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 Jan 2015 Aparajhitha Sudarsan
We lost ourselves in each other.
I can't stand on your two feet anymore and I can feel your heartbeat clearly.
Do you feel mine?
Because I don't remember breathing.
stay gone please stay gone

Wrapped in a corset
Made from society
Unable to be free
Suppressing my identity

I mask my personality
With everyone else
But it is only around you
That I can be myself

Who else will I unravel to
At the end of the day?
For only you,
Actually listen to what I say

And only you
Judge me not
With your bold presence
Marking each room
With your personal essence

I follow your every move
With great admiration
You give hope to the quiet ones
With courageous inspiration

And where would I be
If God had not gifted you to me?
And how would I survive
Without you in my life?

Sometimes I swear
You're the older one
With wisdom so deep
You were born to stun

Taking no for an answer
Is not an option for you
And you stand your ground
Regardless of what they do

So I'll sit back and aspire
To be as rooted as you
With you alongside me
This world will make do
Dedicated to my sister and best friend in the whole world. My other half. Love you always, Sarah.
 Jan 2015 Aparajhitha Sudarsan
She ran into the forest.
They detested her,
even if she just did her best.
She found a spot, under a tree.
Dots of silver teased her,
"Come, see me."
With sweaty hands,
she picked with a swift gesture.
She held, it collapsed,
"What could I've done wrong?"
She took another, this time with caveat.
Still, it fell apart, in a usual format.

"Am I that destructive?"
She asked herself.

"No. Look."

The steady beads of pearls were, dancing?
Piles of rubble lifted to the sky,
like stars in the early morning.
The wind lingered, blew them quite gently
Magnificence is painted around the vivid scene she's seeing.
She inhaled every beauty.
Then, exhaled every shattered dream.

"You're right, whoever you are,
There's still beauty in breaking."
For those who are misunderstood
There once was a boy who loved the moon,
He wasn't liked the rest.
For him, the girls would swoon,
Devotion proved a test.

The girls would come and go,
All with broken hearts.
"I hate you, boy" he said, "I know",
Bluntness was his art.

Then she came and made him feel,
He knew it'd be his doom.
But when they kissed, it felt so real..
He considered becoming a groom.

Then one day she decided to leave,
The boy didn't know what to do,
Without the girl he couldn't breathe.
He thought she felt that way too..

Finally one night, he figured it out,
But it wasn't something to boon.
He was sure, without a doubt,
She was the girl who loved the moon.
What goes around, comes around.
She found me.
I fell for her.
But she, she did not.

Says she Loves Me
but Not In Love with Me.
But she wants me to stay.

Because she is scared.
Scared to fall stupidly in love again.
Scared to get Lost in me.

And I sit at my kitchen counter
With my 7th glass of wine in my hand
And I wonder, WHY?
Why I am denied to be in that place.
That sacred place of fountain of Love with her.

Wondering if its all fair.
To choose the one to Love who wants to Love but with a Piece of her.
But for me to give My All
There’s a place on my neck that he used to kiss. As soon as his lips would press against my flesh, and his breathing would echo in my ear I would go numb in the best of ways. He would run his fingers through my hair and silence the demons that hide behind my eyes, only for a moment, but a moment was just long enough for me. I miss those days when the sun was up, but we weren’t, when my hair would fan out across his chest and his fingers would trace lines across my hips. I never understood what it meant when he would cling to me like he was poisoned and I was the anecdote until I was the one who was gasping for air and he had already slipped away. I crave him like I crave the breath of smoke in my lungs after I exhale a drag from a cigarette. He’s far away now, off in his own mind even as I sit beside him. His eyes rarely find mine anymore, mostly because that’s where he read the “I love you’s” my lips could never form. I never wonder if he misses me because I’m too afraid to find what the answer could possibly be. No matter how many hello’s follow the most certain part of goodbye is the underlying tone that means it will be forever.
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