singing and talking to myself (to myself)."

The Hippie Song

it's on

"No one says lice and no one says gay, but your modesty and life you better throw it away,
'cause in a world where the media
replaces scrapbooks
and hearts,
if you're livin' like a hippie they will tear you apart
if you're livin' like a hippie they will tear you apart
if I'm livin' like a hippie they will tear me apart
if I'm livin' like a hippie they will tear me apart
tear me apart
t-t-t-tear me apart!"


it's on

"I'm so tired, I'm so tired.
Of feeling I have to cry.
I just wanna lay with you in my bedroom and watch the days go by.
But I'm so tired, tired of feeling shy.
And counting how many tears make up for a year.
Is this hello or goodbye?
Is this hello or goodbye?
I wanna know if this is the last time.
Is this hello or goodbye?
Well it's goodbye! Baby it's goodbye.
I was tired of the games and the pain and the lies so baby it's goodbye.
It's goodbye! Baby it's goodbye.
So I'm gonna rid you of my bedroom and get on with my life.
I'm so tired, I'm so tired.
Not gonna waste my time!
So I'm gonna rid you of my bedroom and get on with my life."
Also, when I'm finished with everything I'm going to be posting the whole album but ugh it's a lot of work so that'll be a while.
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