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May 2015 · 511
Ashley Day May 2015
I am a storyweaver
Pulling thin cords of lives and dreams
I take the sorrow, take the pain
The bloodied, torn and forgotten
Sit and weave from dusk to dawn
Take the thin cloth to market far away
To sell away these stories and live another day
May 2015 · 3.6k
Ode to Sanity
Ashley Day May 2015
Oh sanity, how quick you are
   to leave me here alone
I don't know why I still call you friend
   for you are always gone
Doubt, now she's a real companion
   loyal to her core
But you, oh wretched sanity
   always leave me wanting more
You look danger in the eye
   but quickly turn to flee
Never once as brave as passion
   you wish you could be she
One day I'll wake up
   and find you gone forever
But will I miss you, dearest sanity
   I think not, never, never
May 2015 · 742
Last Dance
Ashley Day May 2015
I've known you for four years now
But the lighting has changed
From sharp, sterile, startling white
To a murky black and gray
The music pulled us close together
Like a spirit in the night
What will tomorrow bring
A crash or glorious flight
May 2015 · 1.1k
Ashley Day May 2015
Our life
Chronicled by simple drawings on a page
You are the artist
I am the dreamer
And together
The world is ours to explore
So ride with me
On a paper plane
Until the wind dies down
And we are forced to land
Apr 2015 · 665
lyrics on my hand
Ashley Day Apr 2015
lyrics scrawled across the back of my hand
puzzle pieces of my mind
line them up word to word
and an image might emerge

an image of hope
of dreams wishes and desires

an image of you
draft 1
Apr 2015 · 500
you and i
Ashley Day Apr 2015
flannel shirts and silent stares
knees touch lightly under the table
everyone around knows
but we exist in our own separate world
a bubble unbroken by their expectations
we are what we are
no rules
just the ebb and flow of our breaths
in perfect symmetry
Apr 2015 · 891
do not forgive me
Ashley Day Apr 2015
do not tell me you forgive me
for those worlds i said at 3 am
forgiveness implies that i am sorry

but what should i be sorry for

for telling you the truth
or for making you see it

because yes
you are everything i called you
of that, i am certain

you thought you could shoot the poison into my heart
and leave without a trace
and that i would still be here waiting for you

but you thought wrong

your poison made me stronger
made me stop caring about you

i don't care if one day, you simply stop existing

but do not
forgive me
comments and constructive criticism welcome!
Apr 2015 · 682
Ashley Day Apr 2015
sunlight's first ray turns gold
every leaf and rock it touches
transforms my imagination
from stone to a raging ocean

i feel the earth beneath me
its heart pulsing with life
and know that with the sun and stars
i might be saved tonight
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Ashley Day Apr 2015
my strings are broken
and my heart is out of tune
so don't let me go tonight
maybe tomorrow, in the light of day,
i'll be able to mend myself
if not, set me sail on a paper boat
down an open stream so i may close
Apr 2015 · 421
Ashley Day Apr 2015
clouds too far away
i can see them
i know they are there
buy i do not know how to get there
i burned every bridge i ever crossed
bombed the only staircase leading up
now from the myriad leading down
demons fly up
poised to strike
they drag me down
i fall too far

Apr 2015 · 20.2k
Ashley Day Apr 2015
the Eyes are the window to the Soul
a tinted window, perhaps
or one with the shutters Tightly drawn
a shattered window
a window into an Empty room
or one so cluttered there is no where to Begin

maybe the window tells us more than what is Inside
Apr 2015 · 420
Ashley Day Apr 2015
Depression feels like Nothing at all
and Anxiety feels like the entire World
Crashing down upon you at One moment

but having them Together
is stepping on a Landmine every Morning when you wake Up
spending the rest of the Day
Trying to sew yourself Back together
only to be blown Apart the following morning
Drunk from countless hours of insomnia

there comes a Time when you just run Out of thread

in the spring of my sophomore Year
my Mind went on a civil War against my Body
and yes, there was blood
and there Were casualties
i lost my innocence
my Faith in the World
my ability to Trust

i strapped myself into a roller coaster that Only went up
or so i thought
when one Day i looked down and Saw
that the track had disappeared Beneath me

i Fell into free fall
down alice's rabbit hole
i knew there would be an End and that i would hit it hard
but i didn't know When
i could not see through the Darkness that had enveloped Me

i fell hard

there are still Scars
on my Heart and my Mind from that fated fall
scars that still Bleed when you pull the skin around them

they say that Time heals all wounds
but what if my Watch is broken?

— The End —