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 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
What you give, you will receive.
You give hatred to another, hatred would come back.
You give love, love would be given back to you.
It works in such mysterious ways, this system.
You give hatred to God, you still get love back...
I love that...
eventually though, it would not end well if you just keep hating on God.
Nope. It will not end well.....not well at all...
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
why are you so unsure about your feelings?
so wary about who you commit to?
recent events.
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
i want to hug you
to caress your cheeks as i kiss you

i want to play with you
to laugh at meaningless jokes and stupid things

i want to support you
to be there when you need someone

i want to hold your body in my hands
to have every inch of you to be mine

i don't know who you are
recent events.
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
the city
truly beautiful and glowing
clad in a smoggy haze
the city
thinks it's not beautiful
it's opinion obscured
by the smoggy haze

the girl
truly beautiful and glowing
boys telling her she's gross
the girl
thinks she's not beautiful
her opinion obscured
by the boys telling her she's gross
recent events.
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
The unmerited favor of God, given to us, for free.
We didn't earn it.
We didn't deserve it.
The free gift of God! Thank you God :)
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
This fakeness is driving me mad.
This hypocrisy is faithless, destructive and deceptive.
Tear all these layers of fake, rip it apart and cast it away.
The convincing face of a phony, deceptive man,
tricking many to follow the wrong path, to the wrong land.

What's fake will fade away.
What can be shaken would all die and be burnt, cast to the side.
I hope they do.
You shouldn't be a fake.
Or your destiny would be written down, carved into stone, as real and true as ever.
Be real.
That's the best. Forever.
stay true! Tell the truth! Be true!
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
I want to love him more then I love life.
I want to be devoted to him.
I want to love him more than anything.
That when I die, I would be with him, in heaven.
That I would hear him say " Well done son, you did your job, you have pleased me and made me proud."
That is what I want to be.
That is what I want in my life.
The Him refers to God actually. And I really want this.
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
Simply hearing is not enough.
Simply reading is not enough.
If you don't do it, what is the point?
If you don't act out what you hear or read, what is the point?
The knowledge you gained would just be sitting in your mind,
rotting away, and soon, forgotten.
Simply reading the Word,
Simply hearing the Word of God would not help.
Maybe for a day, it would.
Maybe it will help but not on its full power.
and Forgotten if you don't act and be doers of what you hear, what you read.
Especially in God's Word...
i don't know. I would probably write another one based on this title. Not sure yet. Please give me feedback!
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
i do
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
i know.
i know you have a crack on your face.
i know you have been hurt.
people probably said it was just part of life,
a phase.
but really, you knew better.
i knew better.
i could see beyond that mask of yours.
that mask of yours that's painted white.
with a smile. how polite.
i could see the dark spaces on your face.
how many secrets did you keep in there?
those secrets they are killing you in the inside.
eating your life away.
slowly, you fade away.
a facade masking your despair.
no one seems to care.
i know.
i do.
and many others too.
i guess we have to raise the awareness of depression and many other things that are just horrible and its killing people in the inside that is leading then to express it on the outside.
 Jun 2018 a M b 3 R
Thread by Thread, sowing light.
O so white, gloriously bright.

Like the Sun, hanging up high, shining brightly.
My Spirit soaring, my faith growing. The Passion burning.

A black canvas can be painted white.
Dark skies can still be streaked with light.

I don't know about you, but I will be wearing light.
The fire within burning bright. The light inside, never to be put out.
So wearing light is like wearing, showing other people the light that is within you. Hope, Love, Joy. To be spreading all those to other people. No matter where they are. The Passion is the passion for God, Jesus, to work for him, the desire to be with him. The passion to bring everyone back to God.
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