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Set fire to my heart,
So my mind can see clearly.

Its ashes be so sparse,
That my judgement isn't cloudy.

Don't let embers fly off like fireflies,
Lest they spark my mind wrongly.

And lastly, please bury its ashes far away,
As its loss, too painful a memory.
Sometimes you're unsure of why you're even hurting. But you are. And most the times, it remains a battle between the heart and the mind. One overridden with logic. The other with emotion.
To them, i should always be the quiet, sweet classmate.
I shouldn't be found out, my identity as a poet with loud and brutally honest words.
To them, i should always be the obedient, happy daughter.
I shouldn't be found out, my soul weeping at their fights.
To them, i should be a normal, boring college student.
I shouldn't be found out, my great aspirations and my dean's lister's grades.
To me, i should be whoever i want to be.
But i can't find myself and figure it out.
 Jan 2015 Aparajhitha Sudarsan
Tell her she's beautiful
Make sure you tell her every day
Even if she's in her sloppiest sweats and her baggiest sweater
Tell her she's beautiful
And mean it
She won't believe you
But never stop reminding her

Do your best to make her laugh
God she's beautiful when she's laughing
The way her nose wrinkles and her eyes squint
And when she shows that smile
You'll wish she'd never stop

Hold her tight when she cries
She hates showing it
When she has no one else be the one to hold her together
Make sure she never breaks
Squeeze her tight
Let her mascara ruin your shirt
Kiss her on the head let her know
It's going to be okay

She'll wake you up from naps
Just because she wants to spend time with you awake
She'll call you when she's drunk
Because she doesn't know whats going on and needs to hear your voice
She's going to love bothering you
All because she thinks it's cute when you're mad

She makes funny noises at the most inappropriate times
And she dances around the house and pretends to know what she's doing
She's a child sometimes I swear
But you'll learn to love it

Pick her up and kiss her
Kiss her
Like it's the last time
Every time
Look into her eyes
God she has gorgeous eyes
When you try she'll look away because she's shy
But should you get the chance
You'll fall deeper every time

Remind her you love her
And show her with every way possible
Sometimes she'll doubt it
But that's never an excuse to stop
Do whatever you can to put the doubts to rest

She can be a handful
Sometimes a bit too much
But never let her go

A painful memory
i love you.
and no i don't mean,
i love you, like i'm trying to make empty conversation.
more vacant than the mailbox of the widow next door,
who hasn't left the house in eight years because the sunlight's embrace still feels like his.
i've never been one for small talk.

i love you
and no i don't mean,
i love you - like it's february 14th and i'm thirsty for someone to tell me i'm beautiful,
so i'd sell my soul to you
and stain your bitter lips with my name.

"i love you"
but you won't call me back next week
because i gazed in to your eyes like you were oxygen and i was struggling to breathe.
rather than you were a poem painted across the sky
that i was dying to read.
an excited grin flirting with my rosy lips, entangled with elation.

i mean *i love you

like my eyes become the north star when you laugh,
i see your face etched between the stanzas of love poems,
and i hear your voice in the wind's autumn serenade.

i mean i love you
like i'm a fifty year old alcoholic with wine stains on my carpet
and i'd still choose you over that bottle of liquid elation in the cabinet.
here i am. stumbling on my words,
choking on the poetry weaved into your smile.

and "i love you" -
the sun's fiery kiss against my skin
reminds me of yours.
and when my bones age, and your presence fades into the horizon like daytime's end.
your absence will burn like cherry wine flirting in the back of my throat.
i may fear sunlight too.

i love you.

I really do.
I remember clearly
Whispering as the stars aligned
Those three empowering words
Before the world exploded

I remember clearly
The sincerity in your voice
When you promised the very same
Before the world changed

I remember clearly
As you leaned in to kiss me
How our breaths became one
Before our worlds intertwined

I remember clearly
Every single sensation within
That rendered me numb
As we created our own world
He's discovered and anticipated my flaws,
and yet he still remains.
He remembers.
Don't think for a second that you're the one to blame,
Because since that day things just haven't felt the same.
Perhaps you should let me go,
Since I've been doing the same.
Losing someone slowly *****,
No matter their relation,
Especially when you notice it.
Visions of vengeance on my mind
Awoke a past's persuasive ghost
Like a parasite disposes it's host
I left her loving soul behind

Hearing this demon's wicked rants
My resistance caved to thoughts provoked
Her love inside me I have choked
With these bare trembling hands

My restless spirit keen to elope
Now indulges in all luscious leisure
Yet looking for a hidden treasure
With a face not showing idle hope
The tragedy of breaking something pure, because you are broken
Your eyes first brushed
Against my scorched soul
Panic stricken I turned away
Fearing that the supernova
Raging in your dark pupils
Would set my sky on fire

Light years away
An abyss in my heart
Obscured by dark matter
Ached for your inferno
Burning the scar tissue
Of my heart atop a pyre
When I figured out after many years, that a person I admired and loved, had felt the same for me during all this time.
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